12,591 research outputs found
Eichler integrals and String Theory
In this article, it is shown how to obtain objects called Eichler integrals
in the mathematical literature that can be used for calculating scattering
amplitudes in String Theory. These Eichler integrals are also new examples of
Eichler integrals with poles.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page
A Method to Separate Stochastic and Deterministic Information from Electrocardiograms
In this work we present a new idea to develop a method to separate stochastic
and deterministic information contained in an electrocardiogram, ECG, which may
provide new sources of information with diagnostic purposes. We assume that the
ECG has information corresponding to many different processes related with the
cardiac activity as well as contamination from different sources related with
the measurement procedure and the nature of the observed system itself. The
method starts with the application of an improuved archetypal analysis to
separate the mentioned stochastic and deterministic information. From the
stochastic point of view we analyze Renyi entropies, and with respect to the
deterministic perspective we calculate the autocorrelation function and the
corresponding correlation time. We show that healthy and pathologic information
may be stochastic and/or deterministic, can be identified by different measures
and located in different parts of the ECG.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
Kaluza's theory in generalized coordinates
Maxwell's equations can be obtained in generalized coordinates by considering
the electromagnetic field as an external agent. The work here presented shows
how to obtain the electrodynamics for a charged particle in generalized
coordinates eliminating the concept of external force. Based on Kaluza's
formalism, the one here presented extends the 5x5 metric into a 6x6 space-time
giving enough room to include magnetic monopoles in a very natural way.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex. Accepted for publication in the Journal of
Matematical Physic
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