71 research outputs found

    Robust Optimal Risk Sharing and Risk Premia in Expanding Pools

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    We consider the problem of optimal risk sharing in a pool of cooperative agents. We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the certainty equivalents and risk premia associated with the Pareto optimal risk sharing contract as the pool expands. We first study this problem under expected utility preferences with an objectively or subjectively given probabilistic model. Next, we develop a robust approach by explicitly taking uncertainty about the probabilistic model (ambiguity) into account. The resulting robust certainty equivalents and risk premia compound risk and ambiguity aversion. We provide explicit results on their limits and rates of convergence, induced by Pareto optimal risk sharing in expanding pools

    Asymptotically distribution-free goodness-of-fit testing for tail copulas

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    Let (X1,Y1),,(Xn,Yn)(X_1,Y_1),\ldots,(X_n,Y_n) be an i.i.d. sample from a bivariate distribution function that lies in the max-domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution. The asymptotic joint distribution of the standardized component-wise maxima i=1nXi\bigvee_{i=1}^nX_i and i=1nYi\bigvee_{i=1}^nY_i is then characterized by the marginal extreme value indices and the tail copula RR. We propose a procedure for constructing asymptotically distribution-free goodness-of-fit tests for the tail copula RR. The procedure is based on a transformation of a suitable empirical process derived from a semi-parametric estimator of RR. The transformed empirical process converges weakly to a standard Wiener process, paving the way for a multitude of asymptotically distribution-free goodness-of-fit tests. We also extend our results to the mm-variate (m>2m>2) case. In a simulation study we show that the limit theorems provide good approximations for finite samples and that tests based on the transformed empirical process have high power.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1304 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Delayed Hawkes birth-death processes

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    We introduce a variant of the Hawkes-fed birth-death process, in which the conditional intensity does not increase at arrivals, but at departures from the system. Since arrivals cause excitation after a delay equal to their lifetimes, we call this a delayed Hawkes process. We introduce a general family of models admitting a cluster representation containing the Hawkes, delayed Hawkes and ephemerally self-exciting processes as special cases. For this family of models, as well as their nonlinear extensions, we prove existence, uniqueness and stability. Our family of models satisfies the same FCLT as the classical Hawkes process; however, we describe a scaling limit for the delayed Hawkes process in which sojourn times are stretched out by a factor T\sqrt T, after which time gets contracted by a factor TT. This scaling limit highlights the effect of sojourn-time dependence. The cluster representation renders our family of models tractable, allowing for transform characterisation by a fixed-point equation and for an analysis of heavy-tailed asymptotics. In the Markovian case, for a multivariate network of delayed Hawkes birth-death processes, an explicit recursive procedure is presented to calculate the ddth-order moments analytically. Finally, we compare the delayed Hawkes process to the regular Hawkes process in the stochastic ordering, which enables us to describe stationary distributions and heavy-traffic behaviour.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    On Geometrically Convex Risk Measures

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    Geometrically convex functions constitute an interesting class of functions obtained by replacing the arithmetic mean with the geometric mean in the definition of convexity. As recently suggested, geometric convexity may be a sensible property for financial risk measures ([7,13,4]). We introduce a notion of GG-convex conjugate, parallel to the classical notion of convex conjugate introduced by Fenchel, and we discuss its properties. We show how GG-convex conjugation can be axiomatized in the spirit of the notion of general duality transforms introduced in [2,3]. We then move to the study of GG-convex risk measures, which are defined as GG-convex functionals defined on suitable spaces of random variables. We derive a general dual representation that extends analogous expressions presented in [4] under the additional assumptions of monotonicity and positive homogeneity. As a prominent example, we study the family of Orlicz risk measures. Finally, we introduce multiplicative versions of the convex and of the increasing convex order and discuss related consistency properties of law-invariant GG-convex risk measures

    Dynamic Return and Star-Shaped Risk Measures via BSDEs

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    This paper establishes characterization results for dynamic return and star-shaped risk measures induced via backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). We first characterize a general family of static star-shaped functionals in a locally convex Fr\'echet lattice. Next, employing the Pasch-Hausdorff envelope, we build a suitable family of convex drivers of BSDEs inducing a corresponding family of dynamic convex risk measures of which the dynamic return and star-shaped risk measures emerge as the essential minimum. Furthermore, we prove that if the set of star-shaped supersolutions of a BSDE is not empty, then there exists, for each terminal condition, at least one convex BSDE with a non-empty set of supersolutions, yielding the minimal star-shaped supersolution. We illustrate our theoretical results in a few examples and demonstrate their usefulness in two applications, to capital allocation and portfolio choice

    Law-Invariant Return and Star-Shaped Risk Measures

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    This paper presents novel characterization results for classes of law-invariant star-shaped functionals. We begin by establishing characterizations for positively homogeneous and star-shaped functionals that exhibit second- or convex-order stochastic dominance consistency. Building on these characterizations, we proceed to derive Kusuoka-type representations for these functionals, shedding light on their mathematical structure and intimate connections to Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall. Furthermore, we offer representations of general law-invariant star-shaped functionals as robustifications of Value-at-Risk. Notably, our results are versatile, accommodating settings that may, or may not, involve monotonicity and/or cash-additivity. All of these characterizations are developed within a general locally convex topological space of random variables, ensuring the broad applicability of our results in various financial, insurance and probabilistic contexts