2,802 research outputs found

    Traversable Wormholes and Black Hole Complementarity

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    Black hole complementarity is incompatible with the existence of traversable wormholes. In fact, traversable wormholes cause problems for any theory where information comes out in the Hawking radiation.Comment: 4 pages, CALT-68-193

    String Theory Versus Black Hole Complementarity

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    It is argued that string theory on the Euclidean version of the Schwarzschild black hole -- the cigar geometry -- admits a zero mode that is localized at the tip of the cigar. The presence of this mode implies that in string theory, unlike in general relativity, the tip of the cigar is a special region. This is in tension with the Euclidean version of the black hole complementarity principle. We provide some qualitative arguments that link between this zero mode and the origin of the black hole entropy and firewall at the horizon.Comment: 8 page

    Wess-Zumino Consistency Condition for Entanglement Entropy

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    In this brief note, we consider the variation of the entanglement entropy of a region as the shape of the entangling surface is changed. We show that the variation satisfies a Wess-Zumino like integrability condition in field theories which can be consistently coupled to gravity. In this case the "anomaly" is localized on the entangling surface. The solution of the integrability condition should give all the nontrivial finite local terms which can appear in the variation of the entanglement entropy.Comment: 14 pages, presentation improve

    The World as a Hologram

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    According to 't Hooft the combination of quantum mechanics and gravity requires the three dimensional world to be an image of data that can be stored on a two dimensional projection much like a holographic image. The two dimensional description only requires one discrete degree of freedom per Planck area and yet it is rich enough to describe all three dimensional phenomena. After outlining 't Hooft's proposal I give a preliminary informal description of how it may be implemented. One finds a basic requirement that particles must grow in size as their momenta are increased far above the Planck scale. The consequences for high energy particle collisions are described. The phenomena of particle growth with momentum was previously discussed in the context of string theory and was related to information spreading near black hole horizons. The considerations of this paper indicate that the effect is much more rapid at all but the earliest times. In fact the rate of spreading is found to saturate the bound from causality. Finally we consider string theory as a possible realization of 't Hooft's idea. The light front lattice string model of Klebanov and Susskind is reviewed and its similarities with the holographic theory are demonstrated. The agreement between the two requires unproven but plausible assumptions about the nonperturbative behavior of string theory. Very similar ideas to those in this paper have been long held by Charles Thorn.Comment: SU-ITP-94-33, phyzzx, 33 pages and 5 figures (Some typos fixed and one reference added.
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