11 research outputs found

    Examining the stability of membrane proteins within SMALPs

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    Amphipathic co-polymers such as styrene-maleic acid (SMA) have gained popularity over the last few years due to their ability and ease of use in solubilising and purifying membrane proteins in comparison to conventional methods of extraction such as detergents. SMA2000 is widely used for membrane protein studies and is considered as the optimal polymer for this technique. In this study a side-by-side comparison of SMA2000 with the polymer SZ30010 was carried out as both these polymers have similar styrene:maleic acid ratios and average molecular weights. Ability to solubilise, purify and stabilise membrane proteins was tested using three structurally different membrane proteins. Our results show that both polymers can be used to extract membrane proteins at a comparable efficiency to conventional detergent dodecylmaltoside (DDM). SZ30010 was found to give a similar protein yield and, SMALP disc size as SMA2000, and both polymers offered an increased purity and increased thermostability compared to DDM. Further investigation was conducted to investigate SMALP sensitivity to divalent cations. It was found that the sensitivity is polymer specific and not dependent on the protein encapsulated. Neither is it affected by the concentration of SMALPs. Larger divalent cations such as Co2+ and Zn2+ resulted in an increased sensitivity

    Self-oligomerization regulates stability of survival motor neuron protein isoforms by sequestering an SCF<sup>Slmb</sup> degron

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by homozygous mutations in human SMN1. Expression of a duplicate gene (SMN2) primarily results in skipping of exon 7 and production of an unstable protein isoform, SMNΔ7. Although SMN2 exon skipping is the principal contributor to SMA severity, mechanisms governing stability of survival motor neuron (SMN) isoforms are poorly understood. We used a Drosophila model system and label-free proteomics to identify the SCFSlmb ubiquitin E3 ligase complex as a novel SMN binding partner. SCFSlmb interacts with a phosphor degron embedded within the human and fruitfly SMN YG-box oligomerization domains. Substitution of a conserved serine (S270A) interferes with SCFSlmb binding and stabilizes SMNΔ7. SMA-causing missense mutations that block multimerization of full-length SMN are also stabilized in the degron mutant background. Overexpression of SMNΔ7S270A, but not wild-type (WT) SMNΔ7, provides a protective effect in SMA model mice and human motor neuron cell culture systems. Our findings support a model wherein the degron is exposed when SMN is monomeric and sequestered when SMN forms higher-order multimers

    The Present Empyrean: Reconciling Existentialism and Fashion Through Considerations of Heaven

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    Transposing Heaven, goodness, and love into a clothing collection circumnavigates belief in the establishment of goodness that I investigate visually and existentially. To describe a point of heavenly perfection, I evaluated personal preference, outside opinion, and cultural beliefs as applied to life and clothing as extensions of self. I aimed to convey Heavenly influence through my senior fashion collection, from mood boards, fabric selection, and description, inspired by my questions about our perceptions of goodness and Heaven. Driven by existentialist need for meaning, I perceived morality and clothing as given context through deeper knowledge of a person. I know that reactions to actions and outfits are immediate and thus hoped to create clothing that reflected the depth of character within the person wearing it. I aimed to create ensembles that would be conducive to desire for greater knowledge of someone’s character for my 9-look collection shown at Cornell Fashion Collective’s runway, Human Centered Design’s NYC Expo, and as part of FSAD seniors’ exhibit in the Human Ecology’s Jill Stuart Gallery. In this essay, I analyze the role of the fashion designer based upon their intentions, the technical quality of their garment, or effect on the wearer and general opinion. I found value in clothing through faith in the existence of goodness and worthiness of human relationships. As part of this thesis, I searched for evidence for this existence: why we seek to look beautiful and the role our appearance plays in our lives. In my designs, I aim to reveal my philosophy considering Heaven as knowing and celebrating the particularities of a person and their stories. Empyrean Echos elaborates upon the compelling reason for dressing one’s friends as beautifully as possible

    CD4+ T cells display a spectrum of recall dynamics during re-infection with malaria parasites

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    Abstract Children in malaria-endemic regions can experience repeated Plasmodium infections over short periods of time. Effects of re-infection on multiple co-existing CD4+ T cell subsets remain unresolved. Here, we examine antigen-experienced CD4+ T cells during re-infection in mice, using scRNA-seq/TCR-seq and spatial transcriptomics. TCR transgenic TEM cells initiate rapid Th1/Tr1 recall responses prior to proliferating, while GC Tfh counterparts are refractory, with TCM/Tfh-like cells exhibiting modest non-proliferative responses. Th1-recall is a partial facsimile of primary Th1-responses, with no upregulated effector-associated genes being unique to recall. Polyclonal, TCR-diverse, CD4+ T cells exhibit similar recall dynamics, with individual clones giving rise to multiple effectors including highly proliferative Th1/Tr1 cells, as well as GC Tfh and Tfh-like cells lacking proliferative capacity. Thus, we show substantial diversity in recall responses mounted by multiple co-existing CD4+ T cell subsets in the spleen, and present graphical user interfaces for studying gene expression dynamics and clonal relationships during re-infection

    Integrated molecular and multiparametric MRI mapping of high-grade glioma identifies regional biologic signatures

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    Abstract Sampling restrictions have hindered the comprehensive study of invasive non-enhancing (NE) high-grade glioma (HGG) cell populations driving tumor progression. Here, we present an integrated multi-omic analysis of spatially matched molecular and multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) profiling across 313 multi-regional tumor biopsies, including 111 from the NE, across 68 HGG patients. Whole exome and RNA sequencing uncover unique genomic alterations to unresectable invasive NE tumor, including subclonal events, which inform genomic models predictive of geographic evolution. Infiltrative NE tumor is alternatively enriched with tumor cells exhibiting neuronal or glycolytic/plurimetabolic cellular states, two principal transcriptomic pathway-based glioma subtypes, which respectively demonstrate abundant private mutations or enrichment in immune cell signatures. These NE phenotypes are non-invasively identified through normalized K2 imaging signatures, which discern cell size heterogeneity on dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC)-MRI. NE tumor populations predicted to display increased cellular proliferation by mean diffusivity (MD) MRI metrics are uniquely associated with EGFR amplification and CDKN2A homozygous deletion. The biophysical mapping of infiltrative HGG potentially enables the clinical recognition of tumor subpopulations with aggressive molecular signatures driving tumor progression, thereby informing precision medicine targeting