3,044 research outputs found
Field-induced negative differential spin lifetime in silicon
We show that the electric field-induced thermal asymmetry between the
electron and lattice systems in pure silicon substantially impacts the identity
of the dominant spin relaxation mechanism. Comparison of empirical results from
long-distance spin transport devices with detailed Monte-Carlo simulations
confirms a strong spin depolarization beyond what is expected from the standard
Elliott-Yafet theory already at low temperatures. The enhanced spin-flip
mechanism is attributed to phonon emission processes during which electrons are
scattered between conduction band valleys that reside on different crystal
axes. This leads to anomalous behavior, where (beyond a critical field)
reduction of the transit time between spin-injector and spin-detector is
accompanied by a counterintuitive reduction in spin polarization and an
apparent negative spin lifetime
Experimental analysis for the effect of dynamic capillarity on stress transformation in porous silicon
The evolution of real-time stress in porous silicon(PS) during drying is investigated using micro-Raman spectroscopy. The results show that the PS sample underwent non-negligible stress when immersed in liquid and suffered a stress impulsion during drying. Such nonlinear transformation and nonhomogeneneous distribution of stress are regarded as the coupling effects of several physical phenomena attributable to the intricate topological structure of PS. The effect of dynamic capillarity can induce microcracks and even collapse in PSstructures during manufacture and storage.This work is funded by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China Contract Nos. 10732080 and
3D visualization is a Key Technology in CyberCity. It has been applied in many fields. In this paper, we discussed and studied several key techniques of 3D visualization in CyberCity. These key techniques contain Oriented Object 3D Data Model, Advanced Modeling Techniques which contain Particle System and Billboard, 3D Scene Accelerate Rendering Techniques, Information Inquire techniques in 3D scene and so on. The 3D Scene Accelerate Rendering Techniques contain Object Culling, Back Face Culling and LOD (level of detail) technique. Based on these techniques, we designed and implemented an advanced 3D Rendering Engine. At the end of paper, we give some results created by the 3D Rendering Engine. The results show that the 3D engine can render highly reality 3D scene and user can obtain highly immersion by rambling in 3D scene and inquiring information based on database.
The C∞-convergence of SG circle patterns to the Riemann mapping
AbstractThurston conjectured that the Riemann mapping function from a simply connected region onto the unit disk can be approximated by regular hexagonal packings. Schramm introduced circle patterns with combinatorics of the square grid (SG) and showed that SG circle patterns converge to meromorphic functions. He and Schramm proved that hexagonal disk packings converge in C∞ to the Riemann mapping. In this paper we show a similar C∞-convergence for SG circle patterns
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