32 research outputs found

    Analisis Daya Saing dan Mutu Kopi di Kecamatan Sumberjaya Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    This research aims to know the comparativeness and competitiveness of coffee farming and the quality of the coffee beans produced in Sumberjaya Subdistric of West Lampung Regency.The research used a survey method in which respondents were 71coffee farmers. This research was done at Tugusari Village from April-June 2015. The data was analized by the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and by descriptive analysis using comparation to standard of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), namely ICO 407 and SNI 01-2907-2008. The result showed that coffee farming in Sumberjaya Distric had comparative and competitiveness with 0.35 DRCR / DRC and 0.83 PCR.Coffee farming had quality according to GMP in every harvest and post-harvest processes such as picking, sorting, processing, packaging and storage

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pasien Jamkesmas Rawat Jalan Di RSUD Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    RSUD Kabupaten Sukoharjo is refferal hospital for Jamkesmas patients. The implementasion of Jamkesmas based on the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 40 in 2012. The issue of outpatient Jamkesmas service is about difference Jamkesmas patient and general patient services. This research to describe and analyze the quality of outpatient Jamkesmas service and dimensions that support and obstruct it. This research use the qualitative descriptive methods. This research based on the six dimensions of Zheitmal et al, Salim & Woodward and Lenvinne theory. Tangibles, there was no difference in the use of infrastructure. Reliability, the ability of employe to serve adjusted the skill and training supports. Responsiveness, less respons to accept complaint and suggestion from patients. Courtessy, It has not shown friendly attitude, polite and responsive. Equity, there was still a difference service by the attitude, counter, drugs and procedures. Accountability, there was no evidence transparency of employe service. The Conclusion is quality of outpatient Jamkesmas service still unsatisfactory. The Advice is given to obstacle dimension of service by increasing the use of criticism and suggestion facilities , employe serve heartedly, there is no difference service and give the evidence of service

    Sikap dan Kepuasan Rumah Tangga Konsumen Teh Celup Sariwangi dan Sosro di Bandar Lampung

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    This study purposed to analyze the comparison consumer\u27s attitudes of Sariwangi and Sosro teabag to upper and lower middle class households, and the relationship between consumer\u27s attitudes and satisfaction of Sariwangi and Sosro teabag to households income. This study was conducted in RT 12 Sukarame Baru Village of Sukarame District and RT 07 Beringin Raya Village of Kemiling District, Bandar Lampung City. Total respondents are 60 households that consist of 30 respondents of consumers Sariwangi teabag and 30 consumers Sosro teabag. Sampling technique were using a simple cluster sampling and quota sampling. Data was taken on September until November 2014. Data was using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that the consumer\u27s attitudes of Sariwangi teabag are better than Sosro teabag, the consumer\u27s satisfaction of Sariwangi teabag are higher than Sosro teabag, and there is relationship between consumer\u27s attitudes and satisfaction of Sariwangi and Sosro teabag to households income

    Pola Konsumsi Daging Sapi oleh Rumah Tangga di Bandar Lampung

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    The study aimed to know the pattern of beef consumption, factors that affected the demand of beef, and the elasticity of the demand of beef. The research was conducted in the city of BandarLampung on purpose, based on the class of underprivilage households to privilage type III+, namely the upper class at Kemiling Permai Village of Kemiling Subdistrict, the middle class at Labuhan Ratu Village of Kedaton Subdistrict and the lower clas at Pesawahan Village of Southern Teluk Betung Subdistrict. The sample in the study was 54 house wives. The data was collected from October-November 2013. The data was analyzed by qualitative analysis, multiple linear regression and analysis of the elasticity of demand. The results showed as follows. The greatest amount of beef demand in the period of July–September 2013 was 0.5-3kg per 3 month, pieces of beef that was being the most widely consumed was chuck as much as 43.61kg per 3 month, frequency of beef consumption as much as 1-3 times in the period of July to September 2013, and a total of 76.64% of households chose the traditional market to buy beef. Factors affected on beef demand by households in the city of BandarLampung were chicken prices, level of education, income and place of purchase. The cross elasticity between broiler chicken and domestic chickens was positive, it meant that beef was substitution stuff; and income elasticity of the demand of beef worth positive; so that beef was normal stuff

    Manfaat Ekonomi dan Non Ekonomi Koperasi Gunung Madu (Kgm) di PT Gunung Madu Plantations (PT GMP) Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

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    This study aims to analyze the economic benefits received by members of KGM, the contribution of cooperation economic benefits on household income of KGM members, and non-economic benefits (level of satisfaction) of the KGM members. This research was conducted in KGM, PT GMP, Central Lampung Regency. The total samples are 75 members of KGM. Data analysis method that used is the economic benefits of cooperative analysis, analysis of household income cooperative members, and analysis of the level of satisfaction of member cooperatives using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) analysis. The results showed that the direct economic benefits derived by KGM members each year, was on average of Rp1,689,921.00, while the indirect economic benefits by KGM Members, each year, was on average of Rp9,565,067.00. Total economic benefits of KGM, contributing to income amounted to14.28% of members. Level of satisfaction of the members of KGM to KGM is 70.8 %, which means that members of the KGM feel satisfied with the performance of the services provided by the employee of KGM

    Evaluasi Implementasi Program Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas) Di Kecamatan Baturetno Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    One of the government\u27s efforts to reduce poverty in Indonesia is giving health aid for poor citizens by giving Jamkesmas (Public Health Assurance) to them. Wonogiri Regency is one of poor regencies in Indonesia, shown by increasing number of people who receive Jamkesmas. There are some aspects that have to be improved in the data collection of Jamkesmas\u27 beneficiaries in Baturetno District. This is according to the incompleteness of the Jamkesma coverage. Based on this condition, this research is aimed at investigating how Jamkesmas can be enjoyed by poor people listed in Jamkesmas beneficiaries and investigating the achievements of the objectives of Jamkesmas towards poor people in Baturetno District. This research uses the criteria of policy evaluation by William N. Dunn: effectiveness, efficiensy, adequacy, responsiveness, dan accuracy. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. The data were obtained by interview, observation, documentation, and literary review. By using descriptive method, the researcher studied the problem faced by describing the situation of the subjects or the objects of the research based on facts found and based on the real condition. The sources of this research were authorities of Jamkesmas and the beneficieries of Jamkesmas in Baturetno\u27s Health Center (puskesmas)The results of this reserach were: (1) there is no annual verification or update of the data of Jamkesmas beneficiaries that caused the incompleteness of Jamkesmas beneficiaries, (2) the objectives of Jamkesmas were achieved well in Baturetno District, (3) the acces and quality of health service for poor community were improved, (4) poor neighbourhood had more understanding about the benefits of health service, (5) Jamkesmas program positively affected poorer community in Baturetno Distict, and (6) people felt it hard to complete the requirements of the referral and felt that the registration in the hospitals were convoluted.Based on the above results, it is recommended that the data of Jamkesmas beneficiaries are verified, authorities need to improve coordination so that any information obtained by society is true and complete. The weaknesses of Jamkesmas concluded in this research are expected to improve JKN (National Health Insurance) which is now being implemented by the government