66 research outputs found

    A quantum cluster algebra of Kronecker type and the dual canonical basis

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    The article concerns the dual of Lusztig's canonical basis of a subalgebra of the positive part U_q(n) of the universal enveloping algebra of a Kac-Moody Lie algebra of type A_1^{(1)}. The examined subalgebra is associated with a terminal module M over the path algebra of the Kronecker quiver via an Weyl group element w of length four. Geiss-Leclerc-Schroeer attached to M a category C_M of nilpotent modules over the preprojective algebra of the Kronecker quiver together with an acyclic cluster algebra A(C_M). The dual semicanonical basis contains all cluster monomials. By construction, the cluster algebra A(C_M) is a subalgebra of the graded dual of the (non-quantized) universal enveloping algebra U(n). We transfer to the quantized setup. Following Lusztig we attach to w a subalgebra U_q^+(w) of U_q(n). The subalgebra is generated by four elements that satisfy straightening relations; it degenerates to a commutative algebra in the classical limit q=1. The algebra U_q^+(w) possesses four bases, a PBW basis, a canonical basis, and their duals. We prove recursions for dual canonical basis elements. The recursions imply that every cluster variable in A(C_M) is the specialization of the dual of an appropriate canonical basis element. Therefore, U_q^+(w) is a quantum cluster algebra in the sense of Berenstein-Zelevinsky. Furthermore, we give explicit formulae for the quantized cluster variables and for expansions of products of dual canonical basis elements.Comment: 32 page

    Quantum cluster algebras of type A and the dual canonical basis

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    The article concerns the subalgebra U_v^+(w) of the quantized universal enveloping algebra of the complex Lie algebra sl_{n+1} associated with a particular Weyl group element of length 2n. We verify that U_v^+(w) can be endowed with the structure of a quantum cluster algebra of type A_n. The quantum cluster algebra is a deformation of the ordinary cluster algebra Geiss-Leclerc-Schroeer attached to w using the representation theory of the preprojective algebra. Furthermore, we prove that the quantum cluster variables are, up to a power of v, elements in the dual of Lusztig's canonical basis under Kashiwara's bilinear form.Comment: 48 page

    An expansion formula for type A and Kronecker quantum cluster algebras

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    We introduce an expansion formula for elements in quantum cluster algebras associated to type A and Kronecker quivers with principal quantization. Our formula is parametrized by perfect matchings of snake graphs as in the classical case. In the Kronecker type, the coefficients are q-powers whose exponents are given by a weight function induced by the lattice of perfect matchings. As an application, we prove that a reflectional symmetry on the set of perfect matchings satisfies Stembridge's q=−1 phenomenon with respect to the weight function. Furthermore, we discuss a relation of our expansion formula to generating functions of BPS states

    Maximum antichains in posets of quiver representations

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    We study maximum antichains in two posets related to quiver representations. Firstly, we consider the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable representations ordered by inclusion. For various orientations of the Dynkin diagram of type A we construct a maximum antichain in the poset. Secondly, we consider the set of subrepresentations of a given quiver representation, again ordered by inclusion. It is a finite set if we restrict to linear representations over finite fields or to representations with values in the category of pointed sets. For particular situations we prove that this poset is Sperner

    On the Approximate Periodicity of Sequences Attached to Non-Crystallographic Root Systems

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    We study Fomin-Zelevinsky's mutation rule in the context of noncrystallographic root systems. In particular, we construct approximately periodic sequences of real numbers for the noncrystallographic root systems of rank 2 by adjusting the exchange relation for cluster algebras. Moreover, we describe matrix mutation classes for type H3 and H4

    Neural Network based Tire-Road Friction Estimation Using Experimental Data

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    Knowledge of the maximum friction coefficient µmax between tire and road is necessary for implementing autonomous driving. As this coefficient cannot be measured via existing serial vehicle sensors, µmax estimation is a challenging field in modern automotive research. In particular, model-based approaches are applied, which are limited in the estimation accuracy by the physical vehicle model. Therefore, this paper presents a data-based µmax estimation using serial vehicle sensors. For this purpose, recurrent artificial neural networks are trained, validated, and tested based on driving maneuvers carried out with a test vehicle showing improved results compared to the model-based algorithm from previous works