51,476 research outputs found
Catalog of meteorites in the collections of Arizona State University, including the Nininger Meteorite Collection
Catalog of meteorites in Arizona State University collectio
Quasar Microlensing at High Magnification and the Role of Dark Matter: Enhanced Fluctuations and Suppressed Saddlepoints
Contrary to naive expectation, diluting the stellar component of the lensing
galaxy in a highly magnified system with smoothly distributed ``dark'' matter
increases rather than decreases the microlensing fluctuations caused by the
remaining stars. For a bright pair of images straddling a critical curve, the
saddlepoint (of the arrival time surface) is much more strongly affected than
the associated minimum. With a mass ratio of smooth matter to microlensing
matter of 4:1, a saddlepoint with a macro-magnification of mu = 9.5 will spend
half of its time more than a magnitude fainter than predicted. The anomalous
flux ratio observed for the close pair of images in MG0414+0534 is a factor of
five more likely than computed by Witt, Mao and Schechter if the smooth matter
fraction is as high as 93%. The magnification probability histograms for
macro-images exhibit distinctly different structure that varies with the smooth
matter content, providing a handle on the smooth matter fraction. Enhanced
fluctuations can manifest themselves either in the temporal variations of a
lightcurve or as flux ratio anomalies in a single epoch snapshot of a multiply
imaged system. While the millilensing simulations of Metcalf and Madau also
give larger anomalies for saddlepoints than for minima, the effect appears to
be less dramatic for extended subhalos than for point masses. Morever,
microlensing is distinguishable from millilensing because it will produce
noticeable changes in the magnification on a time scale of a decade or less.Comment: As accepted for publication in ApJ. 17 pages. Substantial revisions
include a discussion of constant M/L models and the calculation of a
"photometric" dark matter fraction for MG0414+053
A new comparison between solid-state thermionics and thermoelectrics
It is shown that equations for electrical current in solid-state thermionic
and thermoelectric devices converge for devices with a width equal to the mean
free path of electrons, yielding a common expression for intensive electronic
efficiency in the two types of devices. This result is used to demonstrate that
the materials parameters for thermionic and thermoelectric devices are equal,
rather than differing by a multiplicative factor as previously thought
The lens and source of the optical Einstein ring gravitational lens ER 0047-2808
(Abridged) We perform a detailed analysis of the optical gravitational lens
ER 0047-2808 imaged with WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope. Using software
specifically designed for the analysis of resolved gravitational lens systems,
we focus on how the image alone can constrain the mass distribution in the lens
galaxy. We find the data are of sufficient quality to strongly constrain the
lens model with no a priori assumptions about the source. Using a variety of
mass models, we find statistically acceptable results for elliptical
isothermal-like models with an Einstein radius of 1.17''. An elliptical
power-law model (Sigma \propto R^-beta) for the surface mass density favours a
slope slightly steeper than isothermal with beta = 1.08 +/- 0.03. Other models
including a constant M/L, pure NFW halo and (surprisingly) an isothermal sphere
with external shear are ruled out by the data. We find the galaxy light profile
can only be fit with a Sersic plus point source model. The resulting total
M/L_B contained within the images is 4.7 h_65 +/-0.3. In addition, we find the
luminous matter is aligned with the total mass distribution within a few
degrees. The source, reconstructed by the software, is revealed to have two
bright regions, with an unresolved component inside the caustic and a resolved
component straddling a fold caustic. The angular size of the entire source is
approx. 0.1'' and its (unlensed) Lyman-alpha flux is 3 x 10^-17 erg/s/cm^2.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Revised version accepted for publication in
Modeling the evolution of infrared luminous galaxies: the influence of the Luminosity-Temperature distribution
The evolution of the luminous infrared galaxy population is explored using a
pure luminosity evolution model which incorporates the locally observed
luminosity-temperature distribution for IRAS galaxies. Pure luminosity
evolution models in a fixed CDM cosmology are fitted to submillimeter
(submm) and infrared counts, and backgrounds. It is found that the differences
between the locally determined bivariate model and the single variable
luminosity function (LF) do not manifest themselves in the observed counts, but
rather are primarily apparent in the dust temperatures of sources in flux
limited surveys. Statistically significant differences in the redshift
distributions are also observed. The bivariate model is used to predict the
counts, redshifts and temperature distributions of galaxies detectable by {\it
Spitzer}. The best fitting model is compared to the high-redshift submm galaxy
population, revealing a median redshift for the total submm population of
, in good agreement with recent spectroscopic studies of
submillimeter galaxies. The temperature distribution for the submm galaxies is
modeled to predict the radio/submm indices of the submm galaxies, revealing
that submm galaxies exhibit a broader spread in spectral energy distributions
than seen in the local IRAS galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Quality of several figures reduced
due to size restriction
A Molecular Einstein Ring: Imaging a Starburst Disk Surrounding a Quasi-Stellar Object
Images of the CO 2-1 line emission, and the radio continuum emission, from
the redshift 4.12 gravitationally lensed quasi-stellar object (QSO) PSS
J2322+1944 reveal an Einstein ring with a diameter of 1.5". These observations
are modeled as a star forming disk surrounding the QSO nucleus with a radius of
2 kpc. The implied massive star formation rate is 900 M_sun/year. At this rate
a substantial fraction of the stars in a large elliptical galaxy could form on
a dynamical time scale of 10^8 years. The observation of active star formation
in the host galaxy of a high-redshift QSO supports the hypothesis of coeval
formation of supermassive black holes and stars in spheroidal galaxies.Comment: 12 pages. to appear in Science, April 200
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