76 research outputs found
Shopping Online Sebagai Gaya Hidup
The use of internet communication technology can make the world as if in one hand makes electronicbusiness with the concept of Online Shopping at its peak in recent years along with the development ofcommunication technologies over theInternet.How to shop online by using the internet through computers andmobile devices is increasingly popular smartphone can even be said to have become a trend today.Variousconvenience of shopping be the main thing to offer, with enough gadgets available in the home, anyone canalready shop.This study wants to describe the interpretation of the meaning of Online Shopping as lifestyle andobserve several aspects into consideration.Using the media theory of Neil Postman (1992) inStraubhaar et.all(2012: 50) that emphasizes the social system in promoting the culture of technology and dominating also JacquesEllul (1990) which argues that technological developments lead to social dominance and reinforced with thetheory of consumer behavior. Using Interpretive paradigm and descriptive qualitative study,this research found:(1) the perpetrators of online shopping informants know enough about understanding online shop, their educationabove the high school and already has information about online shopping (2) Online shopping for them is not aslifestyle needs in shopping (3) Sources of information based on the experience of friends and environment (4) theage and tastes play a role in making purchasing decisions (5) Encouraged perform online activities from previousoffender (6) the learning process when starting an online shopping activity in addition to the experience of friends,komentardarida wall (7) online shopping is the fulfillment of which provide convenience, practicality, conveniencealready enjoyed today. The study recommends that Internet presence is intended to have all the information neededin people\u27s lives can be accessed quickly, easily and inexpensively. The decision is a personal choice, but thechoice that brings benefits to individuals and society is certainly a wise decision
Arang Aktif Sekam Padi Sebagai Bahan Pengisi Kompon Sol Karet
The aim of this research was to investigate the properties of activated carbon from rice husk filler in their application on vulcanized rubber soles, and to determine its suitability for rubber compound, the properties of activated carbon from rice husk filler in their application on vulcanized rubber soles, and to determine its suitability for rubber compound, the properties of activated carbon made from rice husk was investigated by comparing with cabon black N 330. Activated carbon made from rice husk was made by carbonization process at temperature of 4500C for 1 hour and activation process with NaCL 4% for 24 hours followed by pyrolysis at temperature 5000C for 1 hour. Filler was milled and sieved by 400 mesh siefter. The research showed that using activated carbon in the amount 20 phr and carbon black N330 40 phr. Fulfill the requirement at SNI : 12-0172-1987 : Canvas shoes sole for general purpose, where as tensile strength 11,24 N/mm2, elongation at break : 699%, tear strength 2,97 N/mm2, hardness : 65,7 shore A, density 1,23 gram/cm2, permanent set 0,10%, abrasion 0,72 mm3/ kgm and flexing at 250 kcs no crack
Penguatan Agroforestri dalam Upaya Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim: Kasus Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah Provinsi Bengkulu
Sistem pengelolaan tanaman di lahan milik dengan pola agroforestri di Provinsi Bengkulu secara tidak langsung merupakan suatu bentuk partisipasi masyarakat untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Agroforestri dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu program dalam Rencana Aksi Daerah (RAD) dalam upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi Perubahan iklim. Metode survey dan wawancara dengan masyarakat digunakan untuk mengetahui tujuan utama masyarakat dalam mengembangkan agroforestri di lahan miliknya serta mengetahui sikap dan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap peran agroforestri dalam upaya mitigasi Perubahan iklim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah mengembangkan pola agroforestri dengan dua atau lebih jenis tanaman karena pola ini lebih menguntungkan dari sisi pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Dari sisi ekonomi, masyarakat mengembangkan tanaman kayu dengan tujuan utama sebagai tabungan masa depan. Sementara itu dari sisi lingkungan, agroforestri memiliki peran penting dalam melindungi flora fauna, menjaga lingkungan, serta mengurangi pemanasan global. Akan tetapi masih banyak juga di antara anggota masyarakat yang belum menyadari akan hal ini, sehingga diperlukan introduksi teknologi dan sosialisasi tentang isu lingkungan kepada masyarakat untuk mempertahankan minat masyarakat dalam mengembangkan agroforestri di Bengkulu Tengah
Pengaruh Layanan Orientasi terhadap Penyesuaian Diri dalam Kegiatan Belajar di Sekolah
This study aimed to describe the effect of the service orientation of the adjustment in learning activities in schools among student of class XI SMA N 5 Pontianak. In this research method used descriptive method, with the form of research studies the relationship. Data collection techniques used indirect communication techniques. Data collection tool is a questionnaire. Data analysis technique used is linear regression analysis and t test. Based on the analysis of data showed that the service orientation of students of class XI SMA N 5 Pontianak reach the achievement of 57,50% moderate. Whereas the adjustment in learning activities in schools among students of class XI SMA N 5 Pontianak reached 66,44% of the achievement moderate. The results of the regression analysis obtained regression line equation Ý=57,831 + 0,202, meaning that there is significant influence between the service orientation of the adjustment in learning activities in schools among students of class XI SMA N 5 Pontianak
The Process of Establishing Intimate Relationship and Managing Conflict in Dating
Dating is a popular relationship among the people. Typically, dating requires a period of approach characterized by the acquaintance of each other, knowing the weakness and advantages of individuals in the relationship. But now, many couples are in a relationship without a mature approach. The relationship is only based on mutual love and many individuals know their partner only through social media. Dating can not be separated from the emergence of various conflicts. Every couple also has different efforts in managing the conflicts that arise during the process of dating. This study aims to describe how couples build intimate relationships and how to manage conflict in their relationships. This study uses qualitative approach, interpretive paradigm, and data analysis techniques used refers to the method of phenomenology. Research subjects were two pairs of informants who were dating. The theory used in this research is Triangle Theory of Love (The Triangular of Love Theory), and Managing Conflict Constructively Theory. The results of this study found that in the first couple build intimate relationship with the introduction stage until the binding stage. The first couple makes no commitment at the start of a relationship. The conflicts that arise in relation to the differences of opinion among individuals, the temperamental attitude, and the high ego of one individual in the relationship. Efforts are made to manage emerging conflicts by discussing, and tolerating the differences that cause conflict. While the second couple build intimate relationship through the stage of introduction to the stage of togetherness, where the second couple make a commitment in a relationship. The conflicts that arise in second relationship are due to differences in attitudes or responses, and violations of commitments made by individuals in relationships. Efforts are made to manage emerging conflicts is to ignore the conflict, discuss, and succumb to their partner. This is done to maintain a relationship and loyal to their partner
Memahami Komunikasi Interpersonal Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Membangun Keterampilan Sosial (Social Skills) pada Anak Autis
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by disruption in communication and limited social interaction. This limitation makes the importance of the role of parents and teachers in building social skills in autism children to help them interact with others and organize themselves in certain social situations. This research focuses to describe the interpersonal communication performed by parents and teachers in the process of building social skills of autism children that using Symbolic Interaction Theory (George Herbert Mead) which explains that behavior can be formed through interaction, and Social Learning Theory (Albert Bandura) which explains that people can form behavior based on observation result. This research used descriptive qualitative type of research and phenomenology approach, and the research resource are parents who have autism children as much as three informants, and teachers who special educate autism children as much as two informants. The results showed that the interpersonal communication performed by parents and teachers to autism children is built through the closeness that get in by openness, attention, empathy, equality, and supportive when communicating, this closeness is used to build social skills through interpersonal persuasion in autism children. The understanding of parents and teachers to verbal and nonverbal messages of autism children becomes very important because it will be help the communication process between parents, teachers, and autism children.Then the belief of parents and teachers to the ability of autism children is the one of the factors that encourage the development of social skills, because autism children will be more flexible to develop their behavior according to ability possessed. In addition, rewarding and positive assessment to autism children also provide their motivation and confidence to form positive behavior, while punishment will provide an understanding to autism children that negative behavior should be avoided. Therefore, parents and teachers should have a commitment in educating autism children by giving examples of positive behaviors and practice together with them to be more easily observed and perfomed by autism children, because parents and teachers have an important role to provided awareness about social norms in society obtained through the formation of social skills in autism children
Analisis Layanan Penempatan dan Penyaluran untuk Pengembangan Bakat Peserta Didik SMP Negeri 20 Pontianak
: The research aims to gain help devalopment of talent student SMP Negeri 20 Pontianak of service placement and distribution. The method of this research is descriptive with research survey. The population in this research are 216 student and the sample are 54 student. The data collecting techniques of this research are direct comunication, indirect communication. The data instrument of this research interview guide, questionnaires. The conclusionof this research is that the activity of service placement and distribution to devalopment talent student SMP Negeri 20 Pontianak is 60% categorized moderate that is you say service placement and distribution already do it so increase again
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