161 research outputs found
Adiabatic Mach-Zehnder interferometry on a quantized Bose-Josephson junction
We propose a scheme to achieve Mach-Zehnder interferometry using a quantized Bose-Josephson
junction with a negative charging energy. The quantum adiabatic evolution through a dynamical
bifurcation is used to accomplish the beam splitting and recombination. The negative charging energy
ensures the existence of a path-entangled state which enhances the phase measurement precision to the
Heisenberg limit. A feasible detection procedure is also presented. The scheme should be realizable with
current technology
Enhanced Quantum Reflection of Matter-Wave Solitons
Matter-wave bright solitons are predicted to reflect from a purely attractive
potential well although they are macroscopic objects with classical
particle-like properties. The non-classical reflection occurs at small
velocities and a pronounced switching to almost perfect transmission above a
critical velocity is found, caused by nonlinear mean-field interactions. Full
numerical results from the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation are complimented
by a two-mode variational calculation to explain the predicted effect, which
can be used for velocity filtering of solitons. The experimental realization
with laser-induced potentials or two-component Bose-Einstein condensates is
suggested.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let
Universality and Anomalous Mean-Field Breakdown of Symmetry-Breaking Transitions in A Coupled Two-Component Condensate
We study both mean-field and full quantum dynamics of symmetry-breaking
transitions (SBTs) in a coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. By
controlling s-wave scattering lengths and coupling strength, it is possible to
stimulate SBTs between normal and spontaneously polarized ground states. In
static transitions, the probability maxima of full quantum ground states
correspond to the mean-field ground states. In dynamical transitions, due to
the vanishing of excitation gaps, the mean-field dynamics shows universal
scalings obeying Kibble-Zurek mechanism. Both mean-field and full quantum
defect modes appear as damped oscillations, but they appear at different
critical points and undergo different oscillation regimes. The anomalous
breakdown of mean-field dynamics induced by SBTs depends on the approaching
direction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, revised and improved versio
Propagation, breathing and transition of matter-wave packet trains
We find a set of new exact solutions of a quantum harmonic oscillator, which
describes some wave-packet trains with average energy being proportional to
both the quantum level and classical energy of the oscillator. Center of the
wave-packet trains may oscillate like a classical harmonic oscillator of
frequency . Width and highness of the trains may change simultaneously
with frequency as an array of breathers. Under some perturbations
the wave-packet trains could transit between the states of different quantum
numbers. We demonstrate analytically and numerically that the wave-packet
trains can be strictly fitted to the matter-wave soliton trains observed by
Strecher et al. and reported in Nature 417, 150(2002). When the wave-packets
breathe with greater amplitudes, they show periodic collapse and revival of the
matter-wave.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure
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