80 research outputs found
Black Holes with Varying Flux: A Numerical Approach
We present a numerical study of type IIB supergravity solutions with varying
Ramond-Ramond flux. We construct solutions that have a regular horizon and
contain nontrivial five- and three-form fluxes. These solutions are
holographically dual to the deconfined phase of confining field theories at
finite temperature. As a calibration of the numerical method we first
numerically reproduce various analytically known solutions including singular
and regular nonextremal D3 branes, the Klebanov-Tseytlin solution and its
singular nonextremal generalization. The horizon of the solutions we construct
is of the precise form of nonextremal D3 branes. In the asymptotic region far
away from the horizon we observe a logarithmic behavior similar to that of the
Klebanov-Tseytlin solution.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figure
Black Holes in Cascading Theories: Confinement/Deconfinement Transition and other Thermal Properties
We present numerical evidence for a transition between the Klebanov-Strassler
background and a solution describing a black hole in the class of cascading
solutions in the chirally restored phase. We also present a number of
properties of this solution, including the running of the coupling constant,
the viscosity to entropy ratio and the drag force on a quark moving in this
background.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures. Version to be published by JHE
Tensions and Luscher Terms for (2+1)-dimensional k-strings from Holographic Models
The leading term for the energy of a bound state of k-quarks and k-antiquarks
is proportional to its separation L. These k-string configurations have a
Luscher term associated with their quantum fluctuations which is typically a
1/L correction to the energy. We review the status of tensions and Luscher
terms in the context of lattice gauge theory, Hamiltonian methods, and
gauge/gravity correspondence. Furthermore we explore how different
representations of the k-string manifest themselves in the gauge/gravity
duality. We calculate the Luscher term for a strongly coupled SU(N) gauge
theory in (2+1) dimensions using the gauge/gravity correspondence. Namely, we
compute one-loop corrections to a probe D4-brane embedded in the Cvetic,
Gibbons, Lu, and Pope supergravity background. We investigate quantum
fluctuations of both the bosonic and the fermionic sectors.Comment: 39 pages, reference added, same version to be published in JHE
On Penrose Limits and Gauge Theories
We discuss various Penrose limits of conformal and nonconformal backgrounds.
In AdS_5 x T^{1,1}, for a particular choice of the angular coordinate in
T^{1,1} the resulting Penrose limit coincides with the similar limit for AdS_5
x S^5. In this case an identification of a subset of field theory operators
with the string zero modes creation operators is possible. For another limit we
obtain a light-cone string action that resembles a particle in a magnetic
field. We also consider three different types of backgrounds that are dual to
nonconformal field theories: The Schwarzschild black hole in AdS_5, D3-branes
on the small resolution of the conifold and the Klebanov-Tseytlin background.
We find that in all three cases the introduction of nonconformality renders a
theory that is no longer exactly solvable and that the form of the deformation
is universal. The corresponding world sheet theory in the light-cone gauge has
a \tau=x^+ dependent mass term.Comment: 17pp, late
On D-branes in the Nappi-Witten and GMM gauged WZW models
We construct D-branes in the Nappi-Witten (NW) and
Guadagnini-Martellini-Mintchev (GMM) gauged WZW models. For the NW and GMM models we present
the explicit equations describing the D-brane hypersurfaces in their target
spaces. In the latter case we show that the D-branes are classified according
to the Cardy theorem. We also present the semiclassical mass computation and
find its agreement with the CFT predictions.Comment: 16 pages, harvma
Penrose Limits and RG Flows
The Penrose-Gueven limit simplifies a given supergravity solution into a
pp-wave background. Aiming at clarifying its relation to renormalization group
flow we study the Penrose-Guven limit of supergravity backgrounds that are dual
to non-conformal gauge theories. The resulting backgrounds fall in a class
simple enough that the quantum particle is exactly solvable. We propose a map
between the effective time-dependent quantum mechanical problem and the RG flow
in the gauge theory. As a testing ground we consider explicitly two Penrose
limits of the infrared fixed point of the Pilch-Warner solution. We analyze the
corresponding gauge theory picture and write down the operators which are the
duals of the low lying string states. We also address RG flows of a different
nature by considering the Penrose-Gueven limit of a stack of N D_p branes. We
note that in the far IR (for p<3)the limit generically has negative
mass-squared. This phenomenon signals, in the world sheet picture, the
necessity to transform to another description. In this regard, we consider
explicitly the cases of M2 from D2 and F1 from D1 .Comment: 35 pp, 6 figure
Moduli Instability in Warped Compactifications of the Type IIB Supergravity
We show that the conifold and deformed-conifold warped compactifications of
the ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity, including the Klebanov-Strassler
solution, are dynamically unstable in the moduli sector representing the scale
of a Calabi-Yau space, although it can be practically stable for a quite long
time in a region with a large warp factor. This instability is associated with
complete supersymmetry breaking except for a special case and produces
significant time-dependence in the structure of the four-dimensional base
spacetime as well as of the internal space.Comment: 24 pages, no figure. Typos corrected, and some arguments in section 5
are adde
Condensing Momentum Modes in 2-d 0A String Theory with Flux
We use a combination of conformal perturbation theory techniques and matrix
model results to study the effects of perturbing by momentum modes two
dimensional type 0A strings with non-vanishing Ramond-Ramond (RR) flux. In the
limit of large RR flux (equivalently, mu=0) we find an explicit analytic form
of the genus zero partition function in terms of the RR flux and the
momentum modes coupling constant alpha. The analyticity of the partition
function enables us to go beyond the perturbative regime and, for alpha>> q,
obtain the partition function in a background corresponding to the momentum
modes condensation. For momenta such that 0<p<2 we find no obstruction to
condensing the momentum modes in the phase diagram of the partition function.Comment: 22 page
Goldstone Bosons and Global Strings in a Warped Resolved Conifold
A warped resolved conifold background of type IIB theory, constructed in
hep-th/0701064, is dual to the supersymmetric gauge theory
with a vacuum expectation value (VEV) for one of the bifundamental chiral
superfields. This VEV breaks both the superconformal invariance and the
baryonic symmetry. The absolute value of the VEV controls the resolution
parameter of the conifold. In this paper we study the phase of the VEV, which
corresponds to the Goldstone boson of the broken symmetry. We explicitly
construct the linearized perturbation of the 4-form R-R potential that contains
the Goldstone boson. On general grounds, the theory should contain global
strings which create a monodromy of the pseudoscalar Goldstone boson field. We
identify these strings with the -branes wrapping the two-cycle at the tip
of the warped resolved conifold.Comment: 15 pages, no figure
Strings on conifolds from strong coupling dynamics: quantitative results
Three quantitative features of string theory on AdS_5 x X_5, for any
(quasi)regular Sasaki-Einstein X_5, are recovered exactly from an expansion of
field theory at strong coupling around configurations in the moduli space of
vacua. These configurations can be thought of as a generalized matrix model of
(local) commuting matrices. First, we reproduce the spectrum of scalar
Kaluza-Klein modes on X_5. Secondly, we recover the precise spectrum of BMN
string states, including a nontrivial dependence on the volume of X_5. Finally,
we show how the radial direction in global AdS_5 emerges universally in these
theories by exhibiting states dual to AdS giant gravitons.Comment: 1+28 pages. 1 figur
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