1,527 research outputs found

    Onset of the Ordovician cephalopod radiation – evidence from the Rochdale Formation (middle Early Ordovician, Stairsian) in eastern New York

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    The Rochdale Formation of eastern New York (= Fort Ann and lower Bascom formations, designations abandoned) is now recognized to record the earliest stages of the Great Ordovician Radiation of cephalopods. The earliest Bassleroceratidae, Tarphyceratidae and endoceridans on the east Laurentian shallow carbonate platform occur in the upper, thrombolite-bearing member of the Rochdale. This fauna demonstrates that the earliest radiation of Ordovician nautiloids took place in the late Tremadocian and is best recorded in tropical platform facies. Revision of this cephalopod fauna based on approximately 190 specimens collected along a 200 km, N–S belt in easternmost New York has provided new information on inter- and intraspecific variation of earlier described species. The ellesmerocerid Vassaroceras and the endocerids Mcqueenoceras and Paraendoceras are emended. New taxa include Bassleroceras champlainense sp. nov. and B. triangulum sp. nov., Mccluskiceras comstockense gen. et sp. nov., Exoclitendoceras rochdalense gen. et sp. nov. and Paraendoceras depressum sp. nov. A rank abundance plot of 146 specimens from a locality in the Lake Champlain lowlands provides information on the community structure of a nautiloid fauna in which the longiconic cyrtoconic Bassleroceras is shown to dominate strongly. The nautiloid community structure of the Rochdale Formation is similar to that of the underlying Tribes Hill Formation (late early Tremadocian) with respect to the depositional setting, diversity and evenness but displays a remarkably increased taxonomic distinctness.Peer Reviewe

    Trace elements in the sea surface microlayer : rapid responses to changes in aerosol deposition

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Elementa Science of the Anthropocene 5 (2017): 42, doi:10.1525/elementa.237.Natural and anthropogenic aerosols are a significant source of trace elements to oligotrophic ocean surface waters, where they provide episodic pulses of limiting micronutrients for the microbial community. However, little is known about the fate of trace elements at the air-sea interface, i.e. the sea surface microlayer. In this study, samples of aerosols, sea surface microlayer, and underlying water column were collected in the Florida Keys during a dusty season (July 2014) and non-dusty season (May 2015) and analyzed for the dissolved and particulate elements Al, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb. Microlayer samples were collected using a cylinder of ultra-pure SiO2 (quartz glass), a novel adaptation of the glass plate technique. A significant dust deposition event occurred during the 2014 sampling period which resulted in elevated concentrations of trace elements in the microlayer. Residence times in the microlayer from this event ranged from 12 to 94 minutes for dissolved trace elements and from 1.3 to 3.4 minutes for particulate trace elements. These residence times are potentially long enough for the atmospherically derived trace elements to undergo chemical and biological alterations within the microlayer. Characterizing the trace element distributions within the three regimes is an important step towards our overall goals of understanding the rates and mechanisms of the solubilization of trace elements following aeolian dust deposition and how this might affect microorganisms in surface waters.NSF OCE-1357140 (to WML)

    Effet de l’Apiculcture sur les Plantations d’Anacardiers (Anacardium occidentale L.) dans les Regions de Sedhiou et Kolda au Sud du Senegal

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                L’objectif principal de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est de contribuer Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’effet des ruches sur les plantations d’anacardiers dans les rĂ©gions de SĂ©dhiou et de Kolda au sud du SĂ©nĂ©gal. MĂ©thodes d’études :  La comparaison entre les deux systèmes de production (plantation sans et avec ruche) a Ă©tĂ© faite sur la base du ratio floral, du rendement en noix de cajou, de leur qualitĂ© et de la rentabilitĂ© Ă©conomique. Cette dernière a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e en trois annĂ©es successives (2019, 2020 et 2021). De l’analyse des rĂ©sultats, ressort que les plantations d’anacardiers avec ruches ont enregistrĂ© les ratios floraux les plus Ă©levĂ©s, soit en moyenne 8,5% Ă  SĂ©dhiou et 7% Ă  Kolda contre 6% et 5% pour les plantations sans ruches respectivement dans les mĂŞmes localitĂ©s. Aussi, les anacardiers des plantations avec ruches de SĂ©dhiou et Kolda produisent respectivement en moyenne 2,75 kg/arbre et 2 kg/arbre contre 1,75 kg/arbre et 1,5 kg/arbre dans les plantations sans ruches. L’importance de la prĂ©sence des abeilles dans les plantations d’anacardiers a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e sur la qualitĂ© des noix Ă  SĂ©dhiou comme Ă  Kolda avec des KOR respectifs de : 52 contre 50 lbs   et 51,5 contre 49,8 lbs. Durant les trois annĂ©es d’évaluation de production, les plantations apicoles de Kolda sont en moyenne plus rentables de quatre cent quatre-vingt mille quatre cent seize virgule six cent soixante-sept (480416,667 FCFA) que celles sans ruches. Le mĂŞme scĂ©nario est observĂ© au niveau des plantations avec ruches et sans ruches de SĂ©dhiou oĂą le diffĂ©rentiel Ă©conomique des trois annĂ©es de suivi de production est chiffrĂ© Ă  six cent vingt-sept mille neuf cent seize virgule six cent soixante-sept (627916,667 FCFA). Conclusion : l’étude a montrĂ© un impact positif de l’association apiculture/anacardier sur les paramètres Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les plantations avec ruches de SĂ©dhiou ont enregistrĂ© les meilleures performances sur les trois paramètres Ă©tudiĂ©s. Ainsi, des Ă©tudes approfondies de l’impact d’un système de production intĂ©grĂ© apiculture/anacardier devraient ĂŞtre rĂ©alisĂ©es pour booster la production durable de ces deux filières en Casamance.                The main objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the effect of hives on cashew plantations in the regions of SĂ©dhiou and Kolda in southern Senegal. Study methods: The comparison between the two production systems (plantation without and with hive) was made on the basis of the floral ratio, cashew nut yield, quality and economic profitability. The latter was assessed in three successive years (2019, 2020 and 2021). From the analysis of the results, it appears that cashew plantations with hives recorded the highest floral ratios, i.e. on average 8.5% in SĂ©dhiou and 7% in Kolda against 6% and 5% for plantations without hives. respectively in the same localities. Also, the cashew trees of the plantations with hives of SĂ©dhiou and Kolda respectively produce on average 2.75 kg/tree and 2 kg/tree against 1.75 kg/tree and 1.5 kg/tree in the plantations without hives. The importance of the presence of bees in the cashew tree plantations was noted on the quality of the nuts in SĂ©dhiou as in Kolda with respective KORs of: 52 against50 lbs and 51.5 versus 49.8 lbs. During the three years of production evaluation, beekeeping plantations in Kolda are on average more profitable by four hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and sixteen point six hundred and sixty-seven (480,416.667 FCFA) than those without hives. The same scenario is observed at the level of plantations with hives and without hives of SĂ©dhiou where the economic differential of the three years of production monitoring is calculated at six hundred and twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixteen point six hundred and sixty-seven (627916.667 FCFA). Conclusion: the study showed a positive impact of the beekeeping/cashew tree association on the parameters studied. The plantations with hives of SĂ©dhiou recorded the best performances on the three parameters studied than those of Kolda.&nbsp

    Effet de l’apiculture sur les Plantations d’anacardiers (Anacardium Occidentale L.) dans les Regions de Sedhiou et Kolda au Sud du Senegal

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    La filière anacarde occupe une place importante dans la vie socioĂ©conomique des paysans des pays producteurs.  Au SĂ©nĂ©gal, cette filière se heurte Ă  plusieurs contraintes qui inhibe son essor. Face Ă  ces contraintes, les ruches ont Ă©tĂ© introduites dans plantations d’anacardiers afin de booster la production de l’espèce et augmenter les revenus des producteurs. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est de contribuer Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’effet des ruches sur les plantations d’anacardiers dans les rĂ©gions de SĂ©dhiou et de Kolda au sud du SĂ©nĂ©gal. MĂ©thodes d’études : La comparaison entre les deux systèmes de production (plantation sans et avec ruche) a Ă©tĂ© faite sur la base du ratio floral, du rendement en noix de cajou, de leur qualitĂ© et de la rentabilitĂ© Ă©conomique. Cette dernière a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e en trois annĂ©es successives (2019, 2020 et 2021). De l’analyse des rĂ©sultats, ressort que les plantations d’anacardiers avec ruches ont enregistrĂ© les ratios floraux les plus Ă©levĂ©s, soit en moyenne 8,5% Ă  SĂ©dhiou et 7% Ă  Kolda contre 6% et 5% pour les plantations sans ruches respectivement dans les mĂŞmes localitĂ©s. Aussi, les anacardiers des plantations avec ruches de SĂ©dhiou et Kolda produisent respectivement en moyenne 2,75 kg.arbre-1 et 2 kg.arbre-1 contre 1,75 kg.arbre-1 et 1,5 kg.arbre-1 dans les plantations sans ruches. L’importance de la prĂ©sence des abeilles dans les plantations d’anacardiers a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e sur la qualitĂ© des noix Ă  SĂ©dhiou comme Ă  Kolda avec des Kernel Out-turn Ratio (KOR) respectifs de : 52 contre 50 lbs   et 51,5 contre 49,8 lbs. Sur le plan Ă©conomique, les plantations apicoles de Kolda sont en moyenne plus rentables de quatre cent quatre-vingt mille quatre cent seize virgule six cent soixante-sept (480416,667 FCFA) que celles sans ruches. Le mĂŞme scĂ©nario est observĂ© au niveau des plantations avec ruches et sans ruches de SĂ©dhiou oĂą le diffĂ©rentiel Ă©conomique des trois annĂ©es de suivi de production est chiffrĂ© Ă  six cent vingt-sept mille neuf cent seize virgule six cent soixante-sept (627916,667 FCFA). Conclusion : L’apiculture dans les plantations de cajou s’est avĂ©rĂ©e ĂŞtre une source de revenu additionnel surtout favorable pour les producteurs. Elle permet une meilleure amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© et de la qualitĂ© des noix d’anacardiers en Casamance.   The cashew sector occupies an important place in the socio-economic life of farmers in producing countries. In Senegal, this sector faces several constraints that inhibit its development. Faced with these constraints, hives have been introduced into cashew tree plantations in order to boost the production of the species and increase the income of producers. The objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the effect of hives on cashew plantations in the regions of SĂ©dhiou and Kolda in southern Senegal. Study methods: The comparison between the two production systems (plantation without and with hive) was made on the basis of the floral ratio, cashew nut yield, quality and economic profitability. The latter was assessed in three successive years (2019, 2020 and 2021). From the analysis of the results, it appears that cashew plantations with hives recorded the highest floral ratios, i.e. on average 8.5% in SĂ©dhiou and 7% in Kolda against 6% and 5% for plantations without hives. respectively in the same localities. Also, the cashew trees of the plantations with hives of SĂ©dhiou and Kolda produce respectively on average 2.75 kg.tree-1 and 2 kg.tree-1 against 1.75 kg.tree-1 and 1.5 kg.tree-1 in plantations without hives. The importance of the presence of bees in the cashew tree plantations was noted on the quality of the nuts in SĂ©dhiou as in Kolda with respective Kernel Out-turn Ratio (KOR) of: 52 against 50 lbs and 51.5 versus 49.8 lbs. On the economic plan, Kolda's beekeeping plantations are on average four hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and sixteen point six hundred and sixty-seven (480,416.667 FCFA) more profitable than those without hives. The same scenario is observed at the level of plantations with hives and without hives of SĂ©dhiou where the economic differential of the three years of production monitoring is calculated at six hundred and twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixteen point six hundred and sixty-seven (627916.667 FCFA). Conclusion: Beekeeping in cashew plantations has proven to be a particularly favorable source of additional income for producers. She allows a better improvement of the productivity and the quality of cashew nuts in Casamance

    Effet de l’Apiculcture sur les Plantations d’Anacardiers (Anacardium occidentale L.) dans les Regions de Sedhiou et Kolda au Sud du Senegal

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                L’objectif principal de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est de contribuer Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’effet des ruches sur les plantations d’anacardiers dans les rĂ©gions de SĂ©dhiou et de Kolda au sud du SĂ©nĂ©gal. MĂ©thodes d’études :  La comparaison entre les deux systèmes de production (plantation sans et avec ruche) a Ă©tĂ© faite sur la base du ratio floral, du rendement en noix de cajou, de leur qualitĂ© et de la rentabilitĂ© Ă©conomique. Cette dernière a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e en trois annĂ©es successives (2019, 2020 et 2021). De l’analyse des rĂ©sultats, ressort que les plantations d’anacardiers avec ruches ont enregistrĂ© les ratios floraux les plus Ă©levĂ©s, soit en moyenne 8,5% Ă  SĂ©dhiou et 7% Ă  Kolda contre 6% et 5% pour les plantations sans ruches respectivement dans les mĂŞmes localitĂ©s. Aussi, les anacardiers des plantations avec ruches de SĂ©dhiou et Kolda produisent respectivement en moyenne 2,75 kg/arbre et 2 kg/arbre contre 1,75 kg/arbre et 1,5 kg/arbre dans les plantations sans ruches. L’importance de la prĂ©sence des abeilles dans les plantations d’anacardiers a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e sur la qualitĂ© des noix Ă  SĂ©dhiou comme Ă  Kolda avec des KOR respectifs de : 52 contre 50 lbs   et 51,5 contre 49,8 lbs. Durant les trois annĂ©es d’évaluation de production, les plantations apicoles de Kolda sont en moyenne plus rentables de quatre cent quatre-vingt mille quatre cent seize virgule six cent soixante-sept (480416,667 FCFA) que celles sans ruches. Le mĂŞme scĂ©nario est observĂ© au niveau des plantations avec ruches et sans ruches de SĂ©dhiou oĂą le diffĂ©rentiel Ă©conomique des trois annĂ©es de suivi de production est chiffrĂ© Ă  six cent vingt-sept mille neuf cent seize virgule six cent soixante-sept (627916,667 FCFA). Conclusion : l’étude a montrĂ© un impact positif de l’association apiculture/anacardier sur les paramètres Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les plantations avec ruches de SĂ©dhiou ont enregistrĂ© les meilleures performances sur les trois paramètres Ă©tudiĂ©s. Ainsi, des Ă©tudes approfondies de l’impact d’un système de production intĂ©grĂ© apiculture/anacardier devraient ĂŞtre rĂ©alisĂ©es pour booster la production durable de ces deux filières en Casamance.                The main objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the effect of hives on cashew plantations in the regions of SĂ©dhiou and Kolda in southern Senegal. Study methods: The comparison between the two production systems (plantation without and with hive) was made on the basis of the floral ratio, cashew nut yield, quality and economic profitability. The latter was assessed in three successive years (2019, 2020 and 2021). From the analysis of the results, it appears that cashew plantations with hives recorded the highest floral ratios, i.e. on average 8.5% in SĂ©dhiou and 7% in Kolda against 6% and 5% for plantations without hives. respectively in the same localities. Also, the cashew trees of the plantations with hives of SĂ©dhiou and Kolda respectively produce on average 2.75 kg/tree and 2 kg/tree against 1.75 kg/tree and 1.5 kg/tree in the plantations without hives. The importance of the presence of bees in the cashew tree plantations was noted on the quality of the nuts in SĂ©dhiou as in Kolda with respective KORs of: 52 against50 lbs and 51.5 versus 49.8 lbs. During the three years of production evaluation, beekeeping plantations in Kolda are on average more profitable by four hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and sixteen point six hundred and sixty-seven (480,416.667 FCFA) than those without hives. The same scenario is observed at the level of plantations with hives and without hives of SĂ©dhiou where the economic differential of the three years of production monitoring is calculated at six hundred and twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixteen point six hundred and sixty-seven (627916.667 FCFA). Conclusion: the study showed a positive impact of the beekeeping/cashew tree association on the parameters studied. The plantations with hives of SĂ©dhiou recorded the best performances on the three parameters studied than those of Kolda.&nbsp

    Receipt from Fishkill Landing Machine Co.

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    Additive Manufacturing for Dynamic Ankle Brace and Medical Devices

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    Ankle sprains are the most common injury in the world’s largest sport, soccer. The current prevention methods such as ankle braces are ineffective due to bulkiness, excessive movement, and lack of comfort. Engineered for athletes, by athletes, an ankle brace was designed specifically for soccer players to limit inversion and eversion ankle sprains but allow natural range of motion. The specifications of the improved ankle brace are designed to allow the material properties to apply a restoring force as it reaches the exceeding ranges of motion for ankle sprains without hindering athletic performance. This brace is made to contain a geometric mesh design that combines the benefits of the classic ankle brace stirrup concept with 3D printing and modern material science to produce a customized ankle brace lighter, more malleable, and thinner than competitors and existing approaches while still allowing the athlete to perform at maximum potential. We hypothesize that the non-linear compliance of the brace will allow for a more natural range of motion than current on the market braces while also offering the athlete support while engaged in sport. the brace will aid in the dynamic movements of the ankle for prevention and rehabilitation of ankle sprains. The awarded funds would allow the ability to validate the design and the variables effecting the brace. The research conducted will be geared towards the evolution and analysis of the ankle brace for the prevention and rehabilitation of ankle sprains in four aims: 1) Tensile testing the 3D printed ankle brace to find all necessary material properties to find the best possible mesh and material for the ankle brace. 2) Test the ankle brace on soccer players while wearing an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to compare performance of athletes with and without the 3D printed ankle brace. 3) 3D scan ankles using a portable 3D scanner. This would allow to gather dimensions of patients to adjust the sizing of the ankle brace so that each brace is customized to suit everyone\u27s needs. 4) Lastly, disseminate findings through national and international conferences and peer reviewed journals. The ultimate objective is to improve and produce a useful ankle brace that contributes to the commercial market based on anatomy research, experimental testing, 3D printing, and material properties

    Safety and Airworthiness Design of Ultra-Light and Very Light Amphibious Aircrafts

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    AbstractUltra-light and very light amphibious aircrafts are the special kinds of low-speed general aircrafts. They are low weighted and small sized but can takeoff and land either on land or water without changing the structure of any parts. These characteristics result in the distinctive configuration and structure design, and meanwhile bring about significant features of safety and airworthiness design. These problems are investigated by developing the ultra-light amphibious aircraft “Frigate bird” and analyzing the other aircrafts’ design. This paper mainly discusses the preliminary design about structure, aerodynamics, power effect, flying qualities, dynamics and statics on water. Some analysis methodologies and design parameters which are different from the conventional general aircrafts’ are also represented

    Etude et cartographie des milieux biophysiques du terroir de Kissane (région de Thiès Sénégal)

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    En vue de l'aménagement de terroirs villageois, les nouvelles méthodes d'analyse des milieux tropicaux ont été appliquées dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, pour l'étude du terroir de Kissane, situé au sud du plateau de Thiès au Sénégal. Ce travail a consisté à faire un levé topographique et un inventaire détaillé des composantes de ce milieu physique afin de dresser une typologie des différents milieux du terroi

    Om antidemokratins framfart i Europa - och förståelsen av dess existensberättigande

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    I Europa har en debatt uppstått kring huruvida antidemokratiska partiers rätt till politiskt utrymme ska rättfärdigas eller inte. Argumenten från förespråkare på båda sidor hämtar sitt stöd från rådande mänskliga rättigheter, friheter och demokratiska värden. Problemet som uppstår i debatten är att parterna grundar sina argument i olika definitioner av demokratiska- och frihetliga värden, utan att vidareutveckla vad dessa värden bör innefatta. Genom en analys av Joseph Schumpeters elitistiska demokratisyn och John Stuart Mills syn på frihet går det att finna argument som talar både för och emot antidemokratiska partiers rätt till politiskt utrymme. Syftet är således att påvisa de åsikter och argument som uppstår från båda sidor i debatten och ställa dessa mot rådande syn på demokrati och frihet. En jämförande analys av Schumpeters demokratisyn och Mills frihetsideal lyfter fram skillnaderna i de olika parternas syn på demokrati och frihet och påvisar hur dessa skillnader hindrar framsteg i diskussionen om antidemokratiska partiers existensberättigande. Avslutningsvis når jag slutsatsen att de olika synsätten på demokrati och frihet omöjliggör idén om definitivt svar på antidemokratiska partiers vara eller icke-vara i ett demokratiskt samhälle
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