24 research outputs found
Left Heart Parameters by COPD Severity.
<p>LV; left ventricular, LA; left atrial.</p><p>*ANOVA comparing mild, moderate, moderately severe.</p
Patient Characteristics.
<p>FVC; forced vital capacity, FEV<sub>1</sub>; forced expiratory volume in 1 second, ratio; FEV<sub>1</sub>/FVC ratio, TLC; total lung capacity, FRC; functional residual capacity, RV; residual volume, DLCO; diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide, 6MWD; six minute walk distance, MMRC; modified medical research council, BODE; <u>B</u>ody mass index, degree of <u>O</u>bstruction (FEV<sub>1</sub>), <u>D</u>yspnea score (MMRC scale), <u>E</u>xercise capacity (six minute walk distance).</p
Comparison of Diastolic Function.
<p>BMI; body mass index, FVC; forced vital capacity, FEV1; forced expiratory volume in one second, Ratio; FEV1/FVC ratio, TLC; total lung capacity, RV; residual volume, DLCO; diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide, O2; oxygen.</p
Right Heart Parameters by COPD Severity.
<p>RV; right ventricular, TR; tricuspid regurgitant jet peak velocity, PASP; pulmonary artery systolic pressure, TAPSE; tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion.</p><p>*ANOVA comparing mild, moderate, moderately severe.</p
The correlation between right ventricular echocardiographic parameters and six minute walk distance.
<p>Panel 2A: The correlation between right atrial area (cm<sup>2</sup>) and six minute walk distance (meters); (r = −0.4, p = 0.002). Panel 2B: The correlation between right ventricular wall thickness (cm) and six minute walk distance (meters); (r = −0.4, p = 0.002).</p
The correlation between right ventricular echocardiographic parameters and pulmonary artery systolic pressure estimates.
<p>Panel 1A: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right ventricular wall thickness (cm). Panel 1B: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right ventricular basilar diameter (cm). Panel 1C: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right atrial area (cm<sup>2</sup>). Panel 1D: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right ventricular end diastolic area (cm<sup>2</sup>).</p
Summary of the population from CARDIA included in the present analysis.
<p>Summary of the population from CARDIA included in the present analysis.</p
Adjusted loss of FVC and FEV<sub>1</sub> from year 5 to year 20 across race-sex specific quartiles of year 7 fibrinogen and CRP as well as linear regression coefficients for fibrinogen and log-transformed CRP as continuous variables.<sup>*</sup>
<p>*Adjusted for center, race-sex group, age, age-squared, height, and height-squared at year 20 <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0011431#pone.0011431-Hankinson1" target="_blank">[19]</a>, BMI at the time of fibrinogen or CRP measurement, change in waist circumference from year 7 to year 20, cumulative pack-years of cigarette smoking, and year 5 lung function.</p>†<p>Multivariable linear regression coefficient for the prediction of change in lung function from year 5 to year 20 by year 7 fibrinogen or CRP</p
Spearman rank correlation coefficients between year 7 and year 20 fibrinogen and CRP measurements.<sup>*</sup>
<p>*P<0.001 for each correlation coefficient shown.</p
Characteristics of the subjects included in this analysis at the time of fibrinogen and CRP (year 7) measurement.<sup>a</sup>
a<p>Fibrinogen expressed in mg/dL, CRP expressed in µg/mL.</p