29 research outputs found

    Ideology Contestation in Management of University Library Development

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    Library collection development is mostly studied as professionalism based on a positivistic paradigm neglecting constructivist based paradigm. This constructivist base is reflected in various factors, such as ideology and commodification, which influence collection development. This research aims to investigate ideological contestation and commodification of institutions and audiences related to the collection development of Muhammadiyah University library. The ideological contestation was examined using Giddens’ structuration and Bourdieu’s habitus. The research data was collected from interviews with five informants from librarians and library directors. The data were supported by observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique based on three stages: reduction, display, and conclusion/verification. The results of the research found three formations in contestation, i.e. internal institutions, external institutions, and professionalism of librarians. The internal institution represented by the UMY Library encountered with outside institutions, such as American Corner, Iranian Corner, and publishers. Meanwhile, librarians show their professionalism in facing the ideological domination of those institutions through various strategies regarding the development of library collection

    Preserving Local Wisdom in the Leadership of Islamic University Libraries in Yogyakarta

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    This research tries to understand how the preservation of local wisdom in the leadership of Islamic university libraries in Yogyakarta, viewed from policies and programs that have been done, refers to the local value that is believed by people in Indonesia. The research is aimed at illustrating the importance of local wisdom values as a leadership identity in the libraries. The research employs qualitative descriptive apporach. The results of the research show that the libraries of Indonesian Islamic University and Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University in Yogyakarta have already embedded the values of communal work and consensus as referent in every policy and solution for their problems. Background Nowadays, internalization of local wisdom into library leadership concept is absolutely necessary and needs to be discussed in both academic and practical ways. The local wisdom has become important to be preserved in library leadership because it reflects original values of society. According to Sulistyo-Basuki (2002, p. 29), a library in its history is created and maintained by the community as a means of preserving knowledge that will become a main capital to build a new civilization. A library in its function of preserving local wisdom is not only limited to the preservation of heritage in the form of text, but also the exprerience values contained should become a philosophy of life inherent in the library leadership concept. According to John Budd and Anne Goulding cited in Lisa Hussey (2012, p. 48), the library has a role in the field of cultural production, such as facilitator, agent of preservation, builder of repository culture, and actor implementing cultural value in the management of libraries. In order to create a cultural values-based leadership, the libraries should be managed through local wisdom approach. According to Ridwan in Wikantiyoso (2009, p. 6), local wisdom is a good behavior of people in relation to their environment. It is derived from religious values, customs, advices of ancestors, and local culture, which have scientifically awakened communities to adapt their surroundings. It is distinctively characterized as dynamic, continuous, and binds to the community. The implementation of local wisdom in the library leadership is meant as a practical form of noble values among society. Setyowati (2013, p. 104) states that leadership is a process of influencing a group to achieve 1 LIS Graduate Program, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - [email protected] 2 LIS Graduate Program, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - [email protected] Keywords: local wisdom, leadership, Islamic university library, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Indonesian Islamic University (UII

    Comparative Study on the Library Leadership between UIN Sunan Kalijaga and UII (A Search for Human Resources, Financial Issues, and Collection Development)

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    The purpose of this paper is to find out a leadership comparation between two libraries of Islamic Universities, UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Indonesia Islamic University (UII). The scope of the paper is to identify power relations of the two libraries including three elements: human resources, financial issues, and collection development. The research uses qualitative descriptive method. It was conducted by a contructionist phenomenological approach using a cultural studies paradigm through a case study at two Islamic university libraries in Yogyakarta. The research finds some similarities on the element of human resources amongst both libraries. UII and UIN Sunan Kalijaga libraries have similar power relations on the employment including seniority, employment status, gender, and professional authority. Meanwhile, some differences in the power relations are found in the human resources in the practice of succession of leadership, recruitment culture, budget, and collection. UIN Sunan Kalijaga library has become stronger power relations which are influenced by religious and political ideology, than UII library


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    Pengembangan koleksi perpustakaan tidak hanya dilakukan berdasarkan pendekatan profesionalitas berbasis paradigma positivistik, tetapi juga berdasarkan pemihakan yang berparadigma konstruktivistik. Tata kelola koleksi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, di antaranya, ideologi dan komodifikasi atau ekonomi politik. Penelitian ini berupaya melihat sejauh mana kontestasi ideologi sekaligus kaitannya dengan komodifikasi kelembagan dan khalayak dalam pengembangan koleksi perpustakaan UMY. Kontestasi ideologi tersebut dilihat dengan mengacu pada konsep strukturasi Anthony Giddens dan teori habitus Bourdieu. Proses kontestasi tersebut disimpulkan dalam tiga formasi, yang meliputi kelembagaan internal, kelembagaan eksternal, dan profesionalitas pustakawan. Kelembagaan internal diwakili perpustakaan UMY berhadapan dengan kelembagaan eksternal yang diwakili lembaga-lembaga luar, seperti American Corner, Iranian Cormer, penerbit, dan sebagainya. Profesionalitas pustakawan di sisi lain juga berhadapan dengan kedua kelembagaan. Pustakawan menunjukkan sikap profesionalitasnya berhadapan dengan dominasi ideologis kedua kelembagaan melalui berbagai strategi dalam menjalankan pengembangan koleksi perpustakaan. Proses kontestasi dan komodifikasi tersebut dilihat berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan lima informan dari pengelola perpustakaan yang didukung dengan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Hasil penelitian tersebut merekomendasikan bahwa paradigma konstruktivistik penting digunakan untuk membaca fenomena inheren perpustakaan yang tidak mengenal kuantifikasi. Suatu kebijakan tidak akan berkesinambungan jika pengelola tidak mencoba menjadikan ideologi kelembagaan sebagai ukuran pengambilan kebijakan. Jadi, wacana ideologi perlu menjadi sandingan di kalangan pustakawan dalam menjalankan kerja profesionalnya. Kata Kunci: ideologi, kontestasi, pengembangan koleksi, political economy, komodifikasi, Muhammadiyah

    A Model of Preservation in Managing Old Collection at the Library of Kolese St. Ignatius Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    This paper is aimed at finding out a preservation model in managing old collection at the library of Kolese St. Ignatius Yogyakarta. It is believed that the model has become important in the way to approach the old collection. Besides, the library is regarded as one of the oldest in Yogyakarta that has been established in 1972. This means that it has a lot of old collection which need preservation and conservation. Object of this research is activities of preservation and its subject is the staffs who are responsible for the preservation. The research uses a qualitative method. The result shows that the model of preservation is based on three approaches: namely preventive, curative, and restorative. Those approaches have been used and implemented systematically and regularly. Keywords: Preservation Model, Preservation Management, Library of Kolese St. Ignatius Yogyakart


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    A library as an information center has innovated in branding libraries through social media, one of which is through Instagram. This article discusses the branding carried out by the library through the Instagram account @Balaiyanpus.Dpaddiy in an effort to support the digital marketing mix at Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach through field research methods. Research data were obtained from interviews with informants, literature reviews, and documentation. This study found the results that Grhatama Pustaka's Instagram has supported the marketing mix, judging from the SOSTAC (Situation Analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions, Control) theory. The first aspect of situation analysis on the indicators that are the reference is four, namely customer insight, competitor analysis, and current channel, as well as using SWOT analysis has been fulfilled, the second aspect of the objectives indicators that have not been met, namely on unmeasured goals, the third aspect of strategy has also been fulfilled, the fourth aspect of tactics using the 7P marketing mix theory, 7P indicators that are still constrained are indicators of people or people who are still lacking, the fifth aspect of actions where indicators that have not been fulfilled, namely unstructured program planning carried out in writing and the sixth aspect of control monitored has been carried out by Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta

    The Religious Role of Library amongst Syuhada Mosque Library Users in Kota Baru Yogyakarta

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    This study is aimed at explaining the level of religious role of library amongst users of Syuhada mosque library that is located in Kota Baru Yogyakarta. In order to reach this aim, the study uses the concept of Glock and Stark in defining the religiosity based on five dimensions, such as ideology and experience. In addition, other concepts related to the role of libraries that can become in the forms of frequency of visits, type and subject of collections read, and the theme of religious subjects used. While the research uses a descriptive quantitative approach equipped with data collection techniques, such as questionnaire, interview, and observation. Its data analysis uses a method of percentage of a four-point Likert scale. The results are found that the religious role of library amongst Syuhada mosque library users achieves a high category, which is amounted to 76.80%. The number is an average of five indicators. The highest level is occupied by correlative links of the library effects to the level of religiosity of Syuhada mosque library users with a value of 85.60%. Conversely, the lowest one is located by the indicator of types of collection read by 70.75%. Based on the findings, the important recommendation that can be proposed is that the mosque library should be encouraged and developed because it obviously shows its correlative effects to the religious life of society. Keywords: Islamic society, Library role, Mosque library, Religiosity, Religious collectio


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    This article is aimed at understanding the issues of Islamic libraries living around the, classical age of cosmopolitan Arab-Islamic culture and their roles in the development of Muslim society. The study is, therefore, focused on investigating the kinds of the Islamic libraries and then on classifying the contribution based on the construction of historical accounts. The investigation found at least five kinds of Islamic libraries, namely: mosque libraries, rulers and their family libraries, madrasah libraries, scholar/private libraries, and university/ academic libraries. Afterwards, the study concludes that the libraries had played important roles as centers for, education and learning, center for translation, centers for research, experimentation, and observation, centers for study and discussion, center for cultural development and preservation, and centers for knowledge/ scientific development and information

    Studi Korelasi Motivasi Pengguna Dengan Pemanfaatan Koleksi CD-ROM Di UPT Pusat Perpustakaan UII Yogyakarta (Study on Correlation Between The Motivation of Users and The Use of CD-ROM Collection At The Main Library of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta)

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    The research addresses three main issues: student motivation of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta, the use of CD-ROM collection at the main library of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta, and the correlation between student motivation and the use of CD-ROM collection at the library. The study uses a field research. The sample is accidental sampling which involves students using the collection of CD-ROM at the library. In the term of data collection, the writer uses some techniques those of which are documentation, observation, interview and questionnaire. The result of the research shows that, there are correlation between the motivation and the use of CD-ROM collection at the main library of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta. The research is hoped to contribute to the improvement of services of CD-ROM collection at library in particular and to the development of through collection at the library. Keyword: user motivation, the use of CD-ROM collectio

    Adaptasi pustakawan dalam menghadapi kemajuan teknologi

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    Introduction. Information technology has both positive and negative impacts on users and makes major changes in libraries. In digital era, people are free to create and access information, making it overload. This article aims to find out how libraries and librarians do when facing with rapidly advance technology.Data collection method. This paper used literature study related to technology development of libraries. This paper also applied  library observations, referring to relevant sources from various media, such as books, journals, and magazines.Analysis Data. Data analysis was conducted by classifying, analyzing, comparing, and interpreting data to obtain the conclusion.Results and Discussions. The results showed that one library will survive  as long as it has the ability to adapt with technology development. The adaptation needs an ability to accommodate dramatic changes and has an effort to improve its capabilities to face challenges.Conclusion. To survive, a library needs to enhance its performance and services based on the users’ need