11,575 research outputs found
Neutron Skins and Halo Orbits in the sd and pf Shells
open3siThe strong dependence of Coulomb energies on nuclear radii makes it possible to extract the latter from
calculations of the former. The resulting estimates of neutron skins indicate that two mechanisms are
involved. The first one --isovector monopole polarizability—amounts to noting that when a particle is
added to a system it drives the radii of neutrons and protons in different directions, tending to equalize the
radii of both fluids independently of the neutron excess. This mechanism is well understood and the Duflo-
Zuker (small) neutron skin values derived 14 years ago are consistent with recent measures and estimates.
The alternative mechanism involves halo orbits whose huge sizes tend to make the neutron skins larger and
have a subtle influence on the radial behavior of sd and f shell nuclei. In particular, they account for the
sudden rise in the isotope shifts of nuclei beyond N=28 and the near constancy of radii in the A=40–56
region. This mechanism, detected here for the first time, is not well understood and may well go beyond the
Efimov physics usually associated with halo orbits.openBonnard, JEREMY CHRISTIAN FREDERIC; Lenzi, SILVIA MONICA; Zuker, A. P.Bonnard, JEREMY CHRISTIAN FREDERIC; Lenzi, SILVIA MONICA; Zuker, A. P
Nilsson-SU3 selfconsistency in heavy N=Z nuclei
It is argued that there exist natural shell model spaces optimally adapted to
the operation of two variants of Elliott' SU3 symmetry that provide accurate
predictions of quadrupole moments of deformed states. A selfconsistent
Nilsson-like calculation describes the competition between the realistic
quadrupole force and the central field, indicating a {\em remarkable stability
of the quadruplole moments}---which remain close to their quasi and pseudo SU3
values---as the single particle splittings increase. A detailed study of the
even nuclei from Ni to Cd reveals that the region of
prolate deformation is bounded by a pair of transitional nuclei Kr and
Mo in which prolate ground state bands are predicted to dominate, though
coexisting with oblate ones,Comment: Replacement I) Title simplified. II) Major revision: structure of
paper kept but two thirds totally rewritten (same number of pages); 20
references adde
Coulomb displacement energies, energy differenced and neutron skins
A Fock space representation of the monopole part of the Coulomb potential is
presented. Quantum effects show through a small orbital term in . Once
it is averaged out, the classical electrostatic energy emerges as an
essentially exact expression, which makes it possible to eliminate the
Nolen-Schiffer anomaly, and to estimate neutron skins and the evolution of
radii along yrast states of mirror nuclei. The energy differences of the latter
are quantitatively reproduced by the monopole term and a schematic multipole
one.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revte
On the dynamics of bubbles in boiling water
We investigate the dynamics of many interacting bubbles in boiling water by
using a laser scattering experiment. Specifically, we analyze the temporal
variations of a laser intensity signal which passed through a sample of boiling
water. Our empirical results indicate that the return interval distribution of
the laser signal does not follow an exponential distribution; contrariwise, a
heavy-tailed distribution has been found. Additionally, we compare the
experimental results with those obtained from a minimalist phenomenological
model, finding a good agreement.Comment: Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractal
Quantifying effects of neutrophil memory on migration patterns using microfluidic platforms and ODE modeling of the mechanistic molecular pathways
Intravitreal injection of Ozurdex(®) implant in patients with persistent diabetic macular edema, with six-month follow-up
To evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal dexamethasone injections in diabetic macular edema (DME).
A 700 μg slow-release intravitreal dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex®) was placed in the vitreal cavity of 17 patients (19 eyes) affected with persistent DME. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was assessed through Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS). Central macular thickness (CMT) was measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. BCVA and CMT examinations were carried out at baseline (T0) and repeated after three days, one month (T1), three months (T3), four months (T4), and six months (T6) post injection.
Dexamethasone implant induced an improvement in ETDRS at T1, T3, T4, and T6 post injection. CMT was reduced at T1, T3, and T4, while at T6, CMT values were not statistically different from baseline. No complications were observed during the follow-up.
Our data suggest that dexamethasone implant is effective in reducing DME symptoms within a six-month frame
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