13 research outputs found

    Diversity statistics for the 14 background loci (at the top of the table) and the 19 photoperiodic pathway loci used in the study.

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    1<p>Total number of <i>Picea abies</i> sequences</p>2<p>Number of sites after excluding gaps and sites with missing data</p>3<p>Haplotype diversity</p>4<p>: Estimate of the population mutation rate , based on the number of segregating sites (per base pair)</p>5<p>: Estimate of the population mutation rate, , based on nucleotide diversity, . (per base pair)</p>6<p>NA = Not applicable</p

    Test statistics for deviation from neutral expectations for the photoperiod pathway related genes.

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    a<p>With Pinus taeda as outgroup</p>b<p>With Picea species as outgroup</p>1<p>Observed value in the 5% lower or 95% upper quantile for SNM.</p>2<p>Observed value in the 5% lower or 95% upper quantile for PEM.</p>3<p>Observed value in the 5% lower or 95% upper quantile for SPM.</p