1,172 research outputs found

    Fluctuation Theorem of Information Exchange between Subsystems that Co-Evolve in Time

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    Sagawa and Ueda established a fluctuation theorem of information exchange by revealing the role of correlations in stochastic thermodynamics and unified the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of measurement and feedback control [T. Sagawa and M. Ueda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 180602 (2012)]. They considered a process where a non-equilibrium system exchanges information with other degrees of freedom such as an observer or a feedback controller. They proved the fluctuation theorem of information exchange under the assumption that the state of the other degrees of freedom that exchange information with the system does not change over time while the states of the system evolve in time. Here we relax this constraint and prove that the same form of the fluctuation theorem holds even if both subsystems co-evolve during information exchange processes. This result may extend the applicability of the fluctuation theorem of information exchange to a broader class of non-equilibrium processes, such as a dynamic coupling in biological systems, where subsystems that exchange information interact with each other.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Fluctuation Theorem of Information Exchange within an Ensemble of Paths Conditioned on Correlated-Microstates

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    Fluctuation theorems are a class of equalities that express universal properties of the probability distribution of a fluctuating path functional such as heat, work or entropy production over an ensemble of trajectories during a non-equilibrium process with a well-defined initial distribution. Jinwoo and Tanaka (Jinwoo, L.; Tanaka, H. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 7832) have shown that work fluctuation theorems hold even within an ensemble of paths to each state, making it clear that entropy and free energy of each microstate encode heat and work, respectively, within the conditioned set. Here we show that information that is characterized by the point-wise mutual information for each correlated state between two subsystems in a heat bath encodes the entropy production of the subsystems and heat bath during a coupling process. To this end, we extend the fluctuation theorem of information exchange (Sagawa, T.; Ueda, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012, 109, 180602) by showing that the fluctuation theorem holds even within an ensemble of paths that reach a correlated state during dynamic co-evolution of two subsystems.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
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