70 research outputs found

    Generalized SYZ mirror transformation

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    Strominger-Yau-Zaslow proposed that mirror symmetry can be understood by torus duality. In this article we explain how it fits into a bigger framework, where tori are replaced by general Lagrangian immersions. The generalized construction is applicable to a wider class of geometries. We also give a brief introduction to our ongoing work on gluing local mirrors into global geometries

    Quantum corrections and wall-crossing via Lagrangian intersections

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    This article introduces the past and ongoing works on quantum corrections in SYZ from the author’s perspective. It emphasizes on a method of gluing local pieces of mirrors using isomorphisms between immersed Lagrangians, which is an ongoing joint work with Cho and Hong. It gives a canonical construction of mirrors and generalizes the SYZ setting

    Moduli of Lagrangian immersions with formal deformations

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    Partly presented in the Gokova Geometry/Topology Conference 2017.We introduce a joint project with Cheol-Hyun Cho on the construction of quantum-corrected moduli of Lagrangian immersions. The construction has important applications to mirror symmetry for pair-of-pants decompositions, SYZ and wall-crossing. The key ingredient is Floer-theoretical gluing between local moduli spaces of Lagrangians with different topologies

    Geometric transitions and SYZ mirror symmetry

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    We prove that the punctured generalized conifolds and punctured orbifolded conifolds are mirror symmetric under the SYZ program with quantum corrections. This mathematically confirms the gauge-theoretic prediction by Aganagic-Karch-L\"ust-Miemiec, and also provides a supportive evidence to Morrison's conjecture that geometric transitions are reversed under mirror symmetry.Comment: v3: one compact example added. 25 pages, 12 figure

    Local Calabi-Yau manifolds of type \tilde{A} via SYZ mirror symmetry

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    We carry out the SYZ program for the local Calabi--Yau manifolds of type A~\widetilde{A} by developing an equivariant SYZ theory for the toric Calabi--Yau manifolds of infinite-type. Mirror geometry is shown to be expressed in terms of the Riemann theta functions and generating functions of open Gromov--Witten invariants, whose modular properties are found and studied in this article. Our work also provides a mathematical justification for a mirror symmetry assertion of the physicists Hollowood--Iqbal--Vafa.Comment: v3: 43 pages, 12 figures, improved expositio

    Moduli of Lagrangian immersions with formal deformations

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    We introduce a joint project with Cheol-Hyun Cho on the construction of quantum-corrected moduli of Lagrangian immersions. The construction has important applications to mirror symmetry for pair-of-pants decompositions, SYZ and wall-crossing. The key ingredient is Floer-theoretical gluing between local moduli spaces of Lagrangians with different topologies.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, partly presented in the Gokova Geometry/Topology Conference 201
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