12,131 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic conductance fluctuations in a coupled quantum dot system

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    We study the transport properties of an Aharonov-Bohm ring containing two quantum dots. One of the dots has well-separated resonant levels, while the other is chaotic and is treated by random matrix theory. We find that the conductance through the ring is significantly affected by mesoscopic fluctuations. The Breit-Wigner resonant peak is changed to an antiresonance by increasing the ratio of the level broadening to the mean level spacing of the random dot. The asymmetric Fano form turns into a symmetric one and the resonant peak can be controlled by magnetic flux. The conductance distribution function clearly shows the influence of strong fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; revised for publicatio

    Higher Order Corrections to Density and Temperature of Fermions from Quantum Fluctuations

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    A novel method to determine the density and temperature of a system based on quantum Fermionic fluctuations is generalized to the limit where the reached temperature T is large compared to the Fermi energy {\epsilon}f . Quadrupole and particle multiplicity fluctuations relations are derived in terms of T . The relevant Fermi integrals are numerically solved for any values of T and compared to the analytical approximations. The classical limit is obtained, as expected, in the limit of large temperatures and small densities. We propose simple analytical formulas which reproduce the numerical results, valid for all values of T . The entropy can also be easily derived from quantum fluctuations and give important insight for the behavior of the system near a phase transition. A comparison of the quantum entropy to the entropy derived from the ratio of the number of deuterons to neutrons gives a very good agreement especially when the density of the system is very low

    Generalization of the Poisson kernel to the superconducting random-matrix ensembles

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    We calculate the distribution of the scattering matrix at the Fermi level for chaotic normal-superconducting systems for the case of arbitrary coupling of the scattering region to the scattering channels. The derivation is based on the assumption of uniformly distributed scattering matrices at ideal coupling, which holds in the absence of a gap in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum. The resulting distribution generalizes the Poisson kernel to the nonstandard symmetry classes introduced by Altland and Zirnbauer. We show that unlike the Poisson kernel, our result cannot be obtained by combining the maximum entropy principle with the analyticity-ergodicity constraint. As a simple application, we calculate the distribution of the conductance for a single-channel chaotic Andreev quantum dot in a magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Subnormalized states and trace-nonincreasing maps

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    We investigate the set of completely positive, trace-nonincreasing linear maps acting on the set M_N of mixed quantum states of size N. Extremal point of this set of maps are characterized and its volume with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt (Euclidean) measure is computed explicitly for an arbitrary N. The spectra of partially reduced rescaled dynamical matrices associated with trace-nonincreasing completely positive maps belong to the N-cube inscribed in the set of subnormalized states of size N. As a by-product we derive the measure in M_N induced by partial trace of mixed quantum states distributed uniformly with respect to HS-measure in MN2M_{N^2}.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages, 4 Encapsuled PostScript figures, 1 tabl

    Virial Expansion of the Nuclear Equation of State

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    We study the equation of state (EOS) of nuclear matter as function of density. We expand the energy per particle (E/A) of symmetric infinite nuclear matter in powers of the density to take into account 2,3,. . .,N-body forces. New EOS are proposed by fitting ground state properties of nuclear matter (binding energy, compressibility and pressure) and assuming that at high densities a second order phase transition to the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) occurs. The latter phase transition is due to symmetry breaking at high density from nuclear matter (locally color white) to the QGP (globally color white). In the simplest implementation of a second order phase transition we calculate the critical exponent ? by using Landau's theory of phase transition. We find ? = 3. Refining the properties of the EOS near the critical point gives ? = 5 in agreement with experimental results. We also discuss some scenarios for the EOS at finite temperatures

    Abelian link invariants and homology

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    We consider the link invariants defined by the quantum Chern-Simons field theory with compact gauge group U(1) in a closed oriented 3-manifold M. The relation of the abelian link invariants with the homology group of the complement of the links is discussed. We prove that, when M is a homology sphere or when a link -in a generic manifold M- is homologically trivial, the associated observables coincide with the observables of the sphere S^3. Finally we show that the U(1) Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery invariant of the manifold M is not a function of the homology group only, nor a function of the homotopy type of M alone.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Extension of the Wu-Jing equation of state (EOS) for highly porous materials: thermoelectron based theoretical model

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    A thermodynamic equation of state (EOS) for thermoelectrons is derived which is appropriate for investigating the thermodynamic variations along isobaric paths. By using this EOS and the Wu-Jing (W-J) model, an extended Hugoniot EOS model is developed which can predict the compression behavior of highly porous materials. Theoretical relationships for the shock temperature, bulk sound velocity, and the isentrope are developed. This method has the advantage of being able to model the behavior of porous metals over the full range of applicability of pressure and porosity, whereas methods proposed in the past have been limited in their applicability.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, appeared at J. Appl. Phys. 92, 5924 (2002

    On Tractable Exponential Sums

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    We consider the problem of evaluating certain exponential sums. These sums take the form ∑x1,...,xn∈ZNef(x1,...,xn)2πi/N\sum_{x_1,...,x_n \in Z_N} e^{f(x_1,...,x_n) {2 \pi i / N}} , where each x_i is summed over a ring Z_N, and f(x_1,...,x_n) is a multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. We show that the sum can be evaluated in polynomial time in n and log N when f is a quadratic polynomial. This is true even when the factorization of N is unknown. Previously, this was known for a prime modulus N. On the other hand, for very specific families of polynomials of degree \ge 3, we show the problem is #P-hard, even for any fixed prime or prime power modulus. This leads to a complexity dichotomy theorem - a complete classification of each problem to be either computable in polynomial time or #P-hard - for a class of exponential sums. These sums arise in the classifications of graph homomorphisms and some other counting CSP type problems, and these results lead to complexity dichotomy theorems. For the polynomial-time algorithm, Gauss sums form the basic building blocks. For the hardness results, we prove group-theoretic necessary conditions for tractability. These tests imply that the problem is #P-hard for even very restricted families of simple cubic polynomials over fixed modulus N

    Walls in supersymmetric massive nonlinear sigma model on complex quadric surface

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    The Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) multiwall solutions are constructed in a massive Kahler nonlinear sigma model on the complex quadric surface, Q^N=SO(N+2)/[SO(N)\times SO(2)] in 3-dimensional space-time. The theory has a non-trivial scalar potential generated by the Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction from the massless nonlinear sigma model on Q^N in 4-dimensional space-time and it gives rise to 2[N/2+1] discrete vacua. The BPS wall solutions connecting these vacua are obtained based on the moduli matrix approach. It is also shown that the moduli space of the BPS wall solutions is the complex quadric surface Q^N.Comment: 42 pages, 30 figures, typos corrected, version to appear in PR
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