194 research outputs found
Storing quantum dynamics in quantum states: stochastic programmable gate for U(1) operations
We show how quantum dynamics can be captured in the state of a quantum
system, in such a way that the system can be used to stochastically perform, at
a later time, the stored transformation perfectly on some other quantum system.
Thus programmable quantum gates for quantum information processing are feasible
if some probability of failure -that we show to decrease exponentially with the
size of the storing resources- is allowed.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 3 figures. Extension of quant-ph/0012067, including
several results concerning optimality of the scheme for storage of operation
Existence of an information unit as a postulate of quantum theory
Does information play a significant role in the foundations of physics?
Information is the abstraction that allows us to refer to the states of systems
when we choose to ignore the systems themselves. This is only possible in very
particular frameworks, like in classical or quantum theory, or more generally,
whenever there exists an information unit such that the state of any system can
be reversibly encoded in a sufficient number of such units. In this work we
show how the abstract formalism of quantum theory can be deduced solely from
the existence of an information unit with suitable properties, together with
two further natural assumptions: the continuity and reversibility of dynamics,
and the possibility of characterizing the state of a composite system by local
measurements. This constitutes a new set of postulates for quantum theory with
a simple and direct physical meaning, like the ones of special relativity or
thermodynamics, and it articulates a strong connection between physics and
information.Comment: Published version - 6 pages, 3 appendices, 3 figure
Device independent quantum key distribution secure against coherent attacks with memoryless measurement devices
Device independent quantum key distribution aims to provide a higher degree
of security than traditional QKD schemes by reducing the number of assumptions
that need to be made about the physical devices used. The previous proof of
security by Pironio et al. applies only to collective attacks where the state
is identical and independent and the measurement devices operate identically
for each trial in the protocol. We extend this result to a more general class
of attacks where the state is arbitrary and the measurement devices have no
memory. We accomplish this by a reduction of arbitrary adversary strategies to
qubit strategies and a proof of security for qubit strategies based on the
previous proof by Pironio et al. and techniques adapted from Renner.Comment: 13 pages. Expanded main proofs with more detail, miscellaneous edits
for clarit
Work extraction form quantum systems with bounded fluctuations in work
In the standard framework of thermodynamics work is a random variable whose average is bounded by the change in free energy of the system. This average work is calculated without regard for the size of its fluctuations. We show that for some processes, such as reversible cooling, the fluctuations in work diverge. Realistic thermal machines may be unable to cope with arbitrarily large fluctuations. Hence, it is important to understand how thermodynamic efficiency rates are modified by bounding fluctuations. We quantify the work content and work of formation of arbitrary finite dimensional quantum states when the fluctuations in work are bounded by a given amount . By varying we interpolate between the standard and min free energies. We derive fundamental trade-offs between the magnitude of work and its fluctuations. As one application of these results, we derive the corrected Carnot efficiency of a qubit heat engine with bounded fluctuations
How dynamics constrains probabilities in general probabilistic theories
We introduce a general framework for analysing general probabilistic theories, which emphasises the distinction between the dynamical and probabilistic structures of a system. The dynamical structure is the set of pure states together with the action of the reversible dynamics, whilst the probabilistic structure determines the measurements and the outcome probabilities. For transitive dynamical structures whose dynamical group and stabiliser subgroup form a Gelfand pair we show that all probabilistic structures are rigid (cannot be infinitesimally deformed) and are in one-to-one correspondence with the spherical representations of the dynamical group. We apply our methods to classify all probabilistic structures when the dynamical structure is that of complex Grassmann manifolds acted on by the unitary group. This is a generalisation of quantum theory where the pure states, instead of being represented by one-dimensional subspaces of a complex vector space, are represented by subspaces of a fixed dimension larger than one. We also show that systems with compact two-point homogeneous dynamical structures (i.e. every pair of pure states with a given distance can be reversibly transformed to any other pair of pure states with the same distance), which include systems corresponding to Euclidean Jordan Algebras, all have rigid probabilistic structures
Globally controlled quantum wires for perfect qubit transport, mirroring and computing
It is expected that quantum wires (q-wires), will be required to transport
quantum information within many quantum computer implementations. Here we
describe a new design for a q-wire with perfect transmission using a uniformly
coupled Ising spin chain subject to global (homogeneously-applied) pulses.
Besides allowing for perfect transport of single qubits, the design also yields
the perfect ``mirroring'' of multiply encoded qubits within the wire. We
further utilise this global-pulse generated perfect mirror operation as a
``clock cycle'' to perform universal quantum computation on these multiply
encoded qubits. We demonstrate the operation of single and two-qubit quantum
logic gates and show that only complete mirror cycles are required to
execute a quantum Fourier transform on qubits encoded within the q-wire.Comment: Shortened 5 pages, 4 figure
Conservation of information and the foundations of quantum mechanics
We review a recent approach to the foundations of quantum mechanics inspired
by quantum information theory. The approach is based on a general framework,
which allows one to address a large class of physical theories which share
basic information-theoretic features. We first illustrate two very primitive
features, expressed by the axioms of causality and purity-preservation, which
are satisfied by both classical and quantum theory. We then discuss the axiom
of purification, which expresses a strong version of the Conservation of
Information and captures the core of a vast number of protocols in quantum
information. Purification is a highly non-classical feature and leads directly
to the emergence of entanglement at the purely conceptual level, without any
reference to the superposition principle. Supplemented by a few additional
requirements, satisfied by classical and quantum theory, it provides a complete
axiomatic characterization of quantum theory for finite dimensional systems.Comment: 11 pages, contribution to the Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, July 28-August 6 2014, Orthodox
Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Cret
Efficient quantum key distribution secure against no-signalling eavesdroppers
By carrying out measurements on entangled states, two parties can generate a
secret key which is secure not only against an eavesdropper bound by the laws
of quantum mechanics, but also against a hypothetical "post-quantum"
eavesdroppers limited by the no-signalling principle only. We introduce a
family of quantum key distribution protocols of this type, which are more
efficient than previous ones, both in terms of key rate and noise resistance.
Interestingly, the best protocols involve large number of measurements. We show
that in the absence of noise, these protocols can yield one secret bit per
entanglement bit, implying that the key rates in the no-signalling post-quantum
scenario are comparable to the key rates in usual quantum key distribution.Comment: 11 pages, 2 color figures. v2: minor modifications, added references,
added note on the relation to quant-ph/060604
Quantum Computing on Lattices using Global Two-Qubit Gate
We study the computation power of lattices composed of two dimensional
systems (qubits) on which translationally invariant global two-qubit gates can
be performed. We show that if a specific set of 6 global two qubit gates can be
performed, and if the initial state of the lattice can be suitably chosen, then
a quantum computer can be efficiently simulatedComment: 9 page
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