2,497 research outputs found
A Multiday Record-Assisted Fruit, Vegetable, and Snack Questionnaire to Assess Intake Among Fourth and fifth Grade Students
Assessing FV intake among young children is difficult and can be a time- consuming, resource-intensive, and burdensome. The aim of this study was to create a simple, self-assessment tool to estimate and detect changes in FV consumption among fourth and fifth graders. Such a tool would ease the complications and resources of other diet assessment options that are used to measure FV consumption when implementing school-based nutrition programs.The questionnaire provided a moderately valid estimate of lunchtime FV consumption, but it was inconsistent at detecting small, yet important increases in FV consumption between time points. The ability of the questionnaire to measure total FV consumption was also tested and found to be poor. In addition, having the students record what they ate on a food tracker during meals did not improve performance on the questionnaire.The tool examined in this study could provide a reasonable estimate of average lunchtime FV consumption among fourth and fifth grade children, but could not be used to detect sensitive changes in consumption during a FV intervention study. While it is difficult for children to recall dietary information, it beneficial to continue to explore the development of a self-report questionnaire that can accurately assess total FV intake in children
Textiles In The Tourist Trade: Woollen Textile Production In Momostenango, Guatemala
Textile production in Guatemala has been the focus of a considerable amount of twentieth century literature in the English language. Guatemalan textiles have been avidly collected by museums, universities and private collectors in North America and Europe. Our belief as researchers and collectors is that we are recording and preserving the valuable textile traditions of the indigenous people of Guatemala.
What we often don\u27t realize is that collectively, over time, we are saying as much about our own perspective as outsiders as we are about the Guatemalan people and their textiles. Our choices of what to document and what to collect reflect our own biases. As important as what we choose to study and collect is what we do not select.
One type of textile which is ubiquitous to the region but consistently overlooked is the woollen blanket of Momostenango. Because their format and function are familiar to outsiders and because they are routinely sold to tourists, the blankets and related woollen textiles have not been considered worthy of research or collection. By examining this example of omission, this paper considers our collecting and research practices, particularly as they relate to tourist textiles. The long term impact of our attitudes may be to limit the capacity of the literature and collections to record the full range of textile traditions in Guatemala.
For the purposes of this paper, I am using the Momostenango blanket as an archetypical example of what has generally not been collected among Guatemalan textiles. This paper is not about Momostenango woollen textiles per se but more about our collective attitudes to trade goods, particularly widely distributed items and more particularly, items included in the tourist trade.
For anyone not familiar with the ubiquitous Momostenango blanket, I will provide a brief visual and verbal description. Most blankets commonly seen by visitors are made of a weft faced brushed wool either on a wool or cotton warp. Patterns are created by the use of discontinuous wefts using a dovetail join, or by double faced supplementary wefts. Blanket patterns can also be formed using warp striping, weft striping or twill checks and plaids, although these latter techniques are more common in blankets not aimed at the tourist market.
Patterns include versions of many of the images found in other Guatemalan textiles such as munjecas or human forms, animals such as horse or deer, assorted birds including the tourist industry favoured quetzal, various plant forms and geometries. Colours include natural whites, blacks and grays as well as a variety of commercial dye colours such as blue, red, yellow, brown, purple or green. Natural dyes were used before commercial dyes were available
Gender differences in the association between nonstandard work schedules and work-family conflict: A mixed methods analysis in France
Objective: This study aims to examine the association between nonstandard work schedules and time-based work-family conflict (WFC) among employed parents. Taking a gender perspective, it further considers whether job and family resources mediates this association. Background: The recent increase in nonstandard work schedules has proportionally affected women more than men in various EU countries. Previous research has established a link between nonstandard work schedules and WFC. However, limited attention has been given to directly investigating time-based WFC and exploring the factors that drive gender-specific effects. Method: Employing a mixed methods design, we use cross-sectional data from a large-scale French Working Conditions survey and qualitative interviews with couples who work nonstandard schedules. Results: Quantitative findings demonstrate that nonstandard work schedules increase time-based work-family conflict for women more than men. Early morning and evening work disrupts socially valuable time for women, while weekend work negatively affects both genders. Lack of family support explains a significant portion of the association, with work schedule unpredictability being crucial for women. The qualitative findings shed light on the gender-specific generation of perceptions regarding time-based WFC among couples and the interaction of job and family resources in their daily lives. Conclusion: The findings suggest that a comprehensive understanding of the gendered interferences between family and work dynamics is vital for informing policy decisions, reducing gender inequalities, and enhancing workers' wellbeing. - Appendix: https://ubp.uni-bamberg.de/jfr/index.php/jfr/article/view/934/752Fragestellung: Die Untersuchung geht der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen atypischen Arbeitszeiten und zeitlichen Konflikten hinsichtlich der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie bei erwerbstätigen Eltern nach. Hintergrund: Der gegenwärtige Anstieg von Beschäftigungsverhältnissen mit atypischen Arbeitszeiten betrifft in verschiedenen EU-Ländern deutlich häufiger Frauen als Männer. In der vorliegenden Forschung wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen atypischen Arbeitsverhältnissen und Konflikten hinsichtlich der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie behauptet. Dabei wurde allerdings der Untersuchung direkt zeitbezogener Konflikte zwischen Beruf und Familie sowie den Faktoren, die geschlechtsspezifische Effekte nach sich ziehen, wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Methode: Unser Mixed-Methods-Forschungsdesgin stützt sich auf Querschnittsdaten aus einer französischen Erhebung zu Arbeitsbedingungen sowie auf qualitative Interviews mit Paaren, in denen beide Partner einer Erwerbstätigkeit mit atypischen Arbeitszeiten nachgehen. Ergebnisse: Die quantitative Analyse belegt, dass atypische Arbeitszeiten Zeitkonflikte hinsichtlich der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie bei Frauen häufiger als bei Männern nach sich ziehen. Arbeit am frühen Morgen sowie am Abend reißt die für Frauen sozial wertvolle Zeit auseinander, während Wochenendarbeit für beide Geschlechter negative Auswirkungen hat. Ein Mangel an familiärer Unterstützung erklärt einen signifikanten Anteil des Zusammenhangs, wobei die Unvorhersehbarkeit der Arbeitszeiten für Frauen ausschlaggebend ist. Die Ergebnisse der qualitativen Analyse werfen ein Licht auf die geschlechtsspezifische Erzeugung von Wahrnehmungen bezüglich der Konflikte zwischen Beruf und Familie bei Paaren sowie der Wechselwirkung von arbeitsbezogenen und familialen Ressourcen in ihrem Alltag. Schlussfolgerung: Den Ergebnissen zufolge ist ein umfassendes Verständnis der geschlechtsspezifischen Interferenzen zwischen familiären und beruflichen Dynamiken für die politische Entscheidungsfindung unerlässlich, reduziert die Ungleichheiten zwischen den Geschlechtern und wirkt sich positiv auf das Wohlbefinden der Erwerbstätigen aus
Immunization with DNA vaccines in early life: Advantages and limitations as compared to conventional vaccines
Conclusion: DNA vaccines favorably compare to conventional vaccines in their unique capacity to induce, in murine models, adult-like antibody, Th1 and CTL responses at a time of yet significant immune immaturity. Immune responses to DNA vaccines are, however, significantly slower than the one induced by adjuvanted subunit or live vaccines. Although they persist for life in mice, preliminary data in non-human adult primates suggest that this could not be the case in higher mammals. The issue of potential tolerance induction will likely not emerge as a critical feature of human neonatal DNA immunization. However, DNA vaccines are unlikely to prove superior to conventional vaccines in their capacity to circumvent the inhibitory influence of maternal antibodies. Thus, the greater perspectives for neonatal DNA immunization could be found in models where the induction of Th1 and CTL responses are of utmost importance. These are essentially infections with intracellular agents responsible for severe/persistent infections upon early exposure and for which no current efficient and safe conventional vaccine exists. Evaluating neonatal DNA immunization strategies against RSV or herpes viruses, tuberculosis or Chlamydiae therefore emerge as sound prioritie
Developmental toxicity of combined ethylbenzene and methylethylketone administered by inhalation to rats
Pregnant Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed to ethylbenzene (EB; 0, 250, or 1000 ppm) and methylethylketone (MEK; 0, 1000, or 3000 ppm), alone and in combination, by inhalation, for 6 h/day, during days 6–20 of gestation. Maternal toxicity, evidenced by decreased in body weight gain and food consumption, tended to be greater after simultaneous exposures to the high concentrations of 1000 ppm EB and 3000 ppm MEK, when compared to the treatments with individual compounds. No significant increase in embryo/fetal lethality or incidence of malformations and variations was observed in any of the treatment groups. Fetal body weight was significantly reduced after individual treatment with 1000 ppm EB or 3000 ppm MEK, and in the combined groups. There was no evidence of interaction between EB and MEK in causing developmental toxicity
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