19,304 research outputs found

    Lepton flavour violation in a nonuniversal gauge interaction model

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    The flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC) are derived at tree level if the electroweak gauge group depends on the fermion family, which are absent in the standard model. We study the lepton flavour violation (LFV) through the FCNC interactions in a nonuniversal gauge interaction model where the third generation fermions are subjected to the separate SU(2)L_L gauge group.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Probing the messenger of supersymmetry breaking by the muon anomalous magnetic moment

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    Motivated by the recently measured muon's anomalous magnetic moment aμa_{\mu}, we examine the supersymmetry contribution to aμa_{\mu} in various mediation models of supersymmetry breaking which lead to predictive flavor conserving soft parameters at high energy scale. The studied models include dilaton/modulus-mediated models in heterotic string/MM theory, gauge-mediated model, no-scale or gaugino-mediated model, and also the minimal and deflected anomaly-mediated models. For each model, the range of aμSUSYa^{SUSY}_{\mu} allowed by other experimental constraints, e.g. b --> s\gamma and the collider bounds on superparticle masses, is obtained together with the corresponding parameter region of the model. Gauge-mediated models with low messenger scale can give any aμSUSYa^{SUSY}_{\mu} within the 2σ2\sigma bound. In many other models, b --> s\gamma favors aμSUSYa^{SUSY}_{\mu} smaller than either the −1σ-1\sigma value (26×10−1026\times 10^{-10}) or the central value (42×10−1042\times 10^{-10}).Comment: RevTeX, 29 pages, 14 eps figures, figure for deflected anomaly mediation is corrected, reference adde
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