185 research outputs found

    Atomistic quantum transport modeling of metal-graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions

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    We calculate quantum transport for metal-graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions within the atomistic self-consistent Schr\"odinger/Poisson scheme. Attention is paid on both the chemical aspects of the interface bonding as well the one-dimensional electrostatics along the ribbon length. Band-bending and doping effects strongly influence the transport properties, giving rise to conductance asymmetries and a selective suppression of the subband formation. Junction electrostatics and p-type characteristics drive the conduction mechanism in the case of high work function Au, Pd and Pt electrodes, while contact resistance becomes dominant in the case of Al.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Electron backscattering from stacking faults in SiC by means of \textit{ab initio} quantum transport calculations

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    We study coherent backscattering phenomena from single and multiple stacking faults (SFs) in 3C- and 4H-SiC within density functional theory quantum transport calculations. We show that SFs give rise to highly dispersive bands within both the valance and conduction bands that can be distinguished for their enhanced density of states at particular wave number subspaces. The consequent localized perturbation potential significantly scatters the propagating electron waves and strongly increases the resistance for nn-doped systems. We argue that resonant scattering from SFs should be one of the principal degrading mechanisms for device operation in silicon carbide.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Announcement of a special virtual issue on the EuroGRAPHENE program

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    The Carbon journal is pleased to announce the publication of a virtual special issue on research funded by the EuroGRAPHENE program of the European Science Foundation. In order to ensure rapid publication, the contributed primary research articles have already appeared in regular Carbon volumes over the course of 2014, and are now compiled together as a virtual special issue on the journal website.1 The present article by our team of guest editors serves as an introduction to this special issue, and also a commentary on the graphene field and the important role played by the EuroGRAPHENE program

    Low temperature deactivation of Ge heavily n-type doped by ion implantation and laser thermal annealing

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    International audienceHeavy doping of Ge is crucial for several advanced micro-and optoelectronic applications, but, at the same time, it still remains extremely challenging. Ge heavily n-type doped at a concentration of 1 X 10(20) cm(-3) by As ion implantation and melting laser thermal annealing (LTA) is shown here to be highly metastable. Upon post-LTA conventional thermal annealing As electrically deactivates already at 350 degrees C reaching an active concentration of similar to 4 x 10(19) cm(-3). No significant As diffusion is detected up to 450 degrees C, where the As activation decreases further to similar to 3 x 10(19) cm(-3). The reason for the observed detrimental deactivation was investigated by Atom Probe Tomography and in situ High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction measurements. In general, the thermal stability of heavily doped Ge layers needs to be carefully evaluated because, as shown here, deactivation might occur at very low temperatures, close to those required for low resistivity Ohmic contacting of n-type Ge

    Room temperature evolution of gold nanodots deposited on silicon

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    In this work, the morphological and structural evolution of gold nanodots deposited on Si substrates has been monitored for 2.4 × 103 h. Gold nanodots on Si are of great scientific interest because they can be used in numerous ways, for example as subwavelength antennas in plasmonics, as electrical contacts in nanometric devices, or as catalysts for the formation of quasi-1dimensional nanostructures. Their characteristics have been studied in a very large number of papers in literature, and among the several aspects, it is known that continuous Au films peculiarly interact with Si by interdiffusion even at room temperature. It would be expected that also small nanostructures could undergo to an interdiffusion and consequent modifications of their structure and shape after aging. Despite the cruciality of this topic, no literature papers have been found showing a detailed morphological and structural characterization of aged Au nanodots. Au nanoparticles have been deposited by sputtering on Si and stored in air at temperature between 20 and 23 °C and humidity of about 45 %, simulating the standard storage conditions of most of the fabrication labs. The morphological and structural characterizations have been performed by bright field transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A specific procedure has been used in order to avoid any modification of the material during the specimen preparation for the TEM analysis. A digital processing of the TEM images has allowed to get a large statistical analysis on the particles size distribution. Two different types of nanoparticles are found after the deposition: pure gold crystalline nanodots on the Si surface and gold amorphous nanoclusters interdiffused into the Si subsurface regions. While the nanodots preserve both morphology and structure all over the time, the amorphous agglomerates show an evolution during aging in morphology, structure, and chemical phase
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