26 research outputs found

    Comparison of characteristics among migrants accessing primary care in four types of medical institutions.

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    <p>Note: THC = Township health center; RHS = Rural health station; CHC = Community health center; CHS = Community health station.</p><p>1RMB = 0.16USD.</p><p>Comparison of characteristics among migrants accessing primary care in four types of medical institutions.</p

    Rural-to-Urban Migrants' Experiences with Primary Care under Different Types of Medical Institutions in Guangzhou, China

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    <div><p>Objectives</p><p>China is facing the unprecedented challenge of rapidly increasing rural-to-urban migration. Migrants are in a vulnerable state when they attempt to access to primary care services. This study was designed to explore rural-to-urban migrants’ experiences in primary care, comparing their quality of primary care experiences under different types of medical institutions in Guangzhou, China.</p><p>Methods</p><p>The study employed a cross-sectional survey of 736 rural-to-urban migrants in Guangzhou, China in 2014. A validated Chinese version of Primary Care Assessment Tool—Adult Short Version (PCAT-AS), representing 10 primary care domains was used to collect information on migrants’ quality of primary care experiences. These domains include first contact (utilization), first contact (accessibility), ongoing care, coordination (referrals), coordination (information systems), comprehensiveness (services available), comprehensiveness (services provided), family-centeredness, community orientation and culturally competent. These measures were used to assess the quality of primary care performance as reported from patients’ perspective. Analysis of covariance was conducted for comparison on PCAT scores among migrants accessing primary care in tertiary hospitals, municipal hospitals, community health centers/community health stations, and township health centers/rural health stations. Multiple linear regression models were used to explore factors associated with PCAT total scores.</p><p>Results</p><p>After adjustments were made, migrants accessing primary care in tertiary hospitals (25.49) reported the highest PCAT total scores, followed by municipal hospitals (25.02), community health centers/community health stations (24.24), and township health centers/rural health stations (24.18). Tertiary hospital users reported significantly better performance in first contact (utilization), first contact (accessibility), coordination (information system), comprehensiveness (service available), and cultural competence. Community health center/community health station users reported significantly better experience in the community orientation domain. Township health center/rural health station users expressed significantly better experience in the ongoing care domain. There were no statistically significant differences across settings in the ongoing care, comprehensiveness (services provided), and family-centeredness domains. Multiple linear regression models showed that factors positively associated with higher PCAT total scores also included insurance covering parts of healthcare payment (P<0.001).</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>This study highlights the need for improvement in primary care provided by primary care institutions for rural-to-urban migrants. Relevant policies related to medical insurance should be implemented for providing affordable healthcare services for migrants accessing primary care.</p></div

    Linear regression analysis on primary care assessment total scores.

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    <p>Linear regression analysis on primary care assessment total scores.</p

    Comparison of primary care assessment scores among migrants accessing primary care in four types of medical institutions.

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    <p>Note: THC = Township health center; RHS = Rural health station; CHC = Community health center; CHS = Community health station.</p><p>Only 60 migrants reported having an experience of referral, the total scores were calculated by summing the mean scores for 9 domains except the Coordination (Referrals) domain.</p><p>ANOVA carried out for unadjusted domain scores and ANCOVA carried out for adjusted domain scores, which were adjusted for age, gender, marital status, level of education, employment status, monthly household income per capita, permanent migration intention, migration with family, times of migration, years of residence in Guangzhou, self-rated health status, chronic disease status, present of health insurance and source of health payment.</p><p>Bonferroni t-test had P<0.008:</p><p><sup>a</sup> THC/RHS vs. CHC/CHS</p><p><sup>b</sup> THC/RHS vs. MH</p><p><sup>c</sup> THC/RHS vs. TH</p><p><sup>d</sup> CHC/CHS vs. MH</p><p><sup>e</sup> CHC/CHS vs. TH</p><p><sup>f</sup> MH vs.TH</p><p>Comparison of primary care assessment scores among migrants accessing primary care in four types of medical institutions.</p

    Comparison of primary care assessment scores among migrants with different characteristics.

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    <p>Note: Only 60 migrants reported having an experience of referral, the total scores were calculated by summing the mean scores for 9 domains except the Coordination (Referrals) domain.</p><p>T-test was used to compare PACT domain scores and total scores by variables.</p><p>***P<0.001</p><p>**P <0.01</p><p>*P<0.05</p><p>1RMB = 0.16USD.</p><p>Comparison of primary care assessment scores among migrants with different characteristics.</p

    The Flow Chart of Sampling.

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    <p>Three inclusion criteria were established in the selection of study participants: 1. The study participants should be aged 18 or older. 2. The study participants must sign the written consent. 3. The study participants must have visited a VC at least once in the past year. The interviewers were postgraduates and undergraduate students from the School of Health Management of Guangzhou Medical University. They were trained on how to conduct the survey in order to improve the completeness and consistency of the investigation. The interviewers were introduced to the participants by local acquaintances, and they could be village heads, women's directors, or the respected senior citizens. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews, and the questionnaires were administrated by the investigators at respondents’ home. It took about 20 minutes to finish the survey, and a gift was given to each participant as a token of appreciation for the participation.</p

    The comparison of demographic characteristics and service utilization indicators among three types of VCs.

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    <p>The comparison of demographic characteristics and service utilization indicators among three types of VCs.</p

    Multiple logistic regressions: Associations between recent cancer screening, race/ethnicity, insurance status, and other factors–NHIS 2008 and 2018.

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    Multiple logistic regressions: Associations between recent cancer screening, race/ethnicity, insurance status, and other factors–NHIS 2008 and 2018.</p