532 research outputs found
Manajemen Pengembangan Dosen Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA YOGYAKARTA
The aim of this study is to describe the planning and development of lecturers human resources in AMPTA Tourism School as well as to know the profesionalism of lecturers and quality assurance in the AMPTA Tourism School of Yogyakarta. From this study it can be concluded that, in general, human resource planning and development of lecturers as well as quality assurance in AMPTA Tourism School have not been fully implemented in accordance with the existing regulations and legislation.
However, AMPTA Tourism School is on the right track in terms of lecturers profesionalism development and networking establisment with external stakeholders. Implementation of human resources development is carried out through formal and informal ways.
Keywords: Management, Human Resources, Development, Lecturer, Quality, Tourism School
Pengaruh Kepribadian, Self-efficacy, dan Locus Of Control terhadap Persepsi Kinerja USAha Skala Kecil dan Menengah
Small medium enterprises performance was determined by some factors such asproduction efficiency, marketing strategy, or financial adequacy. But, there is one factor which isimportant for SMEs performance, the enterpreneur itself specially its characteristics. This studyexamined the effects of individual personality, self-efficacy, and locus of control on small mediumenterprises performance in Banyumas. This study used the big five personality approach tomeasure individual characteristics which consists of openness to experience, conscientiousness,extrovertion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN). This research used subjective perceptionto measure SMEs performance. This study used survey research design and respondents wereSMEs entrepreneurs located in Banyumas (N = 105). Result of the multiple regression analysisshowed that agreeableness and self-efficacy had a significant and positive effects on SMEsperformance. On the contrary, neuroticism had a significant and negative effect on self-efficacy.Other individual personalities (openness to experience, conscientiousness, and neuritcism) andlocus of control had no significant effect on SMEs performance. Implications for future researchand practice were discussed
The Influence of Health Counseling on Family Knowledge about Recovery of Pulmonary Tb Patients in The Working Area of Puskesmas Burau
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB germs (mycobacterium tuberculosis). Health problems experienced by one family member can affect other family members, especially families who care for TB patients known as infectious diseases, so families are required to understand pulmonary TB as a whole. However, families who care for TB patients still lack understanding about recovery of the pulmonary TB patients. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of health counseling on family knowledge about recovery of pulmonary TB patients in the working area of Puskesmas. The kind of research is quantitative using the pre-experimental design of one group pre-post test. The subject of research were families who treated TB patients in the working area of Puskesmas Burau. Interventions got by providing health counseling using leaflets. Data collection method used a questionnaire. The results of the study used paired samples T-test with a calculated value for the influence of health counseling on family knowledge about recovery of pulmonary TB patients obtained p-value = 0,000 smaller than the value of p-value = 0.05. From the analysis can be interpreted that Ha is accepted and H0 rejected or there was an effect of health counseling on family knowledge about recovery of pulmonary TB patients. The suggestion of research is suggested to the health center to keep improving the health counseling routines that have been conducted and to modify the counseling method so that TB patients and families are not saturated with the provision of information about pulmonary TB
Pendekatan Multi Attributes Decision Making dengan Metode Topsis dalam Pemilihan Lokasi Perakitan Studi Kasus PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi
The titled of this research is Multi Attributes Decision Making with Using TOPSIS Method for Assembly Site Selection at PT Hartono Istana Teknologi. PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi will move the sub-assembly or assembly location for the components of the refrigerator, but the location has not been determined. Company has a three alternatif locations to be used as the location of the new assembly. Decision support method is very useful if applied in this company to determine the best alternatif of several alternatifs. There are several methods of making keptusan that can be used, one of them is with Multi Attributess Decision Making (MADM) by using TOPSIS method. This is because the TOPSIS method has a simple concept, easy to understand, have efficient computing with the ability to measure the relative performance of alternatifs decision in the form of mathematically simple, which in this problem, companies must choose one of three alternatifs with taking into account several criteria or the attributes that has ditentukant. The end result of this is seen MADM TOPSIS method and determined based on the value of the highest preference reckoned end, which in this case, the selected alternatif is the first alternatif, with a preference value of 0.58
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Bamboo Dancing (Tari Bambu) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrokarbon di Kelas X Sman 3 Pekanbaru
The research about application of bamboo dancing cooperative learning model aims to improve students learning achievement on the subject of hydrocarbon in class X SMAN 3 Pekanbaru. Form of research is experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, which are X8 as experiment class and X9 as control class that randomly selected after testing normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was given treatment with implementing bamboo dancing cooperative learning model while the control class wasnot given treatment bamboo dancing cooperative learning model. Analysis of data used t-test. Results of the analysis it was found that tscore > ttable (4,60 > 1,67), it means that the application bamboo dancing cooperative learning model can improve students achievement on the subject of hydrocarbon in class X SMAN 3 Pekanbaru. The category improvement of students learning achievement in experiment class was high category (N-gain =0,76) and in control class was medium category (N-gain =0,63)
Pengkajian Varietas Padi Unggul Baru pada Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut di Kabupaten Merauke
Wilayah Papua memiliki potensi lahan rawa untuk pengembangan pangan yang cukup luas. Potensi lahan yang tersedia untuk pengembangan tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Merauke berkisar 2,5 juta ha. Pengkajian dilaksanakan dari bulan Februari - Mei 2012 di Kabupaten Merauke Provinsi Papua. Kajian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi keragaan agronomis dan memilih varietas unggul yang adaptif berdasarkan hasil tanaman. Pengkajian dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 7 varietas padi rawa unggul baru (Inpara 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) serta 2 varietas pembanding yaitu Mekongga dan Batanghari. Ukuran plot yang digunakan adalah 5 m x 7 m dengan jarak tanam legowo 2:1. Variabel yang diamati adalah: tinggi tanaman maksimum, jumlah anakan maksimum, jumlah malai per rumpun, panjang malai, jumlah gabah isi/malai, persentase gabah bernas, bobot 1000 butir dan hasil gabah bersih hektar. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dengan uji F pada taraf nyata 5%. Jika uji F berpengaruh nyata maka nilai tengah diuji lanjut dengan uji Dunnet pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil kajian 5 varietas unggul baru dengan 2 varietas pembanding yang diuji menunjukkan Inpara 2 memiliki postur tanaman tertinggi dibanding varietas unggul lainnya dan varietas pembanding, sedangkan jumlah anakan maksimum terbanyak diperoleh varietas Inpara 1. Varietas Inpara 2 dan Inpara 4 memberikan rata-rata hasil lebih tinggi dari 2 varietas pembanding. Untuk pengembangan padi dilahan pasang surut di kabupaten Merauke disarankan menggunakan Inpara 2 dan Inpara 4
Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Dividend Policy Pada Perusahaan Non-financial Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh antara profitability, firm size dan ownershipstructure terhadap dividend policy pada Perusahaan non-finansial yang terdaftar di BursaEfek Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling.Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 77 Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri non-financial yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama lima tahun dari 2010-2014.Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah dividend policy, sedangkan variabelindependen adalah profitability, firm size dan ownership structure. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan adalah regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapatpengaruh positif antara firm size terhadap dividend policy dan tidak ada pengaruh antaraownership structure terhadap dividend policy serta pengaruh negatif antara profitabilityterhadap dividend policy. Implikasi bagi manajer untuk dapat meningkatkan dividendpolicy adalah manajer perlu memperhatikan faktor- faktor seperti profitability dan firm sizeuntuk meningkatkan proporsi pembagian dividen
The activation of Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 (Igf-1) to its receptor (Igf-1r) plays an important role in the process of adipogenesis. The inhibition of Igf-1 and its receptor at the early process is the precise step for the therapy of obesity. This study used obese rats treated with ellagic acid and Rambutan Peel Extract (RPE) 30mg/kgbw dose. The Igf-1 and Igf-1r expression in visceral fat tissue was observed using immunofluorescence double staining, which confirmed later by western blotting. The results reveal that the use of RPE30mg/kg BW on obese rats model can provide inhibitory effect on the expression of igf-1 and igf-1r as in a normal rat. The expression of igf-1 and its receptor highest in obese rats and the lowest expression in obese rats which were treated with ellagic acid. The reduced expression of igf-1 and its receptor will reduce ERK1/2 and PPAR expression in adipogenesis signaling cascade and in turn inhibits adipogenesis.Keywords: Igf-1, Igf-1r, Rambutan Peel Extract (RPE
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