61,366 research outputs found
Continuations of Hermitian indefinite functions and corresponding canonical systems : an example
M. G. Krein established a close connection between the continuation problem of positive definite functions from a finite interval to the real axis and the inverse spectral problem for differential operators. In this note we study such a connection for the function f(t) = 1 − |t|, t - R, which is not positive definite on R: its restrictions fa := f|(−2a,2a) are positive definite if a ≤ 1 and have one negative square if a > 1. We show that with f a canonical differential equation or a Sturm-Liouville equation can be associated which have a singularity
Moduli spaces of principal bundles on singular varieties
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Let f:X-->S be
a flat, projective morphism of k-schemes of finite type with integral geometric
fibers. We prove existence of a projective relative moduli space for semistable
singular principal bundles on the fibres of f. This generalizes the result of
A. Schmitt who studied the case when X is a nodal curve.Comment: 25 pages; dedicated to the memory of Professor Masaki Maruyam
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