5,273 research outputs found

    A Survey on the Impact of Operation Volume on Rectal Cancer Management

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    The rectal cancer management can be influenced by the surgeon's practice and the hospital. This study was to evaluate the differences according to the surgeon's operative volume and the level of the hospital. Questionnaires were sent out to the members of the 'Korean Society of Coloproctology', and the responses were evaluated according to the surgeon's operation volume, the surgeon's age, and the level of the hospital. Sixty responses were received during the three months' period (from August to October 2004). Thirty three respondents (55%) operated more than 50 cases of rectal cancer per year (high-volume surgeons), and 37 respondents (61%) worked at university hospitals or tertiary care facilities (high-level hospitals). The preoperative evaluation with endorectal ultrasonography (ERUS) was significantly different according to the surgeon's operation volume and the level of the hospital, whereas magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET) was significantly different only for the surgeon's operation volume. The preoperative radiation therapy was significantly different according to the surgeon's operation volume, the surgeon's age, and the level of the hospital. However, there was no significant difference found on the operative procedures or postoperative surveillance. The preoperative loco-regional evaluation and the preoperative radiation therapy could be considered as the factors that influence the volume-outcome relationship in rectal cancer treatment

    Real-time measurement of the three-axis contact force distribution using a flexible capacitive polymer tactile sensor

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    In this paper, we report real-time measurement results of various contact forces exerted on a new flexible capacitive three-axis tactile sensor array based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). A unit sensor consists of two thick PDMS layers with embedded copper electrodes, a spacer layer, an insulation layer and a bump layer. There are four capacitors in a unit sensor to decompose a contact force into its normal and shear components. They are separated by a wall-type spacer to improve the mechanical response time. Four capacitors are arranged in a square form. The whole sensor is an 8 _ 8 array of unit sensors and each unit sensor responds to forces in all three axes. Measurement results show that the full-scale range of detectable force is around 0–20 mN (250 kPa) for all three axes. The estimated sensitivities of a unit sensor with the current setup are 1.3, 1.2 and 1.2%/mN for the x- , y- and z -axes, respectively. A simple mechanical model has been established to calculate each axial force component from the measured capacitance value. Normal and shear force distribution images are captured from the fabricated sensor using a real-time measurement system. The mechanical response time of a unit sensor has been estimated to be less than 160 ms. The flexibility of the sensor has also been demonstrated by operating the sensor on a curved surface of 4 mm radius of curvature.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90798/1/0960-1317_21_3_035010.pd

    A Synergistic Anti-Diabetic Effect by Ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg3 through Adipogenic and Insulin Signaling Pathways in 3T3-L1 Cells

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    Although ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg3 have been identified as the significant ginsenosides found in red ginseng that confer anti-diabetic actions, it is unclear whether insulin-sensitizing effects are mediated by the individual compounds or by their combination. To determine the effect of ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg3 on adipocyte differentiation, 3T3-L1 preadipocytes were induced to differentiate the standard hormonal inducers in the absence or presence of ginsenosides Rb1 or Rg3. Additionally, we determined the effects of Rb1, Rg3, or their combination on the expression of genes related to adipocyte differentiation, adipogenic transcription factors, and the insulin signaling pathway in 3T3-L1 cells using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Rb1 significantly increased the expression of CEBP alpha, PPAR gamma, and aP2 mRNAs. However, Rg3 exerted its maximal stimulatory effect on these genes at 1 mu M concentration, while a high concentration (50 mu M) showed inhibitory effects. Similarly, treatment with Rb1 and Rg3 (1 mu M) increased the expression of IRS-1, Akt, PI3K, GLUT4, and adiponectin. Importantly, co-treatment of Rb1 and Rg3 (9:1) induced the maximal expression levels of these mRNAs. Our data indicate that the anti-diabetic activity of red ginseng is, in part, mediated by synergistic actions of Rb1 and Rg3, further supporting the significance of minor Rg3

    Mitochondrial function contributes to oxysterol-induced osteogenic differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells

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    AbstractOxysterols, oxidized derivatives of cholesterol, are biologically active molecules. Specific oxysterols have potent osteogenic properties that act on osteoprogenitor cells. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these osteoinductive effects on embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are unknown. This study investigated the effect of an oxysterol combination of 22(S)-hydroxycholesterol and 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol (SS) on osteogenic differentiation of ESCs and the alterations to mitochondrial activity during differentiation. Osteogenic differentiation was assessed by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, matrix mineralization, mRNA expression of osteogenic factors, runt-related transcription factor 2, osterix, and osteocalcin, and protein levels of collagen type IA (COLIA) and osteopontin (OPN). Treatment of cells with SS increased osteoinductive activity compared to the control group. Intracellular reactive oxygen species production, intracellular ATP content, mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial DNA copy number, and mRNA expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivators 1α and β, transcription factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, were significantly increased during osteogenesis, indicating upregulation of mitochondrial activity. Oxysterol combinations also increased protein levels of mitochondrial respiratory complexes I–V. We also found that SS treatment increased hedgehog signaling target genes, Smo and Gli1 expression. Inhibition of Hh signaling by cyclopamine suppressed mitochondrial biogenesis and ESC osteogenesis. Subsequently, oxysterol-induced Wnt/β-catenin pathways were inhibited by repression of Hh signaling and mitochondrial biogenesis. Transfection of β-catenin specific siRNA decreased the protein levels of COLIA and OPN, as well as ALP activity. Collectively, these data suggest that lipid-based oxysterols enhance differentiation of ESCs toward the osteogenic lineage by regulating mitochondrial activity, canonical Hh/Gli, and Wnt/β-catenin signaling

    Degree distributions under general node removal: Power-law or Poisson?

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    Perturbations made to networked systems may result in partial structural loss, such as a blackout in a power-grid system. Investigating the resultant disturbance in network properties is quintessential to understand real networks in action. The removal of nodes is a representative disturbance, but previous studies are seemingly contrasting about its effect on arguably the most fundamental network statistic, the degree distribution. The key question is about the functional form of the degree distributions that can be altered during node removal or sampling, which is decisive in the remaining subnetwork's static and dynamical properties. In this work, we clarify the situation by utilizing the relative entropies with respect to the reference distributions in the Poisson and power-law form. Introducing general sequential node removal processes with continuously different levels of hub protection to encompass a series of scenarios including random removal and preferred or protective removal of the hub, we classify the altered degree distributions starting from various power-law forms by comparing two relative entropy values. From the extensive investigation in various scenarios based on direct node-removal simulations and by solving the rate equation of degree distributions, we discover in the parameter space two distinct regimes, one where the degree distribution is closer to the power-law reference distribution and the other closer to the Poisson distribution.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    A genome-wide Asian genetic map and ethnic comparison: The GENDISCAN study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic maps provide specific positions of genetic markers, which are required for performing genetic studies. Linkage analyses of Asian families have been performed with Caucasian genetic maps, since appropriate genetic maps of Asians were not available. Different ethnic groups may have different recombination rates as a result of genomic variations, which would generate misspecification of the genetic map and reduce the power of linkage analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We constructed the genetic map of a Mongolian population in Asia with CRIMAP software. This new map, called the GENDISCAN map, is based on genotype data collected from 1026 individuals of 73 large Mongolian families, and includes 1790 total and 1500 observable meioses. The GENDISCAN map provides sex-averaged and sex-specific genetic positions of 1039 microsatellite markers in Kosambi centimorgans (cM) with physical positions. We also determined 95% confidence intervals of genetic distances of the adjacent marker intervals.</p> <p>Genetic lengths of the whole genome, chromosomes and adjacent marker intervals are compared with those of Rutgers Map v.2, which was constructed based on Caucasian populations (Centre d'Etudes du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) and Icelandic families) by mapping methods identical to those of the GENDISCAN map, CRIMAP software and the Kosambi map function. Mongolians showed approximately 1.9 fewer recombinations per meiosis than Caucasians. As a result, genetic lengths of the whole genome and chromosomes of the GENDISCAN map are shorter than those of Rutgers Map v.2. Thirty-eight marker intervals differed significantly between the Mongolian and Caucasian genetic maps.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The new GENDISCAN map is applicable to the genetic study of Asian populations. Differences in the genetic distances between the GENDISCAN and Caucasian maps could facilitate elucidation of genomic variations between different ethnic groups.</p

    The Association between Disturbed Eating Behavior and Socioeconomic Status: The Online Korean Adolescent Panel Survey (OnKAPS)

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    Background: A limited amount of research, primarily conducted in Western countries, has suggested that higher socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with higher risk of eating disorders (EDs). However, little is known about this association in Asian countries. We examined the association of SES with disturbed eating behavior (DEB) and related factors in Korean adolescents. Subjects A nationwide online panel survey was conducted in a sample of adolescents (n = 6,943, 49.9% girls). DEB was measured with the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). Participants who scored ≥20 on the EAT-26 were considered to have DEB. Participants’ SES was determined based on self-reported household economic status. Results: The prevalence of DEB was 12.7%: 10.5% among boys and 14.8% among girls. Both boys and girls with DEB were more likely to perceive themselves as obese, experience higher levels of stress, and have lower academic achievement. The risk for DEB was significantly higher in boys of higher SES than in those of middle SES (OR = 1.45, 95%CI = 1.05–1.99 for high SES; OR = 5.16, 95%CI: 3.50–7.61 for highest SES). Among girls, higher risk of DEB was associated with the highest and lowest SES (OR = 1.52, 95%CI: 1.13–2.06 for lowest SES; OR = 2.22, 95%CI: 1.34–3.68 for highest SES). Conclusions: Despite the lower prevalence of obesity in Korea compared with Western countries, the prevalence of DEB in Korean adolescents was high, especially among girls. Moreover, the association between SES and DEB followed a U-shaped curve for girls and a J-shaped curve for boys

    Copy Number Variation of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Relevant Genes in the Korean Population

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    PURPOSE: Studies that analyzed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in various genes have shown that genetic factors are strongly associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) susceptibility. Copy number variation (CNV) may be an additional type of genetic variation that contributes to AMD pathogenesis. This study investigated CNV in 4 AMD-relevant genes in Korean AMD patients and control subjects. METHODS: Four CNV candidate regions located in AMD-relevant genes (VEGFA, ARMS2/HTRA1, CFH and VLDLR), were selected based on the outcomes of our previous study which elucidated common CNVs in the Asian populations. Real-time PCR based TaqMan Copy Number Assays were performed on CNV candidates in 273 AMD patients and 257 control subjects. RESULTS: The predicted copy number (PCN, 0, 1, 2 or 3+) of each region was called using the CopyCaller program. All candidate genes except ARMS2/HTRA1 showed CNV in at least one individual, in which losses of VEGFA and VLDLR represent novel findings in the Asian population. When the frequencies of PCN were compared, only the gain in VLDLR showed significant differences between AMD patients and control subjects (p = 0.025). Comparisons of the raw copy values (RCV) revealed that 3 of 4 candidate genes showed significant differences (2.03 vs. 1.92 for VEGFA, p<0.01; 2.01 vs. 1.97 for CFH, p<0.01; 1.97 vs. 2.01, p<0.01 for ARMS2/HTRA1). CONCLUSION: CNVs located in AMD-relevant genes may be associated with AMD susceptibility. Further investigations encompassing larger patient cohorts are needed to elucidate the role of CNV in AMD pathogenesis