109 research outputs found
Positive definite -spherical functions, property (T), and -completions of Gelfand pairs
The study of existence of a universal -completion of the -algebra
canonically associated to a Hecke pair was initiated by Hall, who proved that
the Hecke algebra associated to (\operatorname{SL}_2(\Qp),
\operatorname{SL}_2(\Zp)) does not admit a universal -completion.
Kaliszewski, Landstad and Quigg studied the problem by placing it in the
framework of Fell-Rieffel equivalence, and highlighted the role of other
-completions. In the case of the pair (\operatorname{SL}_n(\Qp),
\operatorname{SL}_n(\Zp)) for we show, invoking property (T) of
\operatorname{SL}_n(\Qp), that the -completion of the -Banach
algebra and the corner of C^*(\operatorname{SL}_n(\Qp)) determined by the
subgroup are distinct. In fact, we prove a more general result valid for a
simple algebraic group of rank at least over a -adic field
with a good choice of a maximal compact open subgroup.Comment: 15 page
Representations of Hecke algebras and dilations of semigroup crossed products
We consider a family of Hecke C*-algebras which can be realised as crossed
products by semigroups of endomorphisms. We show by dilating representations of
the semigroup crossed product that the category of representations of the Hecke
algebra is equivalent to the category of continuous unitary representations of
a totally disconnected locally compact group.Comment: 16 page
Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated with product systems over right LCM semigroups
We prove uniqueness of representations of Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated
to product systems of -correspondences over right LCM semigroups by
applying our previous abstract uniqueness results developed for
-precategories. Our results provide an interpretation of conditions
identified in work of Fowler and Fowler-Raeburn, and apply also to their
crossed product twisted by a product system, in the new context of right LCM
semigroups, as well as to a new, Doplicher-Roberts type -algebra
associated to the Nica-Toeplitz algebra. As a derived construction we develop
Nica-Toeplitz crossed products by actions with completely positive maps. This
provides a unified framework for Nica-Toeplitz semigroup crossed products by
endomorphisms and by transfer operators. We illustrate these two classes of
examples with semigroup -algebras of right and left semidirect products.Comment: Title changed from "Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated with right
tensor C*-precategories over right LCM semigroups: part II examples". The
manuscript accepted in J. Math. Anal. App
Ground states of groupoid C*-algebras, phase transitions and arithmetic subalgebras for Hecke algebras
We consider the Hecke pair consisting of the group of affine
transformations of a number field that preserve the orientation in every
real embedding and the subgroup consisting of transformations with
algebraic integer coefficients. The associated Hecke algebra
has a natural time evolution , and we describe the corresponding phase
transition for KMS-states and for ground states. From work of
Yalkinoglu and Neshveyev it is known that a Bost-Connes type system associated
to has an essentially unique arithmetic subalgebra. When we import this
subalgebra through the isomorphism of to a corner in the
Bost-Connes system established by Laca, Neshveyev and Trifkovic, we obtain an
arithmetic subalgebra of on which ground states exhibit the
`fabulous' property with respect to an action of the Galois group
, where is the narrow Hilbert class field.
In order to characterize the ground states of the -dynamical system
, we obtain first a characterization of the ground
states of a groupoid -algebra, refining earlier work of Renault. This is
independent from number theoretic considerations, and may be of interest by
itself in other situations.Comment: 21 pages; v2: minor changes and correction
On C*-algebras associated to right LCM semigroups
We initiate the study of the internal structure of C*-algebras associated to
a left cancellative semigroup in which any two principal right ideals are
either disjoint or intersect in another principal right ideal; these are
variously called right LCM semigroups or semigroups that satisfy Clifford's
condition. Our main findings are results about uniqueness of the full semigroup
C*-algebra. We build our analysis upon a rich interaction between the group of
units of the semigroup and the family of constructible right ideals. As an
application we identify algebraic conditions on S under which C*(S) is purely
infinite and simple.Comment: 31 page
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