26,418 research outputs found
Widening Participation in Golf: Barriers to Participation and GolfMark
This research was commissioned by the EGU and R&A in 2010. The aims of the research project were threefold:
1) To review the academic literature on barriers to participation in sport, especially golf;
2) To survey clubs, members and nomadic golfers to describe their perceptions of GolfMark and the issues it intends to address;
3) To gather in-depth data from a range of golf clubs to help understand how different club cultures may lead to the exclusion of underrepresented demographic groups
International Relations/Trade,
Comparing Caddo and Coles Creek Pottery Using Petrographic Analysis
Pottery classified as “Coles Creek Incised” is common both to the earliest Caddo sites along the Red River and to contemporary sites in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Although it often is suggested that Coles Creek pottery from the two regions can be distinguished by differences in paste, no detailed comparative studies have been carried out. An initial attempt to identify variation through the use of petrographic analysis was carried out by comparing 50 samples drawn from sites in northwest and central Louisiana. Although no sharp dichotomy was noted between the regions, the study identified distinctions that support the notion that most Coles Creek pottery was made locally and different technological traditions may be represented
Biomarker reveals HIV's hidden reservoir.
Determining the total amount of HIV DNA in people undergoing antiretroviral therapy could accelerate the development of novel therapies and potential cures for HIV infection
MCNP6 simulation of light and medium nuclei fragmentation at intermediate energies
Fragmentation reactions induced on light and medium nuclei by protons and
light nuclei of energies around 1 GeV/nucleon and below are studied with the
Los Alamos transport code MCNP6 and with its CEM03.03 and LAQGSM03.03 event
generators. CEM and LAQGSM assume that intermediate-energy fragmentation
reactions on light nuclei occur generally in two stages. The first stage is the
intranuclear cascade (INC), followed by the second, Fermi breakup
disintegration of light excited residual nuclei produced after the INC. CEM and
LAQGSM account also for coalescence of light fragments (complex particles) up
to 4He from energetic nucleons emitted during INC. We investigate the validity
and performance of MCNP6, CEM, and LAQGSM in simulating fragmentation reactions
at intermediate energies and discuss possible ways of further improving these
codesComment: 6 pages, 6 figures, proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus
Collisions (NN2015), June 21-26, 2015, Catania, Ital
The relationship between baptismal status and spiritual practices among committed Baptist youth
The empirical correlates of baptismal status raise intriguing questions for empirical theologians (does baptism make a measurable difference) and for social scientists (how does baptismal status function as an indictor of religiosity). The present study investigates these problems among a sample of 674 highly committed Christian adolescents participating in a weeklong youth mission and service event sponsored by the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches in Eastern Canada. In this sample, 72% had been baptised as an older child or adolescent, 13% had been baptised only as a baby before they were old enough to make a decision for themselves, and 15% had never been baptised. Multivariate analyses, controlling for sex and age differences and for maternal and paternal church attendance, found significant associations between baptismal status and spiritual practices. The status of never having been baptised is significantly associated with lower levels of church attendance, personal Bible reading, and personal prayer. The status of having been baptised only as a baby is significantly associated with lower levels of church attendance
This paper explores the economics of using enhanced flow as part of a strategy to meet water quality standards. We begin by briefly sketching the relevant economic theory, which we then apply to a case study of a dissolved oxygen impaired stream segment in Georgia's Flint River Basin. Results show that meeting targeted water quality standards with strategies that include enhanced flow is significantly less costly than relying only on agricultural management practices.Environmental Economics and Policy,
Psychological type profile of religiously committed male and female Canadian Baptist youth: a study among participants at tidal impact
A sample of 479 female and 274 male religiously committed Canadian youth over the age of 11 years completed the Adolescent Form of the Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTSA) within the context of a weeklong mission and service event sponsored by the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches. The data demonstrated strong preferences for intuition among both males (75%) and females (66%), and strong preferences for feeling among both males (86%) and females (92%). Females demonstrated stronger preferences for judging (61%) compared with males (39%). Both sexes demonstrated similar preferences for extraversion (52% among females and 49% among males). The most frequently occurring type among both males (22%) and females (20%) was ENFP. The implications of these findings are discussed for youth ministry and for potential recruitment into ordained ministry
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