72 research outputs found

    Service providers' adherence to methadone maintenance treatment protocol in China.

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    BACKGROUND:Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programs have expanded rapidly in China during the last decade. However, variance in service providers' practice may have an impact on the quality of care received by the patients. This study examined Chinese service providers' adherence to the MMT protocol and its associated factors. METHODS:The study used baseline data from a randomized intervention trial implemented in MMT clinics in five provinces of China. The data were collected from January 2012 to August 2013. A total of 418 service providers from 68 MMT clinics participated in the study. Demographic and job-related characteristics were collected. The providers' adherence to the MMT protocol, MMT knowledge, negative attitudes towards people who use drugs (PWUD), and perceived institutional support were assessed. RESULTS:The average adherence score was 36.7 ± 4.3 (out of 9-45). Fewer providers adhered to the protocol items where communications with patients or families were required. After controlling for potential confounders, adherence to the MMT protocol was positively associated with perceived institutional support (standardized β = 0.130; p = 0.0052), and negatively associated with prejudicial attitudes towards PWUD (standardized β = -0.357; p < 0.0001). Reception of national-level MMT training was not associated with higher level of adherence to protocol. CONCLUSION:The findings suggest the potential benefits of providing institutional support to MMT providers to enhance their level of adherence to the MMT protocol. Intervention effort is needed to reduce negative attitudes towards PWUD among MMT service providers to achieve greater consistency with best-practice recommendations

    Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Following Policy Changes: Observations From China.

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    China's HIV/AIDS treatment policies have been evolving over the preceding decade. This study describes patterns of antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation for a sample of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) in rural Anhui, China, where most PLHIV were infected via paid plasma donation during the 1990s. A total of 481 PLHIV who were receiving ART were included in our analyses. Times between HIV diagnosis and the initiation of ART were examined relative to the time points when major ART-related policies changed in China. More than half (53%) of PLHIV who had been diagnosed by 2003 received ART within 6 months, whereas 93% of PLHIV who had been diagnosed in 2010 or later received ART within 6 months. The study results provide additional support that the "Four Frees and One Care" policy in 2003 and the relaxation of ART eligibility in 2010 have facilitated the initiation of treatment for PLHIV in China

    Report on Provider-Client Interaction From 68 Methadone Maintenance Clinics in China.

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    Provider-client interaction is an integral of clinical practice and central to the delivery of high-quality medical care. This article examines factors related to the provider-client interaction in the context of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Data were collected from 68 MMT clinics in China. In total, 418 service providers participated in the survey. Linear mixed effects regression models were performed to identify factors associated with provider-client interaction. It was observed that negative attitude toward drug users was associated with lower level of provider-client interaction and less time spent with each client. Other factors associated with lower level of interaction included being female, being younger, being a nurse, and fewer years in medical field. Higher provider-client interaction was associated with provider reported job satisfaction. The findings of this study call for a need to address provider negative attitudes that can impact provider-client interaction and the effectiveness of MMT. Future intervention efforts targeting MMT providers should be tailored by gender, provider type, and medical experiences

    Alcohol Use, HIV Treatment Adherence, and Sexual Risk Among People with a History of Injecting Drug Use in Vietnam.

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    Alcohol use can limit the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people living with HIV (PLH) who have a history of injecting drug use. This study described the patterns of alcohol use among PLH with a history of injecting drug use in Vietnam and examined the relationships between alcohol use, adherence to ART, and sexual risks. We utilized cross-sectional data of 109 PLH on ART collected from a randomized controlled intervention trial in Vietnam. Approximately 30 and 46% of the participants were frequent and occasional drinkers, respectively. Frequent drinkers reported the highest number of missed medication days. About 61% of frequent drinkers reported having sex after using alcohol. Additionally, 23, 34, and 24% of nondrinkers, occasional drinkers, and frequent drinkers, respectively, reported inconsistent condom use during sex. Future intervention programs should address the issues of alcohol use and sexual risks to maximize the effectiveness of HIV treatment programs in Vietnam

    COVID-19 Severity Among American Indians and Alaska Natives in 16 States - January 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021

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    Objective: To compare rates and risk factors of severe COVID-19-related outcomes between American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) and non-Hispanic White people (NHW). Methods: Aggregate Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), COVID-19-related risk factor, hospitalization, and mortality data were obtained from 16 states for January 1, 2020-March 31, 2021. Generalized estimating equation Poisson regression models calculated age-adjusted cumulative incidences, incidence ratios (IR), and 95% confidence intervals (CI) comparing AI/AN and NHW persons by age, sex, and county-level SVI status. Results: Race data were missing for 42.7% of COVID-19 cases, 24.7% of hospitalizations, and 10.1% of deaths. Risk of AI/AN COVID-19 mortality was 2.6 times that of NHW persons (IR 2.6, 95% CI: 1.7 – 3.4); risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization among AI/AN persons was 3.5 times that of NHW (IR: 3.5, 95% CI: 2.7 – 4.3). Severe COVID-19 outcomes were significantly higher for AI/AN persons compared to NHW persons across all age and sex groups. There was no statistically significant difference in COVID-19 outcomes by SVI status. Associations between severe COVID-19 outcomes and co-morbid risk factors were inconsistent. Conclusions: Results describe increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes for AI/AN persons compared to NHW persons despite quality issues in public health surveillance data. Data linkages and improved ascertainment reduce race/ethnicity misclassification and improve data quality. COVID-19-related health burdens among AI/AN persons warrant improved access for AI/AN communities to medical countermeasures and healthcare resources

    HIV-Related Stigma, Social Support, and Access to Care among People Living with HIV in Rural Anhui Province, China

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    BackgroundPeople living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in rural Anhui, China face tremendous challenges, which may influence access to healthcare. This two-part study explored these issues. First, a quantitative study examined whether (a) two dimensions of HIV-related stigma (i.e., perceived stigma and internalized shame) or (b) three dimensions of social support (i.e., emotional support, tangible support, and affectionate support) are associated with access to care among HIV-positive men and women in rural Anhui, China. Second, a critical performance written and performed by the author applies ethnodrama strategies to explore HIV stigma and social support in Anhui Province. Methods The conceptual model integrates theoretical concepts of stigma and social support into Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use. This was a secondary analysis of baseline data from participants (N = 522 PLWHA) in the Together for Empowerment Activities (TEA) study, a randomized controlled intervention trial among HIV-affected families in rural Anhui, China. The data were collected between October 2011 and March 2013 via computer-assisted personal interviewing. The analyses involved mixed-effects, multiple linear regression with village-level random effects to control for variance clustering by the village. Conquergood and ethnodrama strategies informed the elements included in the performance: movement, original text, quotes from PLWHA, and spectacle such as photographs, set, and props.Results Higher levels of perceived stigma were associated with poorer access to care (estimated difference = – 0.08, p = 0.015). With respect to social support, only higher levels of affectionate support were associated with greater access to care (estimated difference = 0.43, p < 0.0001). Tangible support was inversely associated with access to care (estimated difference = – 0.17, p = 0.003). Neither internalized shame nor emotional support was associated with access to care (p > 0.05). DiscussionThis study underscores complexities between HIV-related stigma, social support and access to care in rural Anhui, China. Future research should explore whether adverse effects exist for managing HIV disease in this region. Performance represents a potentially powerful, non-traditional approach to discussing these issues and disseminating some findings; future work should explore whether this holds in Anhui Province

    Composite measures of women’s empowerment and their association with maternal mortality in low-income countries

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    Abstract Background Maternal mortality has declined significantly since 1990. While better access to emergency obstetrical care is partially responsible, women’s empowerment might also be a contributing factor. Gender equality composite measures generally include various dimensions of women’s advancement, including educational parity, formal employment, and political participation. In this paper, we compare several composite measures to assess which, if any, are associated with maternal mortality ratios (MMRs) in low-income countries, after controlling for other macro-level and direct determinants. Methods Using data from 44 low-income countries (half in Africa), we assessed the correlation of three composite measures – the Gender Gap Index, the Gender Equity Index (GEI), and the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) – with MMRs. We also examined two recognized contributors to reduce maternal mortality (skilled birth attendance (SBA) and total fertility rate (TFR)) as well as several economic and political variables (such as the Corruption Index) to see which tracked most closely with MMRs. We examined the countries altogether, and disaggregated by region. We then performed multivariate analysis to determine which measures were predictive. Results Two gender measures (GEI and SIGI) and GDP per capita were significantly correlated with MMRs for all countries. For African countries, the SIGI, TFR, and Corruption Index were significant, whereas the GEI, SBA, and TFR were significant in non-African countries. After controlling for all measures, SBA emerged as a predictor of log MMR for non-African countries (β = –0.04, P = 0.01). However, for African countries, only the Corruption Index was a predictor (β = –0.04, P = 0.04). No gender measure was significant. Conclusions In African countries, corruption is undermining the quality of maternal care, the availability of critical drugs and equipment, and pregnant women’s motivation to deliver in a hospital setting. Improving gender equality and SBA rates is unlikely to reduce MMR in Africa unless corruption is addressed. In other regions, increasing SBA rates can be expected to lower MMRs
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