53 research outputs found
Phonons and specific heat of linear dense phases of atoms physisorbed in the grooves of carbon nanotube bundles
The vibrational properties (phonons) of a one-dimensional periodic phase of
atoms physisorbed in the external groove of the carbon nanotube bundle are
studied. Analytical expressions for the phonon dispersion relations are
derived. The derived expressions are applied to Xe, Kr and Ar adsorbates. The
specific heat pertaining to dense phases of these adsorbates is calculated.Comment: 4 PS figure
Uptake of gases in bundles of carbon nanotubes
Model calculations are presented which predict whether or not an arbitrary
gas experiences significant absorption within carbon nanotubes and/or bundles
of nanotubes. The potentials used in these calculations assume a conventional
form, based on a sum of two-body interactions with individual carbon atoms; the
latter employ energy and distance parameters which are derived from empirical
combining rules. The results confirm intuitive expectation that small atoms and
molecules are absorbed within both the interstitial channels and the tubes,
while large atoms and molecules are absorbed almost exclusively within the
tubes.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, submitted to PRB Newer version (8MAR2K). There
was an error in the old one (23JAN2K). Please download thi
Systematic model behavior of adsorption on flat surfaces
A low density film on a flat surface is described by an expansion involving
the first four virial coefficients. The first coefficient (alone) yields the
Henry's law regime, while the next three correct for the effects of
interactions. The results permit exploration of the idea of universal
adsorption behavior, which is compared with experimental data for a number of
Thin helium film on a glass substrate
We investigate by Monte Carlo simulations the structure, energetics and
superfluid properties of thin helium-four films (up to four layers) on a glass
substrate, at low temperature. The first adsorbed layer is found to be solid
and "inert", i.e., atoms are localized and do not participate to quantum
exchanges. Additional layers are liquid, with no clear layer separation above
the second one. It is found that a single helium-three impurity resides on the
outmost layer, not significantly further away from the substrate than
helium-four atoms on the same layer.Comment: Six figures, submitted for publication to the Journal of Low
Temperature Physic
Vibrations of a chain of Xe atoms in a groove of carbon nanotube bundle
We present a lattice dynamics study of the vibrations of a linear chain of Xe
adsorbates in groove positions of a bundle of carbon nanotubes. The
characteristic phonon frequencies are calculated and the adsorbate polarization
vectors discussed. Comparison of the present results with the ones previously
published shows that the adsorbate vibrations cannot be treated as completely
decoupled from the vibrations of carbon nanotubes and that a significant
hybridization between the adsorbate and the tube modes occurs for phonons of
large wavelengths.Comment: 3 PS figure
Net Charge on a Noble Gas Atom Adsorbed on a Metallic Surface
Adsorbed noble gas atoms donate (on the average) a fraction of an electronic
charge to the substrate metal. The effect has been experimentally observed as
an adsorptive change in the electronic work function. The connection between
the effective net atomic charge and the binding energy of the atom to the metal
is theoretically explored.Comment: ReVvTeX 3.1 format, Two Figures, Three Table
Liberating Efimov physics from three dimensions
When two particles attract via a resonant short-range interaction, three
particles always form an infinite tower of bound states characterized by a
discrete scaling symmetry. It has been considered that this Efimov effect
exists only in three dimensions. Here we review how the Efimov physics can be
liberated from three dimensions by considering two-body and three-body
interactions in mixed dimensions and four-body interaction in one dimension. In
such new systems, intriguing phenomena appear, such as confinement-induced
Efimov effect, Bose-Fermi crossover in Efimov spectrum, and formation of
interlayer Efimov trimers. Some of them are observable in ultracold atom
experiments and we believe that this study significantly broadens our horizons
of universal Efimov physics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, contribution to a special issue of Few-Body
Systems devoted to Efimov Physic
Boson gas in a periodic array of tubes
We report the thermodynamic properties of an ideal boson gas confined in an
infinite periodic array of channels modeled by two, mutually perpendicular,
Kronig-Penney delta-potentials. The particle's motion is hindered in the x-y
directions, allowing tunneling of particles through the walls, while no
confinement along the z direction is considered. It is shown that there exists
a finite Bose- Einstein condensation (BEC) critical temperature Tc that
decreases monotonically from the 3D ideal boson gas (IBG) value as the
strength of confinement is increased while keeping the channel's cross
section, constant. In contrast, Tc is a non-monotonic function of
the cross-section area for fixed . In addition to the BEC cusp, the
specific heat exhibits a set of maxima and minima. The minimum located at the
highest temperature is a clear signal of the confinement effect which occurs
when the boson wavelength is twice the cross-section side size. This
confinement is amplified when the wall strength is increased until a
dimensional crossover from 3D to 1D is produced. Some of these features in the
specific heat obtained from this simple model can be related, qualitatively, to
at least two different experimental situations: He adsorbed within the
interstitial channels of a bundle of carbon nanotubes and
superconductor-multistrand-wires NbSn.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, submitte
Universality in the Three-Body Problem for 4He Atoms
The two-body scattering length a for 4He atoms is much larger than their
effective range r_s. As a consequence, low-energy few-body observables have
universal characteristics that are independent of the interaction potential.
Universality implies that, up to corrections suppressed by r_s/a, all
low-energy three-body observables are determined by a and a three-body
parameter \Lambda_*. We give simple expressions in terms of a and \Lambda_* for
the trimer binding energy equation, the atom-dimer scattering phase shifts, and
the rate for three-body recombination at threshold. We determine \Lambda_* for
several 4He potentials from the calculated binding energy of the excited state
of the trimer and use it to obtain the universality predictions for the other
low-energy observables. We also use the calculated values for one potential to
estimate the effective range corrections for the other potentials.Comment: 23 pages, revtex4, 6 ps figures, references added, universal
expressions update
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