311 research outputs found

    Intravenous Administration of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in the Chicken Model

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    To be used in health care, the safety and effectiveness of nanoparticles needs to be tested in a living organism. The objective of this project was to develop the chicken as a convenient animal model to examine tissue targeting of intravenously (i.v.)-injected iron oxide (IO) nanoparticles. In Experiment 1, different doses of IO-COOH were i.v. injected into chickens; blood was collected at 0, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes post-injection; liver, spleen, lung, and kidney were collected after the last blood collection. For Experiment 2, IO-COOH and IO-PEG were i.v. injected into chickens; blood and the organs were collected at 0, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes postinjection. For both Experiments, IO concentration in blood was examined by iron test kit and fixed tissue sections were stained with H/E and Prussian blue stain. Portions of organs from Experiment 2 were frozen and used for preparation of homogenates and tissue-sections for immunohistochemical and/or iron-staining. For Experiment 3, the dermis of growing feathers (GF) was injected with mouse-IgG antigen (Ag); 6 hours later, IO-Ab (IO-COOH conjugated with chicken-antibody specific for mouse IgG), IO-COOH, or IO-PEG were i.v. injected into the chickens; one Ag-injected GF and one uninjected GF per chicken was collected at 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 24, and 48 hours post-i.v.-injection; organs were collected at three and seven days post-i.v.- injection; and tissue sections of GFs and organs were stained with Prussian blue stain. Together, results of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 revealed that IO-nanoparticles were taken up quickly by macrophages in liver and spleen, whereby IO-PEG was taken up at lower levels and slower pace by phagocytic cells when compared to IO-COOH. Experiment 3 was not successful in demonstrating delivery of intravenously injected IO nanoparticles to antigen-injected GFs. This may be due to the low dose of nanoparticles injected as well as the antigen-antibody system used. This is the first report describing organ-distribution and uptake of i.v. injected IO nanoparticles in the chicken system, setting the stage for using the avian model to test in vivo targeting effectiveness of nanoparticles

    Characteristics of Simulated Workplace Neutron Standard Fields

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    This paper presents the development of simulated workplace neutron standard fields at the Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology with the 241Am-Be source moderated by polyethylene spheres with diameters of 15 cm and 30 cm. The characterization of the standard fields (in terms of neutron fluence rates and neutron ambient dose equivalent rates) was performed using Bonner sphere spectrometer system together with MAXED and FRUIT unfolding codes. The related quantities such as neutron dose equivalent-averaged energies and fluence-to-ambient dose equivalent conversion coefficients were also determined. The discrepancies of values are satisfied the standard uncertainty criteria as recommended by the International Standard Organization 12789 series. It implies that the simulated workplace neutron standard fields can be applied in the practical works for calibration purposes

    Teacher returnees from overseas programs in the west: a narrative study in Vietnam

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    In this narrative inquiry research, our focus was on exploring teacher identity within the context of the expanding field of language teacher education and professional development. Utilizing theories of teacher identities to analyze data from interviews and reflections, we observed that conversations and stories were frequently shared in social settings, with overseas teaching practices being a substantial influence on their reflections. The findings indicated that the participants' teacher identities continually changed and dynamically evolved, particularly influenced by their engagement in overseas educational programs. Upon their return, participants expressed hope in maintaining their newly transformed perspectives on teaching and learning. In conclusion, we discussed further research directions and implications to underscore the ongoing significance of this topic

    Impact of Vocational Education and Training On Decent Job Opportunities Regarding Information and Communication Technology

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    Vocational education and training plays a crucial part in the creation of decent job. The fast growth of information and communication technology (ICT) during the past ten years has increased work opportunities for laborers. This research uses the yearly labor force survey data to study the impact of vocational education and training on decent job opportunities for employees in the context of Vietnam's information and communication technology development. The logit model results indicate that the 2020 rate of decent jobs is still low, at approximately 25.6 percent. However, vocational education and training and the advancement of ICT positively affect decent job opportunities. This long-lasting impact affects laborers in various areas, regions, and industries. These findings suggest that vocational education and training and ICT must play a significant role in transitioning from precarious to more secure employment, so laborers must acquire professional knowledge and information technology skills

    Large displacements of FGSW beams in thermal environment using a finite element formulation

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    The large displacements of functionally graded sandwich (FGSW) beams in thermal environment  are studied using a finite element formulation. The beams are composed of three layers, a homogeneous core and two functionally graded face sheets with volume fraction of constituents following a power gradation law. The material properties of the beams are considered to be temperature-dependent.  Based on Antman beam model and the total Lagrange formulation, a two-node nonlinear beam element taking the effect of temperature rise into account  is formulated and employed in the study. The element with explicit expressions for the internal force vector and tangent stiffness matrix is derived using linear interpolations and reduced integration technique to avoid the shear locking. Newton-Raphson based iterative algorithm is employed in combination with the arc-length control method to compute the large displacement response of a cantilever FGSW beam subjected to end forces.  The accuracy of the formulated element is confirmed through a comparison study. The effects of the material inhomogeneity, temperature rise and layer thickness ratio on the large deflection response of the beam are examined and highlighted

    K.Marx-Engels and Ho Chi Minh Viewpoints on Journalism - and Two Fake News Publishing Cases of Thanhnien.vn and Tuoitre.vn (Online Magazines) in Vietnam and Lessons from Indonesia, Japan Approaches

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    In this paper, by using qualitative analytical analysis with 2 case examples of Thanh nien and Tuoi tre newspapers (online) in Vietnam, in which there are history of publishing fakes news online from 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022 (with very bad editors Nguyen Ngoc Toan and Dang Thi Phuong Thao), as well as giaoduc.edu.vn and vietnamnet.vn in 2022 so we will address some points in this study based on answers for question: “What are regulatory lessons from Indonesia and Japan approaches on publishing fake news?”. We would suggest that there are penalties for negative behaviors of posting fake news online (any fake information) in the context of covid 19 epidemic. Tapsell (2019) defined ‘hoax news’ as similar to the more globally recognized term ‘fake news’: material deliberately fabricated and masqueraded as truth. At last, we will draw some lessons from K.Marx and Ho Chi Minh viewpoints on journalism for educating young generation in emerging markets such as Vietnam


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    In this globalization era, there have been drastic changes taking place all over the world. People’s desires are fulfilled when they clearly express their ideas and opinions to others. Thus, they need to learn speaking skills in order to fulfill their ambitions, desires, and goals. However, it is so difficult for students to master this skill because they encounter some common problems when speaking. Therefore, the research entitled "A study on problems in speaking of English-majored freshmen at Tay Do University and some suggested solutions" was carried out in order to identify common problems in English speaking of English majored freshmen at Tay Do University and provide some suggested solutions. In this study, questionnaires and interview papers were used as the main instruments to collect the data. The participants were 80 English-majored freshmen in the two classes of English course 16 including 16A and 16B at Tay Do University. The study's findings revealed that freshmen majoring in English had several common problems with vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, the influence of mother tongue, and psychology in speaking. It is expected that this study will assist English-majored freshmen at Tay Do University in recognizing and overcoming obstacles in the process of speaking.  Article visualizations

    Competencies of the Team of Department Head at Higher Education Institutions in Vietnam in The Context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    This study aims to investigate the Competencies of the team of department head at higher education institutions in Vietnam to implement higher education development in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. The authors conducted a Delphi study with 15 experts in educational management in Vietnam to gather their expert views on the competencies of the team of department head at higher education institutions. A total of 24 components of competency related to 4 fields (professional expertise, scientific research, subject management and leadership, social activities and international cooperation) were strongly emphasized by experts. The competence of the team of department head is proposed based on the ideas of a group of experts and the results need to be tested, completed and confirmed by follow-up work. Besides, in this study, we have not determined the level of achievement of each competence as well as developed assessment tools. The specific competencies of the team of department head can be considered as a foundation to contribute to the development of higher education in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. We know that competence does not exist independently; in stead of, they should be considered in the specific context of teaching, university, culture and society. This study is one of the studies related to the competence contextualization of the team of department head at higher education institutions in the Vietnamese context

    Measuring citizen's satisfaction when using E-Government online public services: Lessons from Vietnam

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    This study aims to evaluate the factors affecting the satisfaction of citizen when using online public services through data collected from direct surveys of people. Research results show that Quality of online public services, Citizen's awareness, Privacy and security, Trust and accessibility affect citizen's satisfaction when using online public services. Based on these results, the study also gives some discussion and governance implications for researchers as well as policy-makers in improving citizen's satisfaction as well as attracting more users for online public services in Vietnam context
