134 research outputs found

    CARE Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19

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    Vietnam reported its first known case of COVID-19 on 23 January 2020. As of 19 May, the country had 324 confirmed cases, with 263 recoveries and no deaths. In Vietnam, COVID-19 presents a range of contextual challenges including high numbers of migrant workers, high numbers of employees in the garment industry, many people working in the informal sector, and linguistically and culturally diverse ethnic minorities. The impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups, such as migrant workers, informal workers, garment factory workers, and ethnic minorities are further marginalising these groups, exacerbating poverty and inequality and increasing their exposure to other social, economic and protection risks. Women in Vietnam have historically been underrepresented in public decision-making processes, a trend that is reflected in high-level decision-making structures on COVID-19. This means that even as women are disproportionately affected by the crisis, they have less say in how their country should respond to it

    CARE Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19 VIETNAM

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    Vietnam reported its first known case of COVID-19 on 23 January 2020. As of 19 May, the country had 324 confirmed cases, with 263 recoveries and no deaths. In Vietnam, COVID-19 presents a range of contextual challenges including high numbers of migrant workers, high numbers of employees in the garment industry, many people working in the informal sector, and linguistically and culturally diverse ethnic minorities. The impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups, such as migrant workers, informal workers, garment factory workers, and ethnic minorities are further marginalising these groups, exacerbating poverty and inequality and increasing their exposure to other social, economic and protection risks

    Evaluating Feasibility and Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Instructional Technology

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    Higher education institutions encounters difficulties when the Covid-19 pandemic happens because learners cannot go to class and absorb knowledge directly. In Vietnam, universities have used online learning to help learners keep learning in this pandemic context. However, the quality and effectiveness of the learning process are questioned by the learner and the teaching staff. In this context, our research is looking for solutions to apply new technology in the teaching process to ensure the quality and effectiveness of learning. Among these new technologies, digital games are considered due to most students playing digital games as well as their positive effects in teaching reflected in recent publications. Under the approach of technological process, our team evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the digital game-based instructional technology at HUST. In terms of feasibility, research results show that most students agree that learning skills can be formed by using digital games in learning process. About the efficiency, there are three key findings: First, although male students play video games more than female students, the results show that both men and women have the same rate to-wards the effectiveness of digital games in learning. Second, there is no difference in assessing the effectiveness of digital games in learning between IT students and non-IT students although IT students are more exposed to technology. Third, there is a difference in the views of second-year students and third-year students. This difference shows the reason to build blended-learning courses that use digital games effectively for third-year students who starts more indeed engineering major at universities

    Assessing Eutrophication in the Coastal Bay by ASSETS Index Model

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    Xuan Dai is a coastal bay in Phu Yen Province, Vietnam. The bay has an area of 80 km2 and a considerable depth from 8 to 18 m. This is an ecologically diverse area with great potential for aquaculture and fishing, which brings significant benefits to the people in the region. For years, the excessive development of aquaculture has enriched the water in the bay, resulting in mass deaths of lobsters. In this study, the ASSETS index model has been applied to Xuan Dai Bay to determine the trophic status and the natural and man-made processes related to eutrophication. The study results showed that the core zone of Xuan Dai Bay (CZ) was classified with a high influencing factor, with a high eutrophic condition, with a “no change” future outlook, and with a bad final overall ASSETS grade. Ky Lo Estuary (KLE) presents a low pressure, a low eutrophic condition, a “no change” future outlook, and a good final ASSETS index. These mean that CZ had a poor tropic status or the eutrophication happened in this system; whereas, KLZ presented a good tropic condition or no eutrophication. A basic management plan and early warning monitoring should take into consideration the condition of the water body to preserve the good tropic condition in KLZ, especially during dry seasons. For CZ, three groups of solutions have been proposed, including nutrient management, ecosystem restoration, and further researches. The results of the study also reveal the significance and benefit of applying integrated methods in water quality assessment and management in coastal zones. Deep understanding of water retention time, typology, nutrient loading, and the land/water uses of a system is the key factor for atrophic status management strategy

    Guide to Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP): Experiences from the Agro-Climate Information Services for women and ethnic minority farmers in South-East Asia (ACIS) project in Ha Tinh and Dien Bien province, Vietnam

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    The Participatory scenario planning (PSP) workshop is a valuable knowledge-sharing platform through which stakeholders, including those who support the implementation of PSP (i.e., meteorological and agricultural services) and those who access and use the climate information (i.e., technical experts, and farmers) meet to discuss adaptation actions within the context of climate information. The PSP approach was developed under CARE International’s Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP). It was then adapted to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia under the Agro-Climate Information Services for women and ethnic minority farmers in South-East Asia (ACIS) project by CARE International in Vietnam and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Vietnam

    Synthesis of hydroxyl terminated liquid natural rubber by oxidative depolymerization of deproteinized natural rubber

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    Hydroxyl terminated liquid natural rubber (HTLNR) was prepared by the depolymerization of deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) in mixture of toluene and water at 60oC for 24 hours in the presence of ammonium persulfate as an initiator and tetrahydrofuran (THF) as a homogenizing agent. GPC analysis revealed that the number-average molecular weight (Mn) and weight-average molecular weight (Mw) of HTLNR were found to be 4.334×103 g/mol and 11.702×103 g/mol, respectively, with polydispersity index (PDI) of  2.7. The chemical structure of HTLNR was determined by FTIR and 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectroscopic analysis. The mechanism of depolymerization and hydroxylation of NR to form HTNR based on the analytical data is also suggested in this study

    The Influence of the Level of Guarantee of Operating Expenses on the Application of Accounting Software in Public Non- Business Unit

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    Public non-business units are established by the state to perform public services and distribute those services to society. Through the document research method, the article has generalized the role, function, and accounting form of public non-business units and the importance of accounting. With this method, we can also evaluate the limitations in accounting and the reasons why many public non-business units do not see the need to apply accounting software in accounting. Three reasons were pointed out: unit leaders did not pay attention to accounting work, lack of funding for implementation and incorrectly identified the reasons for errors in accounting planning. The investigation method also helped us identify how accounting software applications are affected by the level of Guarantee of operating expenses. Analysis results have shown that financially autonomous units have a higher tendency to apply accounting software than units without financial revenue. The research team also proposed a number of solutions such as increasing the understanding and awareness of business unit leaders about the importance of accounting work and accounting software. Implement budget estimates for information technology construction at the unit, properly assessing the key points of existence


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    The pollution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds caused by herbicide residues contaminated with dioxin from the war and other wastes from industrial activities has left severe consequences to human health and the environment. Bioremediation using microorganisms capable of decomposing pollutant compounds exhibits more advantages than physicochemical treatment methods as it is highly efficient, economically feasible, sustainable, and eco-friendly. In this study, Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans strain 4B1, isolated from dioxin-contaminated soil in Vietnam, was optimized the culture conditions and evaluated its abilities to degrade dibenzofuran and naphthalene. The results revealed that strain 4B1 showed the best growth on mineral salts medium supplemented with dibenzofuran 1250 mg/L or naphthalene 750 mg/L, pH 7.0, incubated at 45°C and 180 rpm with a cell density of 9,42 × 107 và 5,6 × 107 CFU/mL, respectively. Gas chromatography analysis of the substrate concentrations indicated that strain 4B1 could degrade 79.76% of 1250 mg/L dibenzofuran and 83.03% of 750 mg/L naphthalene after 72 hours of incubation at optimal conditions. These results make Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans 4B1 a potential candidate for application in bioremediation of environments contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.Ô nhiễm các hợp chất hydrocarbon thơm đa vòng gây ra do dư lượng chất độc chiến tranh hoặc từ chất thải của các hoạt động công nghiệp đã để lại nhiều hậu quả nghiêm trọng cho sức khỏe con người và môi trường sinh thái. Phương pháp phục hồi sinh học sử dụng các vi sinh vật có khả năng phân hủy các hợp chất ô nhiễm cho thấy hiệu quả xử lý cao, chi phí thấp, bền vững và thân thiện với môi trường hơn so với các phương pháp lý hóa thông thường. Trong nghiên cứu này, chủng vi khuẩn Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans 4B1, phân lập từ đất nhiễm dioxin, được nghiên cứu tối ưu hóa các điều kiện nuôi cấy và đánh giá khả năng phân hủy các hợp chất dibenzofuran và naphthalene. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy chủng vi khuẩn này sinh trưởng tốt nhất trên môi trường muối khoáng bổ sung 1250 mg/L dibenzofuran hoặc 750 mg/L naphthalene, pH 7,0, nuôi cấy ở nhiệt độ 45°C và tốc độ khuấy trộn 180 vòng/phút với mật độ tế bào lần lượt là 9,42 × 107 và 5,6 × 107 CFU/mL. Phân tích sắc ký khí hàm lượng cơ chất còn lại trong môi trường nuôi cấy cho thấy chủng 4B1 có khả năng phân hủy dibenzofuran và naphthalene với hiệu suất lần lượt là 79,76% và 83,03% sau 72 giờ nuôi cấy. Kết quả này là cơ sở cho việc ứng dụng chủng vi khuẩn Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans 4B1 trong nghiên cứu xử lý các môi trường bị ô nhiễm các hợp chất hydrocarbon thơm đa vòng