1,490 research outputs found
Stationary transport in mesoscopic hybrid structures with contacts to superconducting and normal wires. A Green's function approach for multiterminal setups
We generalize the representation of the real time Green's functions
introduced by Langreth and Nordlander [Phys. Rev. B 43 2541 (1991)] and Meir
and Wingreen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 2512 (1992)] in stationary quantum transport
in order to study problems with hybrid structures containing normal (N) and
superconducting (S) pieces. We illustrate the treatment in a S-N junction under
a stationary bias and investigate in detail the behavior of the equilibrium
currents in a normal ring threaded by a magnetic flux with attached
superconducting wires at equilibrium. We analyze the flux sensitivity of the
Andreev states and we show that their response is equivalent to the one
corresponding to the Cooper pairs with momentum q=0 in an isolated
superconducting ring.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
Efficient solutions of self-consistent mean field equations for dewetting and electrostatics in nonuniform liquids
We use a new configuration-based version of linear response theory to
efficiently solve self-consistent mean field equations relating an effective
single particle potential to the induced density. The versatility and accuracy
of the method is illustrated by applications to dewetting of a hard sphere
solute in a Lennard-Jones fluid, the interplay between local hydrogen bond
structure and electrostatics for water confined between two hydrophobic walls,
and to ion pairing in ionic solutions. Simulation time has been reduced by more
than an order of magnitude over previous methods.Comment: Supplementary material included at end of main pape
Influence of the nucleon spectral function in photon and electron induced reactions on nuclei
We study the influence of the nucleon spectral function on eta photo- and
electroproduction on nuclei. Besides kinematical effects due to groundstate
correlations, also a modification of the S11(1535) decay width is taken into
account, which is caused by the possible decay into nucleons with mass smaller
than the pole mass in the medium. Hence, resonances with masses below the free
N eta threshold can contribute to eta production.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure
On correlation between protein secondary structure, backbone bond angles, and side-chain orientations
We investigate the fine structure of the sp3 hybridized covalent bond
geometry that governs the tetrahedral architecture around the central
C carbon of a protein backbone, and for this we develop new
visualization techniques to analyze high resolution X-ray structures in Protein
Data Bank. We observe that there is a correlation between the deformations of
the ideal tetrahedral symmetry and the local secondary structure of the
protein. We propose a universal coarse grained energy function to describe the
ensuing side-chain geometry in terms of the C carbon orientations. The
energy function can model the side-chain geometry with a sub-atomic precision.
As an example we construct the C-C structure of HP35 chicken
villin headpiece. We obtain a configuration that deviates less than 0.4 \.A in
root-mean-square distance from the experimental X-ray structure
Double point contact in Quantum Hall Line Junctions
We show that multiple point contacts on a barrier separating two laterally
coupled quantum Hall fluids induce Aharonov-Bohm (AB) oscillations in the
tunneling conductance. These quantum coherence effects provide new evidence for
the Luttinger liquid behavior of the edge states of quantum Hall fluids. For a
two point contact, we identify coherent and incoherent regimes determined by
the relative magnitude of their separation and the temperature. We analyze both
regimes in the strong and weak tunneling amplitude limits as well as their
temperature dependence. We find that the tunneling conductance should exhibit
AB oscillations in the coherent regime, both at strong and weak tunneling
amplitude with the same period but with different functional form.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; new version, edited text, 2 new references;
figure 2 has been edited; new paragraph in page 1 and minor typos have been
In-Medium Effects in Photo- and Neutrino-Induced Reactions on Nuclei
In this talk various aspects of in-medium behavior of hadrons are discussed
with an emphasis on observable effects. It is stressed that final state
interactions can have a major effect on observables and thus have to be
considered as part of the theory. This is demonstrated with examples from
photo-nucleus and neutrino-nucleus interactions.Comment: Invited talk, given by U. Mosel, at MESON2006, 9-th International
Workshop on Meson Production, Interaction and Decay, June 9-13, 2006, Cracow,
The "topological" charge for the finite XX quantum chain
It is shown that an operator (in general non-local) commutes with the
Hamiltonian describing the finite XX quantum chain with certain non-diagonal
boundary terms. In the infinite volume limit this operator gives the
"topological" charge.Comment: 5 page
Boltzmann Collision Term
We derive the Boltzmann equation for scalar fields using the
Schwinger-Keldysh formalism. The focus lies on the derivation of the collision
term. We show that the relevant self-energy diagrams have a factorization
property. The collision term assumes the Boltzmann-like form of scattering
probability times statistical factors for those self-energy diagrams which
correspond to tree level scattering processes. Our proof covers scattering
processes with any number of external particles, which come from self-energy
diagrams with any number of loops.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure
A nonperturbative Real-Space Renormalization Group scheme
Based on the original idea of the density matrix renormalization group
(DMRG), i.e. to include the missing boundary conditions between adjacent blocks
of the blocked quantum system, we present a rigorous and nonperturbative
mathematical formulation for the real-space renormalization group (RG) idea
invented by L.P. Kadanoff and further developed by K.G. Wilson. This is
achieved by using additional Hilbert spaces called auxiliary spaces in the
construction of each single isolated block, which is then named a superblock
according to the original nomenclature. On this superblock we define two maps
called embedding and truncation for successively integrating out the small
scale structure. Our method overcomes the known difficulties of the numerical
DMRG, i.e. limitation to zero temperature and one space dimension.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, late
Artificial electric field in Fermi Liquids
Based on the Keldysh formalism, we derive an effective Boltzmann equation for
a quasi-particle associated with a particular Fermi surface in an interacting
Fermi liquid. This provides a many-body derivation of Berry curvatures in
electron dynamics with spin-orbit coupling, which has received much attention
in recent years in non-interacting models. As is well-known, the Berry
curvature in momentum space modifies naive band dynamics via an artificial
magnetic field in momentum space. Our Fermi liquid formulation completes the
reinvention of modified band dynamics by introducing in addition an "artificial
electric field", related to Berry curvature in frequency and momentum space. We
show explicitly how the artificial electric field affects the renormalization
factor and transverse conductivity of interacting U(1) Fermi liquids with
non-degenerate bands. Accordingly, we also propose a method of momentum
resolved Berry's curvature detection in terms of angle resolved photoemission
spectroscopy (ARPES)
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