8,340 research outputs found
Prompt photon, Drell-Yan and Bethe-Heitler processes in hard photoproduction
We present prospects and requirements for the study at HERA of hard photon
processes which generate high photons in the final state, and processes
which generate Drell-Yan lepton pairs.Comment: 6 pages, 3 embedded figures. To appear in the proceedings of the
workshop "Future physics at HERA
Dissipation of Quantum Turbulence in the Zero Temperature Limit
Turbulence, produced by an impulsive spin-down from angular velocity Omega to
rest of a cube-shaped container, is investigated in superfluid 4He at
temperatures 0.08 K - 1.6 K. The density of quantized vortex lines L is
measured by scattering negative ions. Homogeneous turbulence develops after
time t of approximately 20 \Omega and decays as L proportional to t^(-3/2). The
corresponding energy flux epsilon = nu' (kappa L)^2, which is proportional to
t^(-3), is characteristic of quasi-classical turbulence at high Re with a
saturated energy-containing length. The effective kinematic viscosity in the
T=0 limit is nu' = 0.003 kappa, where kappa=10^(-3) cm^2 / s is the circulation
quantum.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Updated following referees comment
Making the Best of Polymers with SulfurâNitrogen Bonds: From Sources to Innovative Materials
Polymers with sulfurânitrogen bonds have been underestimated for a long time, although the intrinsic characteristics of these polymers offer a myriad of superior properties (e.g., degradation, flame retardancy, filmâforming ability, good solubility in polar solvents, and high refractivity with small chromatic dispersions, among other things) compared to their carbon analogues. The remarkable characteristics of these polymers result from the unique chemical properties of the sulfurânitrogen bond (e.g., its polar character and the multiple valence states of sulfur), and thus open excellent perspectives for the development of innovative (bio)materials. Accordingly, this review describes the most common chemical approaches toward the efficient synthesis of these ubiquitous polymers possessing diverse sulfurânitrogen bonds, and furthermore highlights their applications in multiple fields, ranging from biomedicine to energy storage, with the aim of providing an informative perspective on challenges facing the synthesis of sulfurânitrogen polymers with desirable properties
Influence of antidysbiotic drugs on the liver of rats with experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
High-fat diets combined with the introduction of lincomycin causes the development of steatohepatitis. Introduction antidysbiotic drugs (pro- and prebiotics) has a therapeutic effect
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