15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tepung Tanaman Meniran Terhadap Aktivitas Antimikroba Bakteri Asam Laktat Dan Escherichia Coli

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    The study was conducted to identify the effect of meniran plant powder (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) on microorganism activity (Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Escherichia coli). The LAB extract was put in De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) medium and the Escherichia coli extract was put in E-Coli Medium (EM). The pure culture LAB and Escherichia coli was used to identify the effect of meniran plant powder (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) using diffusion method. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments (P0= aquadest 100%, P1= antibiotic 100%, P2= meniran plant powder 0%, P3= meniran plant powder 50%, P4= meniran plant powder 75% and P5= meniran plant powder 100%). Variables in this research were inhibition of BAL and Escherichia coli. The study used a Nested Completely Randomized Design and if there were different effects among the treatments it would be then followed by a Duncan\u27s Multiple Range test. The study showed that the use of meniran plant powder (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) had a significant effect on inhibition of BAL and Escherichia coli (P<0.01)

    The Legend of Kemaro Island for Supporting Students in Learning Average

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    This research is aimed to determine the role of Indonesian folklorecontext namely the Legend of Kemaro Island in supporting averagelearning on 6 grade students with Pendidikan Matematika RealistikIndonesia (PMRI) approach. The method used is a design research thatcontains three stage namely preliminary design, teaching experiment,and retrospective analysis. Results from the research shows thatIndonesian folklore context can support students to develop theirknowledge in the concept of average. Strategy and model (emergentmodeling) that students discover, describe and discuss the constructionor contribution shows how students can use to help their initialunderstanding of the concept of average

    Beberapa Faktor Risiko Kejadian Penyakit Ginjal Kronik (PGK) Stadium V pada Kelompok Usia Kurang dari 50 Tahun (Studi di RSUD Dr.H.Soewondo Kendal dan RSUD Dr.Adhyatma,MPH Semarang)

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    Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) stage V is an end-stage chronic kidney disease characterized by glomerular filtration rate less than 15 mL /min /1.73 m2 and require dialysis therapy. The purpose of this study to prove risk factors the occurrence of CKD Vin the age group of less than 50 years. Method: This study was a mixed method, case-control studies design were inforced with indepht interview. Total respondents were 124 (62 cases and 62 controls) that taken by consecutive sampling. Research instrument was a questionnaire interview. Data analysis using univariate, bivariate (chi-square) and multivariate (logistic regression). Result: The variables that proved to be a risk factor for CKD V in the age group of less than 50 years were supplement energy drink consumption > 4 times/week (p=0.038; 95%CI = 1.063-7.944; OR=2.905), smoking ≥ 10 ciggarets/day (p=0.011; 95%CI=1.384-11.920; OR=4.061), and herbal medicine consumption > 4 times/week (p=0.007; 95%CI=1.431-9.949; OR=3.773). Variables that not proved were the consumption of coffee, supplements of vitamin C, soft drinks, alcohol, and NSAIDs. Qualitative results stated that the respondents consumed energy drink supplements to increase their stamina, smoke because it has become a habit, and consume herbal medicines because seen more natural and cure the sciatica fastly.Conclusion: Risk factors for the occurrence of CKD V in the age group of less than 50 years were the supplement energy drink consumption> 4 times/week, smoking ≥ 10 ciggarets/day, and the consumption of herbal medicine> 4 times/week

    Faktor Risiko Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Diabetes (PGK-DM) pada Diabetes Mellitus Tipe-2 (Studi di RSUD DR Soedarso Kota Pontianak Provinsi Kalimantan Barat)

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    Background: Prevalence of type-2 diabetes mellitus have increased significantly. The increasing number of people with diabetes has a major impact on the development of chronic diabetic kidney disease. The research was aimed to clarify several risk factors of chronic diabetic kidney disease on type-2 diabetes mellitus (CDK-DM).Method: The research was based on case control study design. The number of respondents was 140 respondents consisting 70 cases and 70 controls that met the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The cases were patients with type-2 chronic diabetic kidney disease stadium 2-5. The controls were patients with type-2 chronic diabetic kidney disease with blood sugar levels ≥ 200 mg / dL. The data were then analyzed using logistic regression.Results: The result shows that risk factors of chronic diabetic kidney disease in type-2 diabetes mellitus are diabetes in family (OR = 6,732; 95% CI = 2,623- 17,276), high blood pressure (OR = 6,760; 95% CI = 2,190- 20,867), lack of physical activities (OR = 4,367 95% CI = 1,823-10,462) and lack of family support (OR = 4,203; 95% CI = 1,437-12,295). The probability of chronic diabetic kidney disease occurrence in type-2 diabetes mellitus when four risk factors exist are 96,71%.Conclusion: The host factors have important role of chronic diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus . The factors proven to be risk factors for occurrence of chronic diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus were diabetic in the family, Hipertension, poor physical exercise and family Support

    Investigating the Act of Design in Discharge Concept Using Pmri

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    The goal of this research is to investigate the act of design in discharge concept using Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) approach with Lapindo's Mud phenomenon as a context. Design research was chosen as method used in this research that consist of three phases, namely preparing for the experiment, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. Based on the result of investigating from findings and the data obtained in this research, it can be concluded that the use of instructional design using PMRI can support students' understanding in learning the concept of discharge. Observing activities Lapindo mud photos, watching videos Lapindo mud, observing miniature discharge of Lapindo mud, volume of water and time of data collection are needed, and finding discharge of Lapindo mud are conducted in this research

    Sistem Pengering Tempat Telur Karton yang Ada di Atas Troli secara Otomatis

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    Penelitian ini bermaksud meneliti suatu sistem pengering tempat telur karton yang bekerja secara otomatis. Sistem menggunakan mikrokontroler AVR ATMEGA8535. Sistem pengering ini terdiri atas beberapa bagian yaitu sistem pemantau cuaca, eggtray, dan sistem pengerak. Pada sistem penggerak terdapat troli untuk memindahkan tempat telur dari gudang ke lapangan penjemuran atau sebalikya. Troli-troli tersebut akan ditarik dengan menggunakan sebuah motor DC. Dalam sistem ini juga digunakan sensor cahaya dan sensor suhu untuk memantau keadaan cuaca. Sensor cahaya diletakkan pada tempat penjemuran. Sensor suhu digunakan sebagai pendukung sensor cahaya dan berfungsi mengukur suhu udara. Kedua sensor tersebut akan memantau keadaan cuaca. Dari informasi inilah, sistem akan menentukan posisi troli-troli penjemur. Selain itu sistem ini dapat mendeteksi kering atau tidaknya tempat telur yang dijemur. Hal tersebut dapat diketahui dari besarnya kadar air yang terkandung di dalam tempat telur berdasarkan berat tempat telur yang diukur dengan menggunakan sensor berat. Sistem juga dilengkapi sebuah LCD untuk menampilkan informasi tentang keadaan cuaca. Pada sistem ini terdapat dua mode yaitu mode otomatis dan mode manual. Pada mode otomatis, sistem bekerja dengan memantau terlebih dahulu keadaan cuaca di tempat penjemuran. Troli akan dimasukkan kembali ke gudang apabila, cuaca terdeteksi mendung atau tempat telur yang sedang dijemur telah kering

    Perilaku Reptilia Ketika Gerhana Matahari Parsial di PASTY YOGYAKARTA

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    Perilaku Reptilia di Pasar Aneka Satwa & Tanaman Hias Yogyakarta diamati ketika peristiwa gerhana matahari parsial pada 9 Maret 2016. Faktor lingkungan seperti intensitas cahaya, suhu, dan kelembaban udara diamati dan dicatat. Perilaku Kura-Kura, Biawak, dan Ular diamati dengan metode focal point sampling. Ular cenderung memiliki pergerakan yang terbatas, sedangkan biawak dan kura-kura diam sejenak. Perbedaan perilaku reptilia ketika gerhana matahari sebagian ditentukan oleh jenisnya dan faktor lain yang berbeda-beda

    Penerapan Pendekatan PMRI pada Sistem Persamaan Linear Tiga Variabel

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) pada topik Sistem Persamaan Linear Tiga Variabel (SPLTV) siswa kelas X SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan rancangan pembelajaran "One Shot Case Study". Siswa kelas X SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo sebanyak 15 siswa dipilih sebagai partisipan. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar tes hasil belajar siswa dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan metode tes. Kriteria keberhasilan terlihat dari keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran yang mencapai 70% yang berarti secara umum siswa terlibat aktif dana pembelajaran, dan ketuntasan hasil belajar yang mencapai 86,67% dengan kriteria yang sangat baik yang berarti sebagian besar siswa mampu mencapai hasil belajar yang baik pada materi SPLT

    Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes on the Thesis Abstracts

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    An analysis of derivational and inflectional morpheme has great values because sometimes, learners face difficulties in understanding those morphemes. Dealing with this problem, this study was aimed to describe the types of derivational and inflectional morphemes. As this study analyzed the written documents, this study was identified as library research. Subjects of this study were five alumni of the master of English education study program of STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Documentation and the researcher himself were recognized as the instruments of this study. The data of this study were all words attached by derivational or inflectional morpheme, and all those data were taken from students' research abstracts. In analyzing the data, the researcher used content analysis. The results showed that the researcher found and discussed two types of derivational morpheme namely derivational prefix (“-un” and “-in”) and derivational suffix (“-ion”, “-al”, “-ance”, “-er”, “-ive”, “-ity”, “-able”, “-ary”, and “-ly”). However, the researcher found and discussed 5 types of inflectional morpheme covering: plural (-s), possessive (-s' or ‘s), present (-s or -es), past (-ed), and present participle (-ing)