343 research outputs found
Particle Spectrum of the Supersymmetric Standard Model from the Massless Excitations of a Four Dimensional Superstring
A superstring action is quantised with Neveu Schwarz(NS) and Ramond(R)
boundary conditions. The zero mass states of the NS sector are classified as
the vector gluons, W-mesons, -mesons and scalars containing Higgs. The
fifteen zero mass fermions are obtained from the Ramond sector. A space time
supersymmetric Hamiltonian of the Standard Model is presented without any
conventional SUSY particles
The Prediction of Mass of Z'-Boson from Mixing
B_q^0-B_^0 bar mixing offers a profound probe into the effects of new
physics beyond the Standard Model. In this paper, and
mass differences are considered taking the effect of both
Z-and Z' -mediated flavour-changing neutral currents in the
mixing (q = d, s). Our estimated mass of Z' boson is accessible at the
experiments LHC and B-factories in near future.Comment: 11 pages, 02 Figure
Phase Transition and Hybrid Star in a Nonlinear model
The phase transition between the nuclear matter and the quark matter is
examined. The relativistic mean field theory(RMF) is consider with interacting
nucleons and mesons using TM1 parameter set for the nuclear matter equations of
state. It is found that the trasition point depends on coupling constant
and bag pressure. From the study of the structure of a hybrid
neutron star, it is observed that the star contains quark matter in the
interior and neutron matter on the outer perifery.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phy.
The Wess-Zumino term and quantum tunneling
The significance of the Wess--Zumino term in spin tunneling is explored, and
a formula is established for the splitting of energy levels of a particle with
large fermionic spin as an applied magnetic field is switched on.Comment: Latex, 7 page
Effect of both Z and Z'-mediated flavor-changing neutral currents on the baryonic rare decay decays into
We study the effect of both Z and Z'-mediated flavor-changing neutral
currents (FCNCs) on the rare
decay. We find the branching ratio is reasonably enhanced from its standard
model value due to the effect of both Z and Z'-mediated FCNCs, and gives the
possibility of new physics beyond the standard model. The contribution of
Z'-boson depends upon the precise value of the mass of Z' boson.Comment: 14 page
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