19 research outputs found
Heredity Dryad eggs laid data submission
These data were used in the analysis investigating the relationship between female size and the number of eggs laid by females
Heredity Dryad averaged data submission
This data is line averages for several traits measured for this manuscript. It was used for all the analysis described in the manuscript apart from the relationship between female size and number of eggs laid by females
Experiment 1_Sfp allocation to females
Experiment 1: Small and Large males and females. Mating latency and duration; absolute quantity of Sfps transferred to females during mating
Experiment 4_Courtship and Rejection
Experiment 4: Courtship and Rejection dat
Experiment_1_male_SP and OV production
Experiment 1: SP and OV produced by males in their accessory glands
Experiment 1 fly weights
Mass of flies from Experiment
Female tissue Sfp detection
Values from ELISAs of Large or Small female reproductive tracts spiked with a consistent amount of SP or OV, to test for interference of female tissue on Sfp detection. See methods: "Test of interference of female tissue with detection of Sfps in ELISAs"
Experiments 3 and 4
Experiments 3 and 4: Latency to mating, mating duration and remating data
Experiment 1 fly weights
Mass of flies from Experiment
Experiment 2: Effects of rival male size on SP production and transfer. Data on latency to mating; mating duration; male SP; female SP; proportion SP transferred