27,809 research outputs found

    A test of adverse selection in the market for experienced workers

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    We show that in labor market models with adverse selection, otherwise observationally equivalent workers will experience less wage growth following a period in which they change jobs than following a period in which they do not. We find little or no evidence to support this prediction. In most specifications the coefficient has the opposite sign, sometimes statistically significantly so. When consistent with the prediction, the estimated effects are small and statistically insignificant. We consistently reject large effects in the predicted direction. We argue informally that our results are also problematic for a broader class of models of competitive labor markets.Othe

    Simultaneous Solar Maximum Mission and Very Large Array (VLA) observations of solar active regions

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    Simultaneous observations of solar active regions with the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) Satellite and the Very Large Array (VLA) have been obtained and analyzed. Combined results enhance the scientific return for beyond that expeted from using either SMM or VLA alone. A total of two weeks of simultaneous SMM/VLA data were obtained. The multiple wavelength VLA observations were used to determine the temperature and magnetic structure at different heights within coronal loops. These data are compared with simultaneous SMM observations. Several papers on the subject are in progress. They include VLA observations of compact, transient sources in the transition region; simultaneous SMM/VLA observations of the coronal loops in one active region and the evolution of another one; and sampling of the coronal plasma using thermal cyclotron lines (magnetic field - VLA) and soft X ray spectral lines (electron density and electron temperaure-SMM)

    Towards a quantum field theory of primitive string fields

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    We denote generating functions of massless even higher spin fields "primitive string fields" (PSF's). In an introduction we present the necessary definitions and derive propagators and currents of these PDF's on flat space. Their off-shell cubic interaction can be derived after all off-shell cubic interactions of triplets of higher spin fields have become known [2],[3]. Then we discuss four-point functions of any quartet of PSF's. In subsequent sections we exploit the fact that higher spin field theories in AdSd+1AdS_{d+1} are determined by AdS/CFT correspondence from universality classes of critical systems in dd dimensional flat spaces. The O(N) invariant sectors of the O(N) vector models for 1N1\leq N \leq \infty play for us the role of "standard models", for varying NN, they contain e.g. the Ising model for N=1 and the spherical model for N=N=\infty. A formula for the masses squared that break gauge symmetry for these O(N) classes is presented for d = 3. For the PSF on AdSAdS space it is shown that it can be derived by lifting the PSF on flat space by a simple kernel which contains the sum over all spins. Finally we use an algorithm to derive all symmetric tensor higher spin fields. They arise from monomials of scalar fields by derivation and selection of conformal (quasiprimary) fields. Typically one monomial produces a multiplet of spin ss conformal higher spin fields for all s4s \geq 4, they are distinguished by their anomalous dimensions (in CFT3CFT_3) or by their mass (in AdS4AdS_4). We sum over these multiplets and the spins to obtain "string type fields", one for each such monomial.Comment: 16 pages,Late

    Nuclear Dynamics at the Balance Energy

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    We study the mass dependence of various quantities (like the average and maximum density, collision rate, participant-spectator matter, temperature as well as time zones for higher density) by simulating the reactions at the energy of vanishing flow. This study is carried out within the framework of Quantum Molecular Dynamics model. Our findings clearly indicate an existence of a power law in all the above quantities calculated at the balance energy. The only significant mass dependence was obtained for the temperature reached in the central sphere. All other quantities are rather either insensitive or depend weakly on the system size at balance energy. The time zone for higher density as well as the time of maximal density and collision rate follow a power law inverse to the energy of vanishing flow.Comment: 9 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Simultaneous Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) and very large array observations of solar active regions

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    The research deals mainly with Very Large Array and Solar Maximum Mission observations of the ubiquitous coronal loops that dominate the structure of the low corona. As illustrated, the observations of thermal cyclotron lines at microwave wavelengths provide a powerful new method of accurately specifying the coronal magnetic field strength. Processes are delineated that trigger solar eruptions from coronal loops, including preburst heating and the magnetic interaction of coronal loops. Evidence for coherent burst mechanisms is provided for both the Sun and nearby stars, while other observations suggest the presence of currents that may amplify the coronal magnetic field to unexpectedly high levels. The existence is reported of a new class of compact, variable moving sources in regions of apparently weak photospheric field

    Precision CW laser automatic tracking system investigated

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    Precision laser tracker capable of tracking a low acceleration target to an accuracy of about 20 microradians rms is being constructed and tested. This laser tracking has the advantage of discriminating against other optical sources and the capability of simultaneously measuring range

    Study of non-equilibrium effects and thermal properties of heavy ion collisions using a covariant approach

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    Non-equilibrium effects are studied using a full Lorentz-invariant formalism. Our analysis shows that in reactions considered here, no global or local equilibrium is reached. The heavier masses are found to be equilibrated more than the lighter systems. The local temperature is extracted using hot Thomas Fermi formalism generalized for the case of two interpenetrating pieces of nuclear matter. The temperature is found to vary linearly with bombarding energy and impact parameter whereas it is nearly independent of the mass of the colliding nuclei. This indicates that the study of temperature with medium size nuclei is also reliable. The maximum temperatures obtained in our approach are in a nice agreement with earlier calculations of other approaches. A simple parametrization of maximal temperature as a function of the bombarding energy is also given.Comment: LaTex-file, 17 pages, 8 figures (available upon request), Journal of Physics G20 (1994) 181

    The Chandra Detection of Galactic Center X-ray Features G359.89-0.08 and G359.54+0.18

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    We report on the detection of two elongated X-ray features G359.89-0.08 and G359.54+0.18 in the Galactic center (GC) region using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. G359.89-0.08 is an elongated X-ray feature located \sim2\arcmin in projection south of the center of the Galaxy, SgrA^*. This X-ray feature source is partially coincident with a slightly curved (``wisp''-like) non-thermal radio source. The X-ray spectrum of G359.89-0.08 can be best characterized as non-thermal, with a photon index of 2. The morphological and spectral characteristics of the X-ray and radio emission associated with G359.89-0.08 are best interpreted as the synchrotron emission from a ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebula. G359.54+0.18 is one of the most prominent radio non-thermal filaments (NTFs) in the GC region, located \sim30\arcmin in projection from SgrA^*. A narrow (\sim10\arcsec) filament of X-ray emission appears to arise from one of the two strands that comprise the radio NTF. Although the photon statistics are poor for this source, the X-ray emission is also likely to be non-thermal in nature. Several models for the production of X-ray emission in G359.54+0.18 are discussed.Comment: 19 pages with 6 figures included, accepted by A

    Discovery of a Non-Thermal Galactic Center Filament (G358.85+0.47) Parallel to the Galactic Plane

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    We report the discovery of a new non-thermal filament, G358.85+0.47, the ``Pelican'', located ~225 pc in projection from SgrA, and oriented parallel to the Galactic plane. VLA continuum observations at 20 cm reveal that this 7' (17.5 pc) structure bends at its northern extension and is comprised of parallel strands, most apparent at its ends. Observations at 6 and 3.6 cm reveal that the Pelican is a synchrotron-emitting source and is strongly linearly polarized over much of its extent. The spectral index of the filament changes from alpha(20/6)=-0.8 to alpha(6/3.6)=-1.5. The rotation measures exhibit a smooth gradient, with values ranging from -1000 rad/m2 to +500 rad/m2. The intrinsic magnetic field is well-aligned along the length of the filament. Based on these properties, we classify the Pelican as one of the non-thermal filaments unique to the Galactic center. Since these filaments (most of which are oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane) are believed to trace the overall magnetic field in the inner Galaxy, the Pelican is the first detection of a component of this field parallel to the plane. The Pelican may thus mark a transition region of the magnetic field orientation in the inner kiloparsec of the Galaxy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in ApJ Letters; Figs. 2 & 3 are color .ps files and best viewed in colo

    Recent improvements in TOPOS

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