7 research outputs found


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    The aim this study to create a new learning process, that can increase student’s understanding the concept of cell’s material. The purpose of this study was to develop valid, practical and effective biology’s learning media that oriented to concept approach at cell’s material in interactive compact disc (CD) form. The type of this research was the development research. Model and procedure development using 4-D (four-D-Model) without disseminate phase. Phase consists of phase define, design, and develop phase. Define phase involves  analysis of curriculum, students, concept, and media. In design phase, the media (interactive CD) that oriented to concept approach was designed based on define phase. In develop phase, the validation of media was done by some experts, and  limited testing for students in Senior High School (SMA 2) Sungai Penuh grade XI. The results of the study showed that the interactive CD oriented concept approach was valid. The value of validation was 3,29 whith valid criteria. Conclusion The study is an interactive CD oriented approach to the concept of cell material for class XI otherwise very valid, practical and effective for use in the learning proces

    Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Sains: Studi Komparasi Pada Tiga Sekolah

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    This research aimed to provide a general overview of students' learning motivation in science at the junior high school level and to compare the level of learning motivation among students from three different schools: SMPN 27 Kerinci, MTsN 1 Sungai Penuh, and MTsS Siulak in the 2023/2024 Academic Year. The sample for this research consisted of 72 students, with 24 students from each school. The research utilized descriptive and comparative methods. Data on students' learning motivation were collected through the Students' Adaptive Learning Engagement in Science Questionnaire and analyzed descriptively and comparatively using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results indicate that, overall, students exhibit high motivation to learn science, scoring 4.10 on a scale of 5.00. Additionally, students from the three different schools also demonstrated high average learning motivation, with scores of 4.26 (SMP N 27 Kerinci), 4.15 (MTsS Siulak), and 4.01 (MTsN 1 Sungai Penuh). Despite these differences, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test revealed that the variations were not statistically significant (ρ=0.09). Furthermore, when examining each indicator separately, only one indicator, namely self-regulation (ρ=0.008), showed a significant difference. This distinction in self-regulation was influenced by students' perceptions regarding tasks in science learning, including their views on effort, persistence, punctuality, and a lack of discrimination regarding the form of tasks to be completed.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum mengenai motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran sains pada tingkat sekolah menengah pertama dan membandingkan tingkat motivasi belajar siswa dari tiga sekolah yang berbeda, yaitu SMPN 27 Kerinci, MTsN 1 Sungai Penuh, dan MTsS Siulak pada Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 72 orang siswa yang terdiri dari 24 siswa dari setiap sekolah. Metode penelitian deskriptif dan komparatif diterapkan. Data mengenai motivasi belajar siswa dikumpulkan menggunakan Students’ Adaptive Learning Engagement in Science Questionnaire. Data akan dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif dan komparatif menggunakan Kruskal-Wallis test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, siswa memiliki motivasi belajar sains yang tinggi (4.10 dari skala 5.00). Selanjutnya siswa dari ketiga sekolah yang berbeda juga ditemukan dengan rata-rata motivasi belajar yang tinggi, yaitu 4.26 (SMP N 27 Kerinci), 4.15 (MTsS siulak), dan 4.01 (MTsN 1 Sungai Penuh). Walaupun terdapat perbedaan, hasil uji statistik Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan tersebut tidak signifikan ( ). Selanjutnya hasil uji statistik Kruskal-Wallis untuk setiap indikator menunjukkan bahwa hanya satu indikator yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan, yaitu regulasi diri, . Perbedaan yang signifikan dipicu oleh persepsi siswa terkait tugas dalam pembelajaran sains. Pandangan mengenai usaha, tidak menyerah, ketepatan waktu, dan tidak diskriminatif terhadap bentuk tugas untuk diselesaikan


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    Etika komunikasi yang didasari kecerdasan emosional mahasiswa yang tinggi dapat mendorong terciptanya atmosfer akademik yang baik. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan etika komunikasi dalam menciptakan atmosfer akademik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dilalukan di IAIN Kerinci dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan korelasional. Sampel sebanyak 273 orang yang terdiri dari mahasiswa semester VII Tahun 2017/2018. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional dan etika komunikasi dalam kaitannya dengan penciptaan atmosfer akademik (p-values =0.000). Dimensi kecerdasan emosional yang memberikan pengaruh yang paling tinggi adalah membina hubungan dengan orang lain (social skill) sebesar 74,9 %, dan yang paling kecil adalah mengelolah emosi (managing emotion ) sebesar 20.9%. Sumbangan kecerdasan emosional secara keseluruhan terhadap etika komunikasi sebanyak 69.1% selebihnya 30.9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Dalam menciptakan atmosfer akademik, universitas tidak cukup hanya meningkatkan IQ (kecerdasan intelektual) saja tetapi juga perlu meningkatkan prestasi belajar bagi mahasiswa.Etika komunikasi yang didasari kecerdasan emosional mahasiswa yang tinggi dapat mendorong terciptanya atmosfer akademik yang baik. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan etika komunikasi dalam menciptakan atmosfer akademik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dilalukan di IAIN Kerinci dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan korelasional. Sampel sebanyak 273 orang yang terdiri dari mahasiswa semester VII Tahun 2017/2018. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional dan etika komunikasi dalam kaitannya dengan penciptaan atmosfer akademik (p-values =0.000). Dimensi kecerdasan emosional yang memberikan pengaruh yang paling tinggi adalah membina hubungan dengan orang lain (social skill) sebesar 74,9 %, dan yang paling kecil adalah mengelolah emosi (managing emotion ) sebesar 20.9%. Sumbangan kecerdasan emosional secara keseluruhan terhadap etika komunikasi sebanyak 69.1% selebihnya 30.9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Dalam menciptakan atmosfer akademik, universitas tidak cukup hanya meningkatkan IQ (kecerdasan intelektual) saja tetapi juga perlu meningkatkan prestasi belajar bagi mahasiswa

    Alfirahmi, A. (2018). Pengembangan Modul Termokimia Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Eksperimen untuk Kelas XI SMA/MA. Menara Ilmu, 12(12). Badlisyah, T., & Munawwarah, W. (2018).Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Kimia Materi Struktur Atom Berbasis

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    The aim this study to create a new learning process, that can increase student’s understanding the concept of cell’s material. The purpose of this study was to develop valid, practical and effective biology’s learning media that oriented to concept approach at cell’s material in interactive compact disc (CD) form. The type of this research was the development research. Model and procedure development using 4-D (four-D-Model) without disseminate phase. Phase consists of phase define, design, and develop phase. Define phase involves  analysis of curriculum, students, concept, and media. In design phase, the media (interactive CD) that oriented to concept approach was designed based on define phase. In develop phase, the validation of media was done by some experts, and  limited testing for students in Senior High School (SMA 2) Sungai Penuh grade XI. The results of the study showed that the interactive CD oriented concept approach was valid. The value of validation was 3,29 whith valid criteria. Conclusion The study is an interactive CD oriented approach to the concept of cell material for class XI otherwise very valid, practical and effective for use in the learning proces


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    Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. Iris is a collection of nerves that are delicate and represent and explain the whole condition of the body. Iridology last five years very rapid progress and by the authors have also developed and applied in the field of fisheries, education and human resource management field as needed. Likewise the case of Kinesiology is the study of the nerves in the arm that had been developed by the experts for the detection of various diseases and are able to explain scientifically the cause of the body's mechanism of electromagnetic waves. In 2010, researchers have been applying both the science to determine the stress level of elementary school students and its relationship with the brain and trigger real stress conditions. The results of these studies indicate that the effect is real. That is both a science or its applications in the form of both knowledge -based techniques can be used to cope with the stress of environmental conditions, including global warming. Key words: engineering , iridology , kinesiology , stress and global warmin


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    Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. Iris is a collection of nerves that are delicate and represent and explain the whole condition of the body. Iridology last five years very rapid progress and by the authors have also developed and applied in the field of fisheries, education and human resource management field as needed. Likewise the case of Kinesiology is the study of the nerves in the arm that had been developed by the experts for the detection of various diseases and are able to explain scientifically the cause of the body's mechanism of electromagnetic waves. In 2010, researchers have been applying both the science to determine the stress level of elementary school students and its relationship with the brain and trigger real stress conditions. The results of these studies indicate that the effect is real. That is both a science or its applications in the form of both knowledge -based techniques can be used to cope with the stress of environmental conditions, including global warming.Key words: engineering , iridology , kinesiology , stress and global warming

    Teknik Iridologi Dan Kinesiologi Sebagai Alternatif Mengatasi Masalah Stres Di Sekolah Sebagai Akibat Pemanasan Gobal

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    Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. Iris is a collection of nerves that are delicate and represent and explain the whole condition of the body. Iridology last five years very rapid progress and by the authors have also developed and applied in the field of fisheries, education and human resource management field as needed. Likewise the case of Kinesiology is the study of the nerves in the arm that had been developed by the experts for the detection of various diseases and are able to explain scientifically the cause of the body\u27s mechanism of electromagnetic waves. In 2010, researchers have been applying both the science to determine the stress level of elementary school students and its relationship with the brain and trigger real stress conditions. The results of these studies indicate that the effect is real. That is both a science or its applications in the form of both knowledge -based techniques can be used to cope with the stress of environmental conditions, including global warming