330 research outputs found
«Suelta mi manso, mayoral extraño»: Pastores y ovejas en un ciclo poético de Lope de Vega.
En el ciclo de tres sonetos aquí estudiados, Lope de Vega se vale de una irónica alegoría pastoril para aludir a algunos aspectos de su vida panicular. Pero con frecuencia sus alusiones se desarrollan en el contexto de paralelas referencias igualmente irónicas a varios pasajes bíblicos de ambos Testamentos, en especial cienos incidentes narrados en las historias de Jesucristo y del Rey David, entre otros. Resulta así una yuxtaposición del loco y del buen amor, de eros y eculesia. en la que Lope lamenta la pérdida de su amante, Elena Osorio, y ataca al rival que se la robó, Granvela, mientras que parece compararse incluso al Buen Pastor. De este modo, el poeta ilumina su práctica estética y su estado mental, su arte y su vida. No deja de lograr una expresión poética tan contradictoria, pero brillante, como era él mismo
Gabriel Miró y la individualidad endocrina
During the course of his literary career, Gabriel Miró (1879-1930) dealt with numerous diseases and medical matters in his fiction. One of his greatest concerns was the theme of human individuality and oneness vis-à-vis the multicellularity of the human body and the plurality of all living things, which he examined in depth in Razón y virtudes de muertos (1914), now part of his novel Libro de Sigüenza (1917). In this work he discussed the possible effects of an experiment by a Chicago pysician, who treated insane women by injecting them with an extract prepared from glands from the corpses of sane persons. Miró spoke of the ramifications of such treatment on the personality of the individual, meditating on the hormonal «Brave New World». His criticism must be understood in the context of similar experiments carried out by doctors and writers of fiction, including Cajal, Pi Suñer, Zola, and Marañón, with whose wirks Miró was acquainted.A lo largo de su carrera literaria, Gabriel Miró (1879-1930) trató de muchas enfermedades y otras cuestiones médicas en su ficción. Una de éstas que más le preocuparía, el tema de la individualidad y unidad humanas frente a la multiplicidad celular del cuerpo particular y la pluralidad de todos los seres vivientes, se estudia a fondo en «Razón y virtudes de muertos» (1914), ahora parte de la novela Libro de Sigüenza (1971). Aquí discute los posibles efectos surtidos por el experimento de un médico de Chicago, quien injertó en unas mujeres locas un extracto de glándulas de los cadáveres de personas cuerdas. Miró habla de las ramificaciones de tal tratamiento en la personalidad del individuo, meditando el brave new world hormonal. Esta crítica mironiana tiene que entenderse en el contexto de otros experimentos semejantes realizados por médicos y autores de ficción, incluyendo a Cajal, Pi Suñer, Zola y Marañón, de cuya obra Miró estaba al tanto
Ángeles y demonios en «canto a Teresa»
In «Canto a Teresa» and in El diablo mundo (of which it constitutes an important section), as well as in certain others of his poems, Espronceda expresses his «titanic» challenger of the powers and the more of heaven and earth. He develops a varied imagery of angels and devils to characterize his relationship with Teresa Mancha, as well as to explore facets of his own character as a man and as a poet, so doing, he participates in a long tradition of depicting women as both angels and devils, a tendency which gained particular currency in his century. In this regard, Espronceda attempts in his poetry a Blakean «marriage of heaven and hell». Moreover, the poet refers to several verses on Lucifer and his fall in chapter 14 of Isaiah. He treats the text of the scripture with profound irony as he utilizes it to elaborate his portraits of Teresa and of himself with (and without) her. In these allusions, Espronceda repeatedly reveals his unresolved ambivalance and «anxiety of influence», in the realm of aesthetics, as well as of ethics.En «Canto a Teresa» y El diablo mundo (del que constituye una sección importante), igual que en algunos otros poemas suyos, Espronceda expresa su «titánico» desafío a los poderes y los mores de la tierra y del cielo. Desarrolla muchas imágenes mixtas de ángeles y demonios para caracterizar sus relaciones con Teresa Mancha, igual que para explorar su propio carácter como hombre y como poeta. Participa así en una larga tradición de pintar a la mujer como ángel y demonio, la que ganó un especial valor corriente en su propio siglo. En efecto, Espronceda intenta efectuar un «marriage of heaven and hell», al estilo de Blake, en su poesía. Además, el poeta se refiere a unos versículos del capítulo 14 del Libro de Isaías, los que tratan de Lucifer y su caída. Ironiza sobremanera el texto de la sagrada escritura, para desarrollar sus retratos de Teresa y de sí mismo con (y sin) ella. En tales alusiones Espronceda soempre revela su ambivalencia y su «anxiety of influence» no resueltas, tanto en lo estético como en lo ético
Integrins Promote Cytokinesis through the RSK Signaling Axis
Cytokinesis is the final stage in cell division. Although integrins can regulate cytokinesis, the mechanisms involved are not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrate that integrin-regulated ERK (extracellular signal-related kinase) and RSK (p90 ribosomal S6 kinase) signaling promotes successful cytokinesis. Inhibiting the activation of ERK and RSK in CHO cells by a mutation in the integrin b1 cytoplasmic tail or with pharmacological inhibitors results in the accumulation of cells with midbodies and the formation of binucleated cells. Activation of ERK and RSK signaling by the expression of constitutively active RAF1 suppresses the mutant phenotype in a RSK-dependent manner. Constitutively active RSK2 also restores cytokinesis inhibited by the mutant integrin. Importantly, the regulatory role of the RSK pathway is not specific to CHO cells. MCF-10A human mammary epithelial cells and HPNE human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells exhibit a similar dependence on RSK for successful cytokinesis. In addition, depriving mitotic MCF10A cells of integrin-mediated adhesion by incubating them in suspension suppressed ERK and RSK activation and resulted in a failure of cytokinesis. Furthermore, inhibition of RSK or integrins within the 3D context of a developing salivary gland organ explant also leads to an accumulation of epithelial cells with midbodies, suggesting a similar defect in cytokinesis. Interestingly, neither ERK nor RSK regulates cytokinesis in human fibroblasts, suggesting cell-type specificity. Taken together, our results identify the integrin–RSK signaling axis as an important regulator of cytokinesis in epithelial cells. We propose that the proper interaction of cells with their microenvironment through integrins contributes to the maintenance of genomic stability by promoting the successful completion of cytokinesis
Effects of Home Exercise on Immediate and Delayed Affect and Mood Among Rural Individuals at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes
Physical activity is important for reducing overweight and obesity and related health consequences. This study examined changes in mood following 16 weeks of exercise in a sample of 29 individuals residing in a rural area and at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Significant positive mood changes were detected, with moderate to large effect sizes. Assessments also revealed significant delayed postexercise positive emotion changes. These findings extend research on the mood benefits of exercise to individuals residing in rural settings and at risk for T2DM and suggest that to gain a full understanding of the exercise-affect relation, investigators need to assess affect at delayed intervals following exercise
An unmanned aerial vehicle sampling platform for atmospheric water vapor isotopes in polar environments
Above polar ice sheets, atmospheric water vapor exchange occurs across the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and is an important mechanism in a number of processes that affect the surface mass balance of the ice sheets. Yet, this exchange is not well understood and has substantial implications for modeling and remote sensing of the polar hydrologic cycle. Efforts to characterize the exchange face substantial logistical challenges including the remoteness of ice sheet field camps, extreme weather conditions, low humidity and temperature that limit the effectiveness of instruments, and dangers associated with flying manned aircraft at low altitudes. Here, we present an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sampling platform for operation in extreme polar environments that is capable of sampling atmospheric water vapor for subsequent measurement of water isotopes. This system was deployed to the East Greenland Ice-core Project (EastGRIP) camp in northeast Greenland during summer 2019. Four sampling flight missions were completed. With a suite of atmospheric measurements aboard the UAV (temperature, humidity, pressure, GPS) we determine the height of the PBL using online algorithms, allowing for strategic decision-making by the pilot to sample water isotopes above and below the PBL. Water isotope data were measured by a Picarro L2130-i instrument using flasks of atmospheric air collected within the nose cone of the UAV. The internal repeatability for δD and δ18O was 2.8 ‰ and 0.45 ‰, respectively, which we also compared to independent EastGRIP tower-isotope data. Based on these results, we demonstrate the efficacy of this new UAV-isotope platform and present improvements to be utilized in future polar field campaigns. The system is also designed to be readily adaptable to other fields of study, such as measurement of carbon cycle gases or remote sensing of ground conditions.publishedVersio
Dose-response of myofibrillar protein synthesis to ingested whey protein during energy restriction in overweight postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial
BackgroundDiet-induced weight loss is associated with a decline in lean body mass, as mediated by an impaired response of muscle protein synthesis (MPS). The dose-response of MPS to ingested protein, with or without resistance exercise, is well characterized during energy balance but limited data exist under conditions of energy restriction in clinical populations.ObjectiveTo determine the dose-response of MPS to ingested whey protein following short-term diet-induced energy restriction in overweight, postmenopausal, women at rest and postexercise.DesignForty middle-aged (58.6±0.4 y), overweight (BMI: 28.6±0.4), postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: Three groups underwent 5 d of energy restriction (∼800 kcal/d). On day 6, participants performed a unilateral leg resistance exercise bout before ingesting either a bolus of 15g (ERW15, n = 10), 35g (ERW35, n = 10) or 60g (ERW60, n = 10) of whey protein. The fourth group (n = 10) ingested a 35g whey protein bolus after 5 d of an energy balanced diet (EBW35, n = 10). Myofibrillar fractional synthetic rate (FSR) was calculated under basal, fed (FED) and postexercise (FED-EX) conditions by combining an L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine tracer infusion with the collection of bilateral muscle biopsies.ResultsMyofibrillar FSR was greater in ERW35 (0.043±0.003%/h, P = 0.013) and ERW60 (0.042±0.003%/h, P = 0.026) than ERW15 (0.032 ± 0.003%/h), with no differences between ERW35 and ERW60 (P = 1.000). Myofibrillar FSR was greater in FED (0.044 ± 0.003%/h, P < 0.001) and FED-EX (0.048 ± 0.003%/h, P < 0.001) than BASAL (0.027 ± 0.003%/h), but no differences were detected between FED and FED-EX (P = 0.732) conditions. No differences in myofibrillar FSR were observed between EBW35 (0.042 ± 0.003%/h) and ERW35 (0.043 ± 0.003%/h, P = 0.744).ConclusionA 35 g dose of whey protein, ingested with or without resistance exercise, is sufficient to stimulate a maximal acute response of MPS following short-term energy restriction in overweight, postmenopausal women, and thus may provide a per serving protein recommendation to mitigate muscle loss during a weight loss program.Trial registryclinicaltrials.gov (ID: NCT03326284)
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