486 research outputs found
Leading a Campus Team to Navigate Through the Comprehensive Evaluation
What are some best practices to help your institution prepare for a comprehensive evaluation? This presentation will include discussion of how to gain broad campus community participation by assembling a team to help lead the process. Committee membership, information sharing, meeting topics and timelines will be shared
Take Care- Use Antibiotics Responsibly Swine Practitioner Project
The Take Care - Use Antibrotics Responsibly® program is an antimicrobial resistance and use educat1on and awareness program for pork producers. The program is based on principles and guidelines intended to minimize the development of antimicrobial resistance whrle maximizing animal health The program was developed by the National Pork Board, but veterinarians are key in the delivery of the program on farm. Since there are many factors that contribute to the amounts and types of antimicrobrals used on farm it was decided that the best way to measure program effectiveness was through measurement of changes in the attitude and behaviors of program particrpants
Knowledge of Objective 'Oughts': Monotonicity and the New Miners Puzzle
In the classic Miners case, an agent subjectively ought to do what they know is objectively wrong. This case shows that the subjective and objective ‘oughts’ are somewhat independent. But there remains a powerful intuition that the guidance of objective ‘oughts’ is more authoritative—so long as we know what they tell us. We argue that this intuition must be given up in light of a monotonicity principle, which undercuts the rationale for saying that objective ‘oughts’ are an authoritative guide for agents and advisors
Evaluational adjectives
This paper demarcates a theoretically interesting class of "evaluational adjectives." This class includes predicates expressing various kinds of normative and epistemic evaluation, such as predicates of personal taste, aesthetic adjectives, moral adjectives, and epistemic adjectives, among others. Evaluational adjectives are distinguished, empirically, in exhibiting phenomena such as discourse-oriented use, felicitous embedding under the attitude verb `find', and sorites-susceptibility in the comparative form. A unified degree-based semantics is developed: What distinguishes evaluational adjectives, semantically, is that they denote context-dependent measure functions ("evaluational perspectives")—context-dependent mappings to degrees of taste, beauty, probability, etc., depending on the adjective. This perspective-sensitivity characterizing the class of evaluational adjectives cannot be assimilated to vagueness, sensitivity to an experiencer argument, or multidimensionality; and it cannot be demarcated in terms of pretheoretic notions of subjectivity, common in the literature. I propose that certain diagnostics for "subjective" expressions be analyzed instead in terms of a precisely specified kind of discourse-oriented use of context-sensitive language. I close by applying the account to `find x PRED' ascriptions
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Large-scale collaboration reveals landscape-level effects of land-use on turtle demography
Freshwater turtles and tortoises are declining worldwide and currently represent one of the most imperiled major vertebrate groups. Identifying the conditions that promote long-term viable populations is a critical conservation need. However, for most species, there is relatively little or no empirical information about the factors influencing population demographics. Large-scale population monitoring efforts necessary to acquire such information remain rare due to the logistic challenges associated with low and variable detectability, which generally preclude large monitoring initiatives by any single entity. The development of collaborative population monitoring programs represents one potential strategy for overcoming these challenges. Our goal was to leverage partnerships to identify the potential factors and relevant scales affecting wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) population demographics. Through a large-scale collaborative multi-institutional monitoring effort, we conducted 983 spring stream surveys at 293 sites across the northeastern United States. Wood turtle abundance was negatively associated with agriculture (300 m and 5500 m) and road traffic (5500 m) and positively associated with mature forest (5500 m). Juvenile proportion displayed strong negative relationships with stream gradient and imperviousness (300 m). Sex ratios were more male-skewed with higher mature forest cover (90 m) and road density (5500 m) and less undeveloped land (300 m). These findings suggest that effective conservation of demographically robust turtle populations will require consideration of multiple spatial scales. Landscape-level conservation may be particularly important for ensuring long-term viable populations. This study highlights the valuable role that collaboration across institutions and jurisdictions can play in the conservation of cryptic taxa
Intrinsic Terahertz Plasmons and Magnetoplasmons in Large Scale Monolayer Graphene
We show that in graphene epitaxially grown on SiC the Drude absorption is
transformed into a strong terahertz plasmonic peak due to natural nanoscale
inhomogeneities, such as substrate terraces and wrinkles. The excitation of the
plasmon modifies dramatically the magneto-optical response and in particular
the Faraday rotation. This makes graphene a unique playground for
plasmon-controlled magneto-optical phenomena thanks to a cyclotron mass 2
orders of magnitude smaller than in conventional plasmonic materials such as
noble metals.Comment: to appear in Nano Letter
Atomic-scale confinement of optical fields
In the presence of matter there is no fundamental limit preventing
confinement of visible light even down to atomic scales. Achieving such
confinement and the corresponding intensity enhancement inevitably requires
simultaneous control over atomic-scale details of material structures and over
the optical modes that such structures support. By means of self-assembly we
have obtained side-by-side aligned gold nanorod dimers with robust
atomically-defined gaps reaching below 0.5 nm. The existence of
atomically-confined light fields in these gaps is demonstrated by observing
extreme Coulomb splitting of corresponding symmetric and anti-symmetric dimer
eigenmodes of more than 800 meV in white-light scattering experiments. Our
results open new perspectives for atomically-resolved spectroscopic imaging,
deeply nonlinear optics, ultra-sensing, cavity optomechanics as well as for the
realization of novel quantum-optical devices
Polarization transfer in wide-angle Compton scattering and single-pion photoproduction from the proton
Wide-angle exclusive Compton scattering and single-pion photoproduction from the proton have been investigated via measurement of the polarization transfer from a circularly polarized photon beam to the recoil proton. The wide-angle Compton scattering polarization transfer was analyzed at an incident photon energy of 3.7 GeV at a proton scattering angle of θpcm=70°. The longitudinal transfer KLL, measured to be 0.645±0.059±0.048, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic, has the same sign as predicted for the reaction mechanism in which the photon interacts with a single quark carrying the spin of the proton. However, the observed value is ∼3 times larger than predicted by the generalized-parton-distribution-based calculations, which indicates a significant unknown contribution to the scattering amplitude
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