139 research outputs found
On the Simulatability Condition in Key Generation Over a Non-authenticated Public Channel
Simulatability condition is a fundamental concept in studying key generation
over a non-authenticated public channel, in which Eve is active and can
intercept, modify and falsify messages exchanged over the non-authenticated
public channel. Using this condition, Maurer and Wolf showed a remarkable "all
or nothing" result: if the simulatability condition does not hold, the key
capacity over the non-authenticated public channel will be the same as that of
the case with a passive Eve, while the key capacity over the non-authenticated
channel will be zero if the simulatability condition holds. However, two
questions remain open so far: 1) For a given joint probability mass function
(PMF), are there efficient algorithms (polynomial complexity algorithms) for
checking whether the simulatability condition holds or not?; and 2) If the
simulatability condition holds, are there efficient algorithms for finding the
corresponding attack strategy? In this paper, we answer these two open
questions affirmatively. In particular, for a given joint PMF, we construct a
linear programming (LP) problem and show that the simulatability condition
holds \textit{if and only if} the optimal value obtained from the constructed
LP is zero. Furthermore, we construct another LP and show that the minimizer of
the newly constructed LP is a valid attack strategy. Both LPs can be solved
with a polynomial complexity
Non-Bayesian Quickest Detection with Stochastic Sample Right Constraints
In this paper, we study the design and analysis of optimal detection scheme
for sensors that are deployed to monitor the change in the environment and are
powered by the energy harvested from the environment. In this type of
applications, detection delay is of paramount importance. We model this problem
as quickest change detection problem with a stochastic energy constraint. In
particular, a wireless sensor powered by renewable energy takes observations
from a random sequence, whose distribution will change at a certain unknown
time. Such a change implies events of interest. The energy in the sensor is
consumed by taking observations and is replenished randomly. The sensor cannot
take observations if there is no energy left in the battery. Our goal is to
design a power allocation scheme and a detection strategy to minimize the worst
case detection delay, which is the difference between the time when an alarm is
raised and the time when the change occurs. Two types of average run length
(ARL) constraint, namely an algorithm level ARL constraint and an system level
ARL constraint, are considered. We propose a low complexity scheme in which the
energy allocation rule is to spend energy to take observations as long as the
battery is not empty and the detection scheme is the Cumulative Sum test. We
show that this scheme is optimal for the formulation with the algorithm level
ARL constraint and is asymptotically optimal for the formulations with the
system level ARL constraint.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure
Are Slepian-Wolf Rates Necessary for Distributed Parameter Estimation?
We consider a distributed parameter estimation problem, in which multiple
terminals send messages related to their local observations using limited rates
to a fusion center who will obtain an estimate of a parameter related to
observations of all terminals. It is well known that if the transmission rates
are in the Slepian-Wolf region, the fusion center can fully recover all
observations and hence can construct an estimator having the same performance
as that of the centralized case. One natural question is whether Slepian-Wolf
rates are necessary to achieve the same estimation performance as that of the
centralized case. In this paper, we show that the answer to this question is
negative. We establish our result by explicitly constructing an asymptotically
minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) that has the same performance as
that of the optimal estimator in the centralized case while requiring
information rates less than the conditions required in the Slepian-Wolf rate
region.Comment: Accepted in Allerton 201
The Relay-Eavesdropper Channel: Cooperation for Secrecy
This paper establishes the utility of user cooperation in facilitating secure
wireless communications. In particular, the four-terminal relay-eavesdropper
channel is introduced and an outer-bound on the optimal rate-equivocation
region is derived. Several cooperation strategies are then devised and the
corresponding achievable rate-equivocation region are characterized. Of
particular interest is the novel Noise-Forwarding (NF) strategy, where the
relay node sends codewords independent of the source message to confuse the
eavesdropper. This strategy is used to illustrate the deaf helper phenomenon,
where the relay is able to facilitate secure communications while being totally
ignorant of the transmitted messages. Furthermore, NF is shown to increase the
secrecy capacity in the reversely degraded scenario, where the relay node fails
to offer performance gains in the classical setting. The gain offered by the
proposed cooperation strategies is then proved theoretically and validated
numerically in the additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel.Comment: 33 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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