13 research outputs found

    Housing, land and property in the context of climate change, disasters and displacement

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    This brief presents the Norwegian Refugee Council's knowledge and experience in addressing housing, land and property (HLP) issues associated with climate change, disasters and displacement, including those often aggravated by conflict. It is not a comprehensive catalogue of HLP issues, nor does it present the full breadth of NRC's operations. Rather, it reflects the organisation's experience in delivering information counselling and legal assistance (ICLA), shelter and settlements and other programmes, and draws on its role as lead and co-lead of inter-agency coordination. The brief documents examples of NRC's operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Mozambique, Somalia and South Sudan, countries also identified for the work of the Special Adviser

    Reproductive rights and religious actors: evangelicals confronting the debate about de-criminalizing abortion in contemporary argentina (1994-2011)

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    En el debate sobre despenalización del aborto en Argentina, las posiciones de la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica son las más conocidas, proyectando una mirada cristiana supuestamente unívoca sobre el aborto. Para cuestionar dicha univocidad, el artículo analiza los diferentes posicionamientos y argumentos de las instituciones evangélicas de Argentina sobre el aborto, reflejando la diversidad de posiciones cristianas al respecto. Desarrollamos una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, a partir del relevamiento de fuentes secundarias (declaraciones de instituciones evangélicas, prensa religiosa y secular), entrevistas a informantes clave y observación participante en eventos evangélicos. Concluye afirmándose que desde el polo conservador, el rechazo a su despenalización se fundamenta en la defensa de la vida del “niño por nacer” y de un modelo de familia heterosexual monógamo reproductivo, así como en la necesidad de considerar la existencia de una mayoría creyente cristiana en la sociedad argentina que se opondría a esta despenalización; mientras que desde el polo liberacionista se subrayan la defensa de la vida de las mujeres que interrumpen un embarazo y las desigualdades socioeconómicas y de género que sitúan en particular riesgo a aquellas de menores recursos económicos.In the debate about the decriminalization of abortion in Argentina, positions of the Catholic Church hierarchy are the best known, projecting a supposedly univocal Christian view about abortion. To question said univocality, this article analyzes the different positions and arguments of evangelical institutions in Argentina on abortion, reflecting the diversity of Christian positions on this issue. A qualitative methodological strategy was developed, based on the revelation of secondary sources (statements by evangelical institutions, religious and secular press), in-depth interviews with key informants and participant observation at evangelical events on this topic. The study concludes asserting that, from the conservative pole, rejection of the decriminalization is based on defense of the life of the “unborn child” and a model of the heterosexual monogamous reproductive family as well as the need to consider the existence of a believing Christian majority in Argentinean society that would oppose this legalization; while the liberationist pole highlights defense of the lives of women who terminate a pregnancy and the socioeconomic and gender inequalities that place women with little resources particularly at risk.Fil: Jones, Daniel Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Azparren Almeira, Ana Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cunial, Santiago Luján. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Establecer identidades legales para los sirios desplazados

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    Siete años de conflicto han tenido graves efectos perjudiciales para muchos sirios al momento de demostrar su identidad legal

    La preparación jurídica para el retorno a Siria

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    La preparación en términos de derechos legales es crucial para los refugiados sirios que planean regresar

    Legal preparedness for return to Syria

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    Preparation in terms of legal rights is crucial for Syrian refugees who are planning to return

    Generalized Spatio-Temporal Regression with PDE Penalization

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    We develop a novel generalised linear model for the analysis of data distributed over space and time. The model involves a nonparametric term 5, a smooth function over space and time. The estimation is carried out by the minimization of an appropriate penalized negative log-likelihood functional, with a roughness penalty on 5 that involves space and time differential operators, in a separable fashion, or an evolution partial differential equation. The model can include covariate information in a semi-parametric setting. The functional is discretized by means of finite elements in space, and B-splines or finite differences in time. Thanks to the use of finite elements, the proposed method is able to efficiently model data sampled over irregularly shaped spatial domains, with complicated boundaries. To illustrate the proposed model we present an application to study the criminality in the city of Portland, from 2015 to 2020

    Establishing legal identity for displaced Syrians

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    Seven years of conflict have had a serious detrimental effect on many Syrians’ ability to prove their legal identity

    Establecer identidades legales para los sirios desplazados

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    Siete años de conflicto han tenido graves efectos perjudiciales para muchos sirios al momento de demostrar su identidad legal

    La preparación jurídica para el retorno a Siria

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    La preparación en términos de derechos legales es crucial para los refugiados sirios que planean regresar