4,538 research outputs found

    biobambam: tools for read pair collation based algorithms on BAM files

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    Sequence alignment data is often ordered by coordinate (id of the reference sequence plus position on the sequence where the fragment was mapped) when stored in BAM files, as this simplifies the extraction of variants between the mapped data and the reference or of variants within the mapped data. In this order paired reads are usually separated in the file, which complicates some other applications like duplicate marking or conversion to the FastQ format which require to access the full information of the pairs. In this paper we introduce biobambam, an API for efficient BAM file reading supporting the efficient collation of alignments by read name without performing a complete resorting of the input file and some tools based on this API performing tasks like marking duplicate reads and conversion to the FastQ format. In comparison with previous approaches to problems involving the collation of alignments by read name like the BAM to FastQ or duplication marking utilities in the Picard suite the approach of biobambam can often perform an equivalent task more efficiently in terms of the required main memory and run-time.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    The absurd state: political satire and black comedy in British drama, 1964-1974

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    Failed Love in the Drama of Edward Albee

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    The plays of Edward Albee are frequently examinations of characters who are unable to love or to be loved. A central and recurring conflict which runs through many of Albee\u27s plays is the conflict which stems from the lack of success which the characters often experience as they strive to find love. The uncertainty and ambiguity which surround the abstraction called love leave the characters with feelings of unhappiness, frustration, fear, self-hatred, and despondency. Though the individuals in Albee\u27s plays are aware that love is the ingredient which is missing from their lives, none knows how to go about alleviating such a emotional deficiency. The result is a collection of characters who desperately want love, but who are, nevertheless, totally unequipped to attain it. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate and examine the pervasiveness of failed love and to explore it as a theme in the drama of Edward Albee. Utilizing examples from five representative Albee works--The Zoo Story, Who\u27s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, A Delicate Balance, All Over, and Seascape--as well as previous criticism on Albee\u27s drama, I will analyze the failed love theme. A framework for examining the phenomenon of love is provided by the inclusion of insights and observations on the topic from Dr. Erich Fromm\u27s The Art of Loving (1956). Though other critics have alluded to the significance of the failed love theme in Albee\u27s plays, few have delved deeply into the area and none has provided a working definition of love or criteria to differentiate love from other similar (but inferior) phenomena. The goal of the present study is to give greater insight into the forces at work in Albee\u27s powerful drama by showing the major role that love and its routine failure play in the development of the theme and plot of each play. This examination will focus chiefly on four specific areas in which Albee\u27s characters routinely fail in their quests for love. After briefly discussing the philosophies of Albee and Fromm on the subject of Man\u27s alienation and his need for love, I will provide an overview of the prevalence of the problem of alienation in twentieth-century Western culture. Each of the remaining sections will deal with one of the obstacles to the achievement of love which regularly surface in the plays of Edward Albee. Specifically, those obstacles include: chronic passivity, personal immaturity, a lack of love during childhood, and an inability to love oneself


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    AbstrakAbstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak pemilihan metode pembayaran transfer bank, shopee pay, shopee paylater,cash on delivery terhadap keputusan pembelian saat berbelanja secara daring melalui aplikasi Shopee oleh pengguna di Kota Tangerang. Dalam konteks ini, metode pembayaran dianggap sebagai variabel eksogen. yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian, sedangkan keputusan pembelian dianggap variable endogen, sebagai hasil dari interaksi antara faktor-faktor tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode asosiatif. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis model luar, model dalam, dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan perangkat lunak SmartPLS 3.0. Sampel penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling, terdiri dari 100 responden yang telah berbelanja melalui aplikasi Shopee di Kota Tangerang sebanyak minimal dua kali. Data primer diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan secara daring, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari buku dan situs web yang relevan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa metode pembayaran cash on delivery dan transfer bank memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian ketika berbelanja secara daring melalui aplikasi shopee. Namun, Metode pembayaran shopeepay dan shopee pay later tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dalam konteks berbelanja online melalui aplikasi Shopee di Kota Tangerang.Kata Kunci: Metode pembayaran, transfer bank, shopeepay, shopeepay later, cash on delivery. AbstractAbstract-This research was conducted to identify the impact of choosing the payment method bank transfer, shopee pay, shopee paylater, cash on delivery on purchasing decisions when shopping online via the Shopee application by users in Tangerang City. In this context, payment method is considered an exogenous variable. that influences purchasing decisions, while purchasing decisions are considered endogenous variables, as a result of the interaction between these factors. This research uses a quantitative approach with associative methods. Data were analyzed using outer model analysis, inner model analysis, and hypothesis testing using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The research sample was selected using a purposive sampling technique, consisting of 100 respondents who had shopped via the Shopee application in Tangerang City at least twice. Primary data was obtained through questionnaires distributed online, while secondary data was obtained from books and websites that were relevant to the problem under study. The results of this research indicate that cash on delivery and bank transfer payment methods have a significant influence on purchasing decisions when shopping online via the Shopee application. However, the shopeepay and shopee pay later payment methods do not have a significant influence on purchasing decisions in the context of online shopping via the Shopee application in Tangerang City. Keywords: Payment methods, bank transfer, shopeepay, shopeepay later, cash on delivery

    Comments on the September 29, 2014 FSB Consultative Document, ‘Cross-Border Recognition of Resolution Action’

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    This CIGI Paper No. 51 was released on December 3, 2014 by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) as a response to the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) Consultative Document, “Cross-Border Recognition of Resolution Action.” Principally authored by CIGI Senior Fellow Steven L. Schwarcz (who works with the think tank’s International Law Research Program), the Paper comments on the policy measures proposed by the FSB, an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system, to address the cross-border legal uncertainties of troubled systemically important financial firms. In that context, the Paper explains why a statutory approach is more effective than a contractual approach at removing obstacles in cross-border resolutions of those firms, and thus a better method to achieve financial stability. The Paper also recommends that the FSB establish a working group on statutory mechanisms for the cross-border resolution of financial firms

    Changes in childhood malnutrition and mortality after institution of a Community Health Worker program in four rural Guatemalan villages

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    While community health workers (CHWs) are being implemented in several developing countries, there has been little work done to evaluate their effectiveness in reducing childhood malnutrition among participating communities. Our study evaluates the effectiveness of CHWs in three Guatemalan villages by comparing anthropomorphic measures and mortality rates of children under five before and after the implementation of a CHW program. While one community showed no significant change in malnutrition rates in terms of height-for-age calculations, two other communities showed improved malnutrition rates in terms of height-for-age. Weight-for-age comparisons were not statistically significant, and while childhood mortality remained unchanged in one community, there was a 5% improvement in childhood mortality for the other communities combined

    Efficient Convex PCA with applications to Wasserstein geodesic PCA and ranked data

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    Convex PCA, which was introduced by Bigot et al., is a dimension reduction methodology for data with values in a convex subset of a Hilbert space. This setting arises naturally in many applications, including distributional data in the Wasserstein space of an interval, and ranked compositional data under the Aitchison geometry. Our contribution in this paper is threefold. First, we present several new theoretical results including consistency as well as continuity and differentiability of the objective function in the finite dimensional case. Second, we develop a numerical implementation of finite dimensional convex PCA when the convex set is polyhedral, and show that this provides a natural approximation of Wasserstein geodesic PCA. Third, we illustrate our results with two financial applications, namely distributions of stock returns ranked by size and the capital distribution curve, both of which are of independent interest in stochastic portfolio theory.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figure

    PT 536.01: Neuroscience

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