130,004 research outputs found
Recontextualising the Practices of Action, Wisdom and Devotion in Relation to Dialogue in Design
This paper regarding âMaestroâ and especially discussions on teaching which âoperates outside of schools and conventional teaching institutionsâ is approached through the notion of dialogue in design and arguments raised in the Bhagavad Gita. The latter is known for its faculty for interpretation, and âan apparently limitless capacity to inspire new and necessarily valid meaningsâ. The idea of architectural design teaching as an ongoing dialogue is fundamental and explored through narratives woven around individual interests and research. This working process is approached by means of the architectural narrative and the creation of new meanings and different readings of the work is furthered through the provision of innovation ways to encourage an ongoing dialogue with the user. The Gita is part of âan orally transmitted and flexible narrative traditionâ, further drawn on âas an adjunct to various rituals, and as material for recitation in a devotional contextâ. More importantly, this oral tradition is not only apparent in the manners in which this text is still transmitted and used at present, but in this instance, the idea of dialogue is highly significant to the way in which the lessons in the text are conveyed. Hence the discussion concerning mentoring and working processes revolve around teachings from the Gita, particularly about 'finding something that you are good at', and how this informs a personal methodology of teaching architectural design, namely through dialogue
Reply to comment by K. M. Lau and K. M. Kim on '"Elevated heat pump' hypothesis for the aerosol-monsoon hydroclimate link: 'Grounded' in observations?"
Smoothness of the truncated display functor
We show that to every p-divisible group over a p-adic ring one can associate
a display by crystalline Dieudonne theory. For an appropriate notion of
truncated displays, this induces a functor from truncated Barsotti-Tate groups
to truncated displays, which is a smooth morphism of smooth algebraic stacks.
As an application we obtain a new proof of the equivalence between
infinitesimal p-divisible groups and nilpotent displays over p-adic rings, and
a new proof of the equivalence due to Berthelot and Gabber between commutative
finite flat group schemes of p-power order and Dieudonne modules over perfect
rings.Comment: 38 page
Bosonic and Fermionic Representations of Lie Algebra Central Extensions
Given any representation of an arbitrary Lie algebra L over a field k of
characteristic 0, we construct representations of L on bosonic and fermionic
Fock space. The method gives an explicit formula for a (sometimes trivial)
2-cocycle in H^2(L;k). We illustrate these techniques with several concrete
examples.Comment: 25 page
Intelligent Personalized Searching
Search engine is a very useful tool for almost everyone nowadays. People use search engine for the purpose of searching about their personal finance, restaurants, electronic products, and travel information, to name a few. As helpful as search engines are in terms of providing information, they can also manipulate people behaviors because most people trust online information without a doubt. Furthermore, ordinary users usually only pay attention the highest-ranking pages from the search results. Knowing this predictable user behavior, search engine providers such as Google and Yahoo take advantage and use it as a tool for them to generate profit. Search engine providers are enterprise companies with the goal to generate profit, and an easy way for them to do so is by ranking up particular web pages to promote the product or services of their own or their paid customers. The results from search engine could be misleading. The goal of this project is to filter the bias from search results and provide best matches on behalf of usersâ interest
Information Competencies: Bridging the North-South Knowledge Gap (Mortenson Distinguished Lecture)
Knowledge is readily available in middle-income developing countries through international information repositories on the Internet. However, most citizens from the Southern Hemisphere do not possess the information skills or information competencies to access, use and understand such knowledge wealth. Most economically evolving developing countries have made progress in education in recent decades, but they still lag behind in information use/generation, such as book and serials production. Their educational systems seem to inhibit the development of information skills, i.e., competencies that are crucial to citizens to benefit from increasing knowledge growth or to cope with ever-present technological innovations and the changing complexities of the world economy. The development of information competencies in Southern countries is critical to reduce North-South gaps, where knowledge inequality is probably the most important among them. In this paper, information development indicators are utilized to illustrate the current knowledge status of countries and the significant role that constructivist educational systems play in the development of information competencies
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