371 research outputs found
Destabilization of a flow focused suspension of magnetotactic bacteria
Active matter is a new class of material, intrinsically out-of equilibrium
with intriguing properties. So far, the recent upsurge of studies has mostly
focused on the spontaneous behavior of these systems --in the absence of
external constraints or driving--. Yet, many real life systems evolve under
constraints, being both submitted to flow and various taxis. In the present
work, we demonstrate a new experimental system which opens up the way for
quantitative investigations, and discriminating examinations, of the
challenging theoretical description of such systems. We explore the behavior of
magnetotactic bacteria as a particularly rich and versatile class of driven
matter, which behavior can be studied under contrasting and contradicting
stimuli. In particular we demonstrate that the competing driving of an
orienting magnetic field and hydrodynamic flow lead not only to jetting, but
also unveils a new pearling instability. This illustrates new structuring
capabilities of driven active matter
Phylogenetic studies of newly isolated freshwater Magnetospirilla using cbb and mam genes
The phylogeny and general relatedness of prokaryotes is determined by comparisons of the sequences of rRNA genes, most commonly the 16S rRNA gene. Comparisons between other gene sequences have been used for this purpose and some have supported conclusions from 16S rRNA genes while others have not. In this study, 13 new magnetospirilla were phylogenetically characterized using the sequences of the 16S rRNA gene as well as the genes for forms I and II ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) (cbbL and cbbM, respectively) and for two magnetosome membrane proteins unique to magnetotactic bacteria, mamJ and mamK. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with degenerate primers designed for the specific genes under study was used to amplify a large portion of the genes. PCR products were cloned and sequenced and used for the construction of phylogenetic trees. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, the magnetospirilla phylogenetically span, more as a continuum rather than as clearly delineated groups, over two genera based on the current accepted sequence divergence between organisms for genera (\u3e5%). While almost all strains appear to fit into the genus Magnetospirillum, strain LM-1 appears to represent a new genus. Phylogeny of these strains based on cbbM sequences was reasonably consistent with that from 16S rRNA genes. The cbbL gene was not a good choice for this study as most strains did not possess this gene. Relatedness and phylogeny of the strains based on mamJ and mamK sequences was more complex. Although our data set is not complete, some specific strains shown to be closely related by 16S rRNA gene sequence, also appeared to be closely related based on one or both of the mam gene sequences (e.g., strains UT-1, LM-2 and M. gryphiswaldense strain MSR-1). Other strains did not show this type of relationship. Because of these somewhat inconsistent results, those from mam gene sequences might reflect evolution of the magnetosome gene island (MAI) in magnetospirilla rather than relatedness between strains
Reported infant feeding practices and contextual influences on breastfeeding: qualitative interviews with women registered to MomConnect in three South African provinces
Global guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 months of life. South African EBF rates have steadily increased but still only average 32% for infants below 6 months of age. Malnutrition and developmental delays continue to contribute substantially to the morbidity and mortality of South African children. MomConnect, a national mHealth messaging system used to send infant and maternal health messages during and after pregnancy, has a specific focus on improving rates of breastfeeding and has achieved high rates of population coverage.
For this qualitative study, we interviewed women who were registered to MomConnect to investigate their breastfeeding and other infant feeding practices, decision-making pre- and post-delivery, and the role of the health system, family members and the wider community in supporting or detracting from breastfeeding intentions. Data were collected from February–March 2018 in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal, Free State and Gauteng provinces. Framework analysis was conducted to identify common themes.
Most women interviewed had breastfed, including HIV-positive women. Even when women had delivered by caesarean section, they had usually been able to initiate breastfeeding a few hours after birth. Understandings of EBF varied in thoroughness and there was some confusion about the best way to cease breastfeeding. Most women felt well-equipped to make infant feeding decisions and to stick to their intentions, but returning to work or school sometimes prevented 6 months of EBF. Advice from the health system (both via clinics and MomConnect) was considered helpful and supportive in encouraging EBF to 6 months, although family influences could thwart these intentions, especially for younger women. Mothers reported a range of breastfeeding information sources that influenced their choices, including social media.
Efforts to improve EBF rates must include consideration of the social and economic environment surrounding women. Interventions that focus only on improving women’s knowledge are valuable but insufficient on their own. Attention should also be paid to infant behaviors, and how these affect women’s breastfeeding choices. Finally, although there is strong local policy support for EBF, more rigorous implementation of these and other broader changes to create a more enabling structural environment ought to be prioritized
Experience of safety monitoring in the context of a prospective observational study of artemether-lumefantrine in rural Tanzania: lessons learned for pharmacovigilance reporting
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To identify and implement strategies that help meet safety monitoring requirements in the context of an observational study for artemether-lumefantrine (AL) administered as first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in rural Tanzania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Pharmacovigilance procedures were developed through collaboration between the investigating bodies, the relevant regulatory authority and the manufacturer of AL. Training and refresher sessions on the pharmacovigilance system were provided for healthcare workers from local health facilities and field recorders of the Ifakara Health Demographic Surveillance System (IHDSS). Three distinct channels for identification of adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs) were identified and implemented. Passive reporting took place through IHDSS and health care facilities, starting in October 2007. The third channel was through solicited reporting that was included in the context of a survey on AL as part of the ALIVE (<b>A</b>rtemether-<b>L</b>umefantrine <b>I</b>n <b>V</b>ulnerable patients: <b>E</b>xploring health impact) study (conducted only in March-April 2008).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Training was provided for 40 healthcare providers (with refresher training 18 months later) and for six field recorders. During the period 1<sup>st </sup>September 2007 to 31<sup>st </sup>March 2010, 67 AEs were reported including 52 under AL, five under sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, one under metakelfin, two after antibiotics; the remaining seven were due to anti-pyretic or anti-parasite medications. Twenty patients experienced SAEs; in 16 cases, a relation to AL was suspected. Six of the 20 cases were reported within 24 hours of occurrence.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Safety monitoring and reporting is possible even in settings with weak health infrastructure. Reporting can be enhanced by regular and appropriate training of healthcare providers. SMS text alerts provide a practical solution to communication challenges.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Experience gained in this setting could help to improve spontaneous reporting of AEs and SAEs to health authorities or marketing authorization holders.</p
Collective magnetotaxis of microbial holobionts is optimized by the three-dimensional organization and magnetic properties of ectosymbionts
International audienceOver the last few decades, symbiosis and the concept of holobiont—a host entity with a population of symbionts—have gained a central role in our understanding of life functioning and diversification. Regardless of the type of partner interactions, understanding how the biophysical properties of each individual symbiont and their assembly may generate collective behaviors at the holobiont scale remains a fundamental challenge. This is particularly intriguing in the case of the newly discovered magnetotactic holobionts (MHB) whose motility relies on a collective magnetotaxis (i.e., a magnetic field-assisted motility guided by a chemoaerotaxis system). This complex behavior raises many questions regarding how magnetic properties of symbionts determine holobiont magnetism and motility. Here, a suite of light-, electron- and X-ray-based microscopy techniques [including X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD)] reveals that symbionts optimize the motility, the ultrastructure, and the magnetic properties of MHBs from the microscale to the nanoscale. In the case of these magnetic symbionts, the magnetic moment transferred to the host cell is in excess (10 2 to 10 3 times stronger than free-living magnetotactic bacteria), well above the threshold for the host cell to gain a magnetotactic advantage. The surface organization of symbionts is explicitly presented herein, depicting bacterial membrane structures that ensure longitudinal alignment of cells. Magnetic dipole and nanocrystalline orientations of magnetosomes were also shown to be consistently oriented in the longitudinal direction, maximizing the magnetic moment of each symbiont. With an excessive magnetic moment given to the host cell, the benefit provided by magnetosome biomineralization beyond magnetotaxis can be questioned
RENEB accident simulation exercise
Purpose: The RENEB accident exercise was carried out in order to train the RENEB participants in coordinating and managing potentially large data sets that would be generated in case of a major radiological event.
Materials and methods: Each participant was offered the possibility to activate the network by sending an alerting email about a simulated radiation emergency. The same participant had to collect, compile and report capacity, triage categorization and exposure scenario results obtained from all other participants. The exercise was performed over 27 weeks and involved the network consisting of 28 institutes: 21 RENEB members, four candidates and three non-RENEB partners.
Results: The duration of a single exercise never exceeded 10 days, while the response from the assisting laboratories never came later than within half a day. During each week of the exercise, around 4500 samples were reported by all service laboratories (SL) to be examined and 54 scenarios were coherently estimated by all laboratories (the standard deviation from the mean of all SL answers for a given scenario category and a set of data was not larger than 3 patient codes).
Conclusions: Each participant received training in both the role of a reference laboratory (activating the network) and of a service laboratory (responding to an activation request). The procedures in the case of radiological event were successfully established and tested
Evaluation of a communication skills program for first-year medical students at the University of Toronto
Effective doctor-patient communication has been linked to numerous benefits for both patient and physician. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the University of Toronto's Therapeutic Communication Program (TCom) at improving first-year medical students' communication skills.
Data were collected during the 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99 and 1999/00 academic years. The study used a repeated measures design with a waiting list control group: students were randomly assigned to groups starting the educational intervention in either September (N = 38) or February (N = 41), with the latter being used as a control for the former. Communication skills were assessed at the pre- and post-intervention times and at the end of the academic year from the perspectives of student, standardized patient and external rater.
Only the external rater, using an instrument designed to assess the students' empathy based on their written responses, showed a time × group interaction effect (p = 0.039), thereby partially supporting the hypothesis that TCom improved the students' communication skills. Students rated themselves less positively after participation in the program (p = 0.038), suggesting that self-evaluation was an ineffective measure of actual performance or that the program helped them learn to more accurately assess their abilities.
The lack of strong findings may be partly due to the study's small sample sizes. Further research at other medical or professional schools could assess the effectiveness of similar courses on students' communication skills and on other capacities that were not measured in this study, such as their understanding of and comfort with patients, their management of the doctor-patient relationship, and their ability to give and receive feedback
Horizontal DNA transfer mechanisms of bacteria as weapons of intragenomic conflict
Horizontal DNA transfer (HDT) is a pervasive mechanism of diversification in many microbial species, but its primary evolutionary role remains controversial. Much recent research has emphasised the adaptive benefit of acquiring novel DNA, but here we argue instead that intragenomic conflict provides a coherent framework for understanding the evolutionary origins of HDT. To test this hypothesis, we developed a mathematical model of a clonally descended bacterial population undergoing HDT through transmission of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) and genetic transformation. Including the known bias of transformation toward the acquisition of shorter alleles into the model suggested it could be an effective means of counteracting the spread of MGEs. Both constitutive and transient competence for transformation were found to provide an effective defence against parasitic MGEs; transient competence could also be effective at permitting the selective spread of MGEs conferring a benefit on their host bacterium. The coordination of transient competence with cell-cell killing, observed in multiple species, was found to result in synergistic blocking of MGE transmission through releasing genomic DNA for homologous recombination while simultaneously reducing horizontal MGE spread by lowering the local cell density. To evaluate the feasibility of the functions suggested by the modelling analysis, we analysed genomic data from longitudinal sampling of individuals carrying Streptococcus pneumoniae. This revealed the frequent within-host coexistence of clonally descended cells that differed in their MGE infection status, a necessary condition for the proposed mechanism to operate. Additionally, we found multiple examples of MGEs inhibiting transformation through integrative disruption of genes encoding the competence machinery across many species, providing evidence of an ongoing "arms race." Reduced rates of transformation have also been observed in cells infected by MGEs that reduce the concentration of extracellular DNA through secretion of DNases. Simulations predicted that either mechanism of limiting transformation would benefit individual MGEs, but also that this tactic's effectiveness was limited by competition with other MGEs coinfecting the same cell. A further observed behaviour we hypothesised to reduce elimination by transformation was MGE activation when cells become competent. Our model predicted that this response was effective at counteracting transformation independently of competing MGEs. Therefore, this framework is able to explain both common properties of MGEs, and the seemingly paradoxical bacterial behaviours of transformation and cell-cell killing within clonally related populations, as the consequences of intragenomic conflict between self-replicating chromosomes and parasitic MGEs. The antagonistic nature of the different mechanisms of HDT over short timescales means their contribution to bacterial evolution is likely to be substantially greater than previously appreciated
Caloric Restriction Alters the Metabolic Response to a Mixed-Meal: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Trial
OBJECTIVES: To determine if caloric restriction (CR) would cause changes in plasma metabolic intermediates in response to a mixed meal, suggestive of changes in the capacity to adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability or metabolic flexibility, and to determine how any such changes relate to insulin sensitivity (S(I)). METHODS: Forty-six volunteers were randomized to a weight maintenance diet (Control), 25% CR, or 12.5% CR plus 12.5% energy deficit from structured aerobic exercise (CR+EX), or a liquid calorie diet (890 kcal/d until 15% reduction in body weight)for six months. Fasting and postprandial plasma samples were obtained at baseline, three, and six months. A targeted mass spectrometry-based platform was used to measure concentrations of individual free fatty acids (FFA), amino acids (AA), and acylcarnitines (AC). S(I) was measured with an intravenous glucose tolerance test. RESULTS: Over three and six months, there were significantly larger differences in fasting-to-postprandial (FPP) concentrations of medium and long chain AC (byproducts of FA oxidation) in the CR relative to Control and a tendency for the same in CR+EX (CR-3 month P = 0.02; CR-6 month P = 0.002; CR+EX-3 month P = 0.09; CR+EX-6 month P = 0.08). After three months of CR, there was a trend towards a larger difference in FPP FFA concentrations (P = 0.07; CR-3 month P = 0.08). Time-varying differences in FPP concentrations of AC and AA were independently related to time-varying S(I) (P<0.05 for both). CONCLUSIONS: Based on changes in intermediates of FA oxidation following a food challenge, CR imparted improvements in metabolic flexibility that correlated with improvements in S(I). TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00099151
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