6 research outputs found
Multiple solutions of coupled-cluster equations for PPP model of [10]annulene
Multiple (real) solutions of the CC equations (corresponding to the CCD, ACP
and ACPQ methods) are studied for the PPP model of [10]annulene, C_{10}H_{10}.
The long-range electrostatic interactions are represented either by the
Mataga--Nishimoto potential, or Pople's R^{-1} potential. The multiple
solutions are obtained in a quasi-random manner, by generating a pool of
starting amplitudes and applying a standard CC iterative procedure combined
with Pulay's DIIS method. Several unexpected features of these solutions are
uncovered, including the switching between two CCD solutions when moving
between the weakly and strongly correlated regime of the PPP model with Pople's
potential.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX
Second-order electronic correlation effects in a one-dimensional metal
The Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model of a single-band one-dimensional (1D)
metal is studied at the Hartree-Fock level, and by using the second-order
perturbation theory of the electronic correlation. The PPP model provides an
extension of the Hubbard model by properly accounting for the long-range
character of the electron-electron repulsion. Both finite and infinite version
of the 1D-metal model are considered within the PPP and Hubbard approximations.
Calculated are the second-order electronic-correlation corrections to the total
energy, and to the electronic-energy bands. Our results for the PPP model of 1D
metal show qualitative similarity to the coupled-cluster results for the 3D
electron-gas model. The picture of the 1D-metal model that emerges from the
present study provides a support for the hypothesis that the normal metallic
state of the 1D metal is different from the ground state.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures; v2: small correction in title, added 3
references, extended and reformulated a few paragraphs (detailed information
at the end of .tex file); added color to figure
On Conformal Infinity and Compactifications of the Minkowski Space
Using the standard Cayley transform and elementary tools it is reiterated
that the conformal compactification of the Minkowski space involves not only
the "cone at infinity" but also the 2-sphere that is at the base of this cone.
We represent this 2-sphere by two additionally marked points on the Penrose
diagram for the compactified Minkowski space. Lacks and omissions in the
existing literature are described, Penrose diagrams are derived for both,
simple compactification and its double covering space, which is discussed in
some detail using both the U(2) approach and the exterior and Clifford algebra
methods. Using the Hodge * operator twistors (i.e. vectors of the
pseudo-Hermitian space H_{2,2}) are realized as spinors (i.e., vectors of a
faithful irreducible representation of the even Clifford algebra) for the
conformal group SO(4,2)/Z_2. Killing vector fields corresponding to the left
action of U(2) on itself are explicitly calculated. Isotropic cones and
corresponding projective quadrics in H_{p,q} are also discussed. Applications
to flat conformal structures, including the normal Cartan connection and
conformal development has been discussed in some detail.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures, late