5 research outputs found
Gen Z: Peduli Terhadap Ekosistem Mangrove di Kelurahan Lalowaru, Konawe selatan
Background: The problem of mangrove forest degradation in coastal areas is caused by various factors, including industrial activities, household activities, cultivation activities and land clearing for settlements. Previous research has stated that there needs to be concern from various parties so that mangrove forests in coastal areas are maintained. Until now, mangrove forest destruction, both natural and deliberate, is still quite high, making it a problem in most coastal areas. Situation Analysis: school students as the younger generation play an important role in disseminating knowledge about the importance of maintaining and preserving mangrove forests in coastal areas. Through this activity, it is hoped that a high level of love and concern for the environment can be created for school students in coastal areas. Approach Method: The approach stages carried out in this program consist of educating school students regarding the importance of maintaining mangrove forests in coastal areas. Results and Conclusions: When providing education to school students, they are first given an understanding of the importance of mangrove forests for the environment. After being given education and then practicing planting mangrove seeds directly, school students became enthusiastic about taking part in maintaining the mangrove ecosystem. Based on this, it can be concluded that education for the younger generation regarding the important function of mangrove forests needs to continue to be encouraged so that the younger generation is also involved in preserving coastal areas
Introduksi Budidaya Belut Sawah (Monopterus albus) dan Cacing Merah (Lumbricus rubellus) sebagai Pakan Belut di BTN Kendari Permai, Kota Kendari, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Telah dilakukan kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Internal UHO (PKMI-UHO), untuk mengintroduksi metode budidaya belut sawah (Monopterus albus) baik dengan media lumpur maupun dengan media air bersih, dan budidaya cacing merah sebagai pakan belut sawah, di BTN Kendari Permai, Kota Kendari, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Pelaksanaan meliputi pelatihan, praktek langsung dan pendirian Demplot (Demonstration Plot) budidaya belut sawah dan budidaya cacing tanah merah. Terdapat dua aspek yang menjadi acuan dalam evaluasi. Aspek proses, terdapat antusiasme yang besar dari warga terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan. Aspek hasil, mulai dari sosialisasi hingga pelaksanaan demplot, warga menjadi tahu cara budidaya belut sawah dan cacing merah, dan menguasai teknologi tersebut
Penerapan Konsep Sikap Peduli Lingkungan Kepada Anak Pesisir Ranooha Raya
The most problematic issue due to the coastal zone and it seems to be like common things to happen there is about the clean of the coastal area. Coastal zone with bustling activities lean to highly environmental anthropogenic pressure and it always be the main course to destroy its system in the way of morphological and biologic terms. What the coastal people do in the living occasionally turn up to create any garbage and contamination. We can’t say no that a lot of coastal site in Indonesia has a bad condition by the appearance of the contaminant. Those kinds of conditions are tightly due to social economic situation and cultural behavior of the coastal society in which they often show some careless act to a healthiness of the area. That careless habits of course been caused by the lack of their knowledge and information about how important the soundness of the coastal-living really is. Halu Oleo University by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, in the Major of Fisheries Agro-business, has simulated an approach of the study in upgrading the awareness to the society of the coast. The phenomenological program held to develop the sense of cares to the young generations of the coastal so they can stimulate their more-growing attention to the healthiness quality of the coastal and to grow the feels of caring a coastal living-hood. It placed in Ranooha Raya Village, Sub district of Moramo, South Konawe Regency. This program contained the attachment of garbage signs, education of the coast healthiness and the act of coastal cleaning by the young people and kids in the place. A lot of villager especially young generation and kids are willingly to enjoy these activities. This approach can hopefully to be a main conduct to the young people to care more than before to the coastal area as their place of growth and the place for them to make a living in a proper way
Pelatihan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan dan Kelautan Bagi Perempuan Pesisir di Kelurahan Lalowaru
Peran perempuan pesisir dalam tatanan sosial sudah mengalami perubahan. Saat ini, perempuan pesisir dianggap sebagai salah satu kontibutor dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi rumah tangga dan memiliki kekuasaan dalam menentukan pembangunan suatu wilayah. Sehingga perempuan pesisir memiliki peran ganda, dalam rumah tangga dan lingkungan sosial. Keterlibatan perempuan pesisir di Kelurahan Lalowaru dalam membantu ekonomi rumah tangga belum berjalan optimal disebabkan karena minimnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan terkait dalam mengolah dan memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang dimiliki khususnya sumberdaya perikanan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini merupakan pendampingan bagi perempuan pesisir untuk membentuk kreatifivitas dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya perikanan agar dapat menjadi karakter mandiri dan memiliki jiwa wirausaha. Dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian ini, diharapkan mampu membantu ekonomi rumah tangga. Sasaran pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga di Kelurahan Lalowaru. Program kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan pengolahan pembuatan otak-otak ikan dan stik mangrove. Hasil dari kegiatan pegabdian menunjukkan peserta pelatihan aktif dalam berdiskusi terkait dengan pengolahan dan strategi pemasaran serta melakukan demo masak sesuai dengan instruksi tim pengabdian. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membentuk karaktek mandiri dan jiwa wirausaha sehingga dapat membantu ekonomi rumah tangga di Kelurahan Lalowaru
Morphometrics and Growth Patterns of Halfbeak Fish (
Halfbeaks (Nomorhamphus sp.) are freshwater fishes that inhabit the Moramo River. Data and scientific information of this species are still limited. This study aims to determine the morphometric characters and growth patterns of halfbeak fish in the Moramo River. This research was conducted from April to June 2020. The fish was caught using a modified seine net. The length of the net is 15 m, width 1.2 m, and mesh size 0.5 x 0.5 inches. There is a pocket in the middle of the net with 40 cm of diameter and 1.5 m of length. The fish were separated by sex, weighed, and preserved using 4% formalin. Measurement of 22 morphometric characters using calipers with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. A total of 120 fish were caught, with 60 males and 60 females. Male fish have body lengths and weights ranging from 40.5-71 mm and 0.45-2.93 g, while female fish have body lengths and weights ranging from 43.5-91.5 mm and 0.5-5.74 g. The results of the growth patterns of male and female halfbeaks are negative allometric (b<3)