166 research outputs found
Review of \u3cem\u3eThe Tangled Web They Weave: Truth, Falsity, & Advertisers\u3c/em\u3e by Ivan L. Preston
Distributive Justice, Catholic Social Teaching, and the Moral Responsibility of Marketers
This commentary uses as its platform an essay by Karpatkin (1999) titled Toward a Fair and Just Marketplace for All Consumers: The Responsibilities of Marketing Professionals. This article supports Karpatkin\u27s position that, too often, large corporations are willing to exploit weak and vulnerable consumers as the means to unsavory financial gain. Vulnerable groups include the poor, children, and the disadvantaged elderly. Essentially, Karpatkin raises questions about the lack of distributive justice for these consumer segments in the marketplace. In answer to this, the author presents a religion-inspired business ethics. Using a body of writing sometimes called Catholic Social Teaching (CST), the author describes and discusses a set offour guiding ethical principles. At the foundation of CST is the principle of human dignity. Building on this base, the author explores three additional principles: stewardship, preferential option for the vulnerable, and worker dignity. Together, these principles provide a blended moral theory that outlines a rationale for giving economically or socially disadvantaged consumer segments distinct and special moral treatment in the marketplace
Review of \u3cem\u3e Business as a Calling: Work and the Examined Life\u3c/em\u3e by Michael Novak
Normative Perspectives for Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing
This article presents a normative set of recommendations for elevating the practice of marketing ethics. The approach is grounded in seven essential perspectives involving multiple aspirational dimensions implicit in ethical marketing. More important, each basic perspective (BP), while singularly useful, is also integrated with the other observations as well as grounded in the extant ethics literature. This combination of BPs, adhering to the tenets of normative theory postulation, generates a connective, holistic approach that addresses some of the major factors marketing managers should consider if they desire to conduct their marketing campaigns with the highest levels of ethics and social responsibility
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